
"Your body only wants the best for both of you."

Which one sounds like you?

Today, I’ve got two quick stories for you.  Which one sounds more like you?   

The Elizabeth Scenario

You have the whole day off to do whatever you want.  You wake up, have some breakfast, drink some coffee and then settle for a long day of sewing and Law and Order.     You know you need to run a few errands and pick up the house and you keep telling yourself, “Just thirty more minutes, then I’ll get to that stuff…”       (…but you never do…)

The Susan Scenario

You wake up on a Saturday morning and you know that today is the day.  You’ve put it off long enough, and it’s time to settle down and do the taxes.    You start working and take little breaks here and there to chat with your husband, grab a glass of water, watch 10 minutes of a TV show, etc.  You’re creating some space to get away from what you’re working on, to free your mind and to see it with new eyes. 

After about three hours, you’re done with the taxes, you’re in a great mood, and you fix yourself some lunch.  The work is done and you did it on your own terms.

Which one sounds more like you?  There are pros and cons to both, obviously.  

Some people prefer to dive into something and work away at it for hours at a time.  Others like to chop up their work and give themselves breaks throughout the day.

The first group of people might get more stuff done, but be in a bad mood at the end of the day.  The other group of people might not get as much done, but be in a great mood at the end of the day.  

But what if you could have both?

If you want to hear more about how that’s possible, sign up for one of my April teleclasses.

