
"Allow your Body’s wisdom to take center stage in your dance of life."

Too Much Body in your Body Image?


The week between Christmas and New Year brings body consciousness to the forefront. Parties and events pull  out the dressy, sexy outfits from your closet. Opening packages containing pants or tops in sizes that may have fit last year, are a little snug this year.

Whoa! Don’t rush to exchange them!

As we discussed in an earlier post, sizes are artificial, inconsistent, and inaccurate as to your body, particularly your body image! Instead of trying to fit your ego and your body into a piece of fabric created by someone who doesn’t know or care about you, consult your BFF, your body for an accurate assessment of your Body Confidence!

When you dance your practice, and practice your dance, your natural state of body confidence returns in a flash. The size is not the issue, maybe the color doesn’t flatter, or the cut is wrong for your figure, the label indicating size is the LAST thing to look at when trying on a gift.

Contact Coach Stephanie to learn how to dance your practice before returning those gifts!

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