
"As we recognize our body's intelligence and wisdom, we are in integrity."

What are your 3 Body Confidence Compliments today?

fear of shopping

With the rising focus on women taking back their power and promoting the acceptance of every body type in today’s culture, one of the popular techniques promoted by the leaders of the movement is to look into a full length mirror in the morning and come up with three nice things to tell yourself, your body, your BFF.

After practicing the Body Knowledge System® for a short time, it’s easy to get past the resentment you feel when looking at individual parts that used to frustrate you by their appearance. Why? Because the Body Knowledge System® is a holistic approach to your place in the world and discourages any judgment on particulars.

Yours or anyone else’s.

By trying to conform to what others’ believe to compliment, we are falling back into the “Barbie Doll” mentality of feminine beauty popular in the last century. The cultural pressure caused so much pain for all of us who attempted to live up to the impossible dream of re-shaping ourselves to a doll who, if real, would be a freak of nature, it’s past time to enter the 21st Century.

So what are your three sincere compliments today when you see yourself in the mirror this morning?

The Body Knowledge System® doesn’t restrict this technique to a full-length mirror, as you know what your body looks like, so any mirror that reflects you will do. For instance, even on a bad hair day, the color becomes you. Plus, your smile always inspires a positive response. And last, but not least, that indication of you as a happy, positive person always gets your day off to a good, no great start!

That’s body confidence!

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