
"Dance is the hidden language of the Soul."

Ugly Bridesmaids Make the Bride Beautiful…


Have you been asked to be in a friend’s wedding this year?

Beyond the expense of a dress, hair, makeup, gifts, parties, and travel if it’s a “destination” wedding, is the assault on your ego if you think the only reason you are included is to make the bride look good.

Ok that sounds cynical, because it is cynical—and if that’s your first reaction to the “honor” it’s not the bride’s problem, it’s yours!

It’s about your Body Confidence, or lack of it.

Time to turn the page on your self-esteem journal, because this is the one time in your life that the worse you look is a gift to your friend whose day it really is!

Your job is to frame the bride for her special moment in the spotlight.

Of course, we know all women are competitive. You don’t see the groomsmen worrying about the fit of their rented tuxes, do you? However, the bridesmaids are not in a beauty contest, as the bride has already won the day!

This may be the ONLY DAY in your adult life when body confidence is totally irrelevant! So relax, climb into that ugly, and probably expensive bridesmaid’s dress destined for the donation bag the following week, and party on!

For the other 364 days of the year, when your body confidence journal reflects your self esteem’s ups and downs, create more ups than downs with a quick call to Coach Stephanie Wood, your body confidence champion!

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