
"The magic of motion opens the way to share emotions between you & your body."

Take Action to Conquer Body Image Anxiety!

mind body

The Body Knowledge System® won’t eliminate self-conscious moments, instead as soon as you learn my system and practice the parts that work for you, you will TAKE ACTION to deal with the anxiety and restore you and your body to normal.

What is your “normal”?

One of the many useful techniques available to those of us who practice the Body Knowledge System® regularly, is knowing what is “normal” for us. When I say, “us” I refer to each of my clients in the plural, because my system applies to the two of you who make up the total package: You!

Without getting into the metaphysical aspects of individual’s compositions, I deal with your mind and your body as one unit. Many of my clients complain to me that they live totally in their heads, so my insistence in acknowledging their body’s contribution to their lives meets with resistance. Those who object the loudest are the same women who haven’t given a moment’s positive thought to their physical sides in years, if not decades.

Mind-Body = Body-Mind Connection.

Much has been written about the mind-body connection, so I won’t belabor the point. Suffice it to say, my Body Knowledge System® sprang from that proven principle. Even for those of you who already believe you acknowledge that connection, my research indicates the need to go beyond mere acknowledgement and acceptance onto take ACTION to create a true connection, by establishing mutual communication channels.


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