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We’re Talking Yoga Pants (Seriously)

yoga pants

Today I want to talk about yoga pants AND a solution.

Yep. You read that right. Yoga pants.

So, what’s the big deal about yoga pants?

Well, I recently saw an article in USA Today that highlighted the body shaming that is prevalent in today’s society . . . this time, specifically around yoga pants.

In sleepy Barrington, Rhode Island on October 23, 2016, over 300 women and several men marched in protest of a critical letter to the editor in the local paper addressing “women of a certain age, ” i.e., any female over 21, wearing yoga pants in public.

One woman – Jaime Burke – took exception to the man’s judgmental statements and took action against another example of body shaming from a man in the media.

To her great surprise, her peaceful protest march in her neighborhood expanded from the 50 friends she expected to hundreds of supporters.

Body Confidence Catches On!

Thanks to viral media exposure, the women’s declaration of body confidence in their choices spread all over the country and around the world. Other women and men staged their protest marches in Australia, Texas, and other places around the world.

The History Of Body Shaming…

Body shaming

Body shaming has been happening for quite some time now.

After centuries of being dictated to by arbiters of fashion, mostly men, this century introduced a much-needed backlash from the previously passive women who accepted the unrealistic standards without comment. It takes just one courageous woman to assert her right to wear comfortable, appropriate clothing in public to influence women around the world.

The peaceful protest emphasized women’s rights to wear clothing they chose, rather than clothing chosen for them by an impersonal media. There is strength in numbers. As individuals, we may lack the body confidence to choose comfort over media pressure to conform.

However, women around the world are rejecting the need for an ideal body to be accepted. It’s never too late to join the international movement of support for women’s right to be different in size, shape, and age.

What Can We Do About It?

Well, as you can tell, I’ve been thinking about and researching body shaming a lot lately . . . and I’ve made it my mission to mentor any and all men & women who are ready to overcome this obstacle.

To that end . . . I’ve written a popular ebook, Five Easy Steps to a Better Body Image. 2nd edition 

It shares all the information the reader needs to get past the decades of body shaming we’ve grown up believing.

It’s time to take control, take charge of becoming the confident woman our body wants us to be.

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