
"Your body only wants the best for both of you."

Where did all the trolls come from?


Thanks to some popular, successful celebrities, Ashley Graham, Tara Banks, Amy Schumer, Melissa McCarthy, who look more like we do than the ultra-thin, very young women we see on screen and in magazines, a new appreciation for our bodies has replaced the harsh criticism from media pressure to conform to an unrealistic ideal.

So, where did the trolls come from?

Who gave them permission to inflict their opinions on you?

As soon as you posted your face, your body, yourself visually online you exposed your vulnerability to those who take pleasure from putting others down. Mistaken, they believe the negative energy they put into bullying you will somehow convert to positive energy propping them up.

Not so. Whether you accept the Law of Attraction or not does not change the reality of negative energy having any effect on its target, rather it always reflects on the troll who created it.

Every time a troll’s target accepts the comment as true, or worse sends a nasty barb back, it increases the effect of the original nastiness on both parties.

Instead of reacting in kind, try no reaction at all.

That does not imply agreement or acceptance, rather refusal to react at all.

It’s an eastern concept to simply step aside and allow the missile to pass you by, and it works!

Eventually, no reaction will rid you of the troll and its energy.

Not so easy, you say.

No, nothing worthwhile ever is.

The outcome you want is to stop feeling bad about yourself as your real response to the troll attack. The Law of Attraction provides one solution, the Body Knowledge System® provides a long-term solution to body shaming, and all other troll attacks.

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