
"Did you bring your body with you?"

Which Body Knowledge Style Are You?

Are things out of sync? Its time to know your Body Knowledge Style ©

When exercising, are you:Out of Sync

(pick two)

  1. Inspirational
  2. Organized
  3. Spontaneous
  4. Analytical?

Chances are you have tried programs in each of the four Body Knowledge Styles without knowing which style you are.

As soon as you know your style, you can design your own program.

  • You are Analytical if researching types of movement is your preference.
  • You are Organized if moving at a certain time everyday is where you’re most comfortable.
  • You are Spontaneous if you like singing in the rain at any time.
  • And you are Inspirational if moving to music is important to you.

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So based on those definitions, tell me what style you think you are.

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