
"Allow your Body’s wisdom to take center stage in your dance of life."

Up with Leptin to Lose Weight!


As we discussed on Tuesday, understanding some of the hormones that aid or detract from our weight regulation efforts is part of our overall Body Knowledge. Understanding the roles of each hormone is already present in our body, but as her BFF we owe her awareness of the actions of those hormones. Too much of one, too little of the other will alter your metabolism in unfavorable ways.

If your objective is to lose weight, help your body along by feeling full after a satisfactory input of food. In other words, enhance the release Leptin not only by how much you choose to eat, but also what you choose.

There is an ironic twist to the balance between these two hormones: you have an ideal appestat set point, when you have exceeded it (ignoring your body’s signals to stop eating NOW!, or making consistently bad food choices, or comfort binging rather than responding to hunger signals) with a weight gain. Your appestat will re-set to accommodate the excess weight.


In this case: more is less.

The more weight you gain, the less leptin will be released to tell your body to STOP eating!

Find out more than you want to know at the website listed above. And how the Body Knowledge System® is the simple solution to restoring the balance between Ghrelin and Leptor.

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