
"Speak up for your body!"


Although she lost her lawsuit against a Silicon Valley venture capital firm in 2015, Ellen K. Pao came back strong to rid all workplaces of discrimination and sexual harassment. Hailed by Time Magazine as the “Face of Change” her message overcame negative assaults and retaliation for her courage and confidence in challenging the status quo in Silicon Valley and beyond.

As CEO of Reddit, Ms. Pao took on the negative trolling present in Social Media. Her company is on alert for personal attacks on individuals based on gender, sexual orientation, religion, or body image. The result of all of her activism is the recent publication of her personal and professional story, “Reset” My Fight for Inclusion and Lasting Change.”

What does that mean for the rest of us?

Most of us lack her education, expertise, and yes, intelligence to create her accomplishments, but ALL of us have her capacity for courage and the confidence it takes to express it personally and professionally.

All it takes is one of us to inspire all of us!

Thank you, Ellen K Pao!

Now it’s our turn.

What can you do to take your first step to Body Confidence today?

Call Coach Stephanie.


Experts agree that confidence is the key to success. If you believe you can, you can. And the reverse is also true! So, the first step to getting what you want is believing you can have it.

I can already hear your comment, “Yes, but…”

The “but” is the barrier.

The phrase following the “but” is your indication of what prevents you from getting what you want. What are your words following the “but”?

For every word you utter denying you your dreams, your body has a creative answer allowing you to achieve your dreams.

If you think that your creativity resides only in your brain, you are limiting your possibilities….
Your body has wisdom she wants you to explore.

Call Coach Stephanie

Project Runway’s New Look: Real Bodies, Real Women, and Real Life


Hi, it’s Body Confidence Coach Stephanie here!

I’m in the business of helping women love their bodies. When Project Runway recently announced they’d have models size 0-22 walking their runway this season, I considered it a huge media win!

Finally, this popular show recognized that a runway full of impossibly thin models wasn’t healthy. As Heidi Klum said on this season’s first episode, a truly gifted designer must be able to dress women as they appear in the real world: a diverse range of shapes and sizes.


You as a Runway Model


Can you imagine what it would have been like to work as a runway model on previous seasons?

My guess is…you can.

Maybe your paycheck doesn’t depend on your pant size, but does your sense of self-worth? Your confidence level when you walk into a room and Your ability to feel worthy in relationships?


How I Can Help

If you identified with any of the above, The Body Knowledge System® is for you.

I use my Body Knowledge methodology to help you stop resisting you own Self Confidence and body worthiness.

One of my favorite sections of the Body Knowledge System® Playbook talks about your Body’s voice. As you have internalized the pressure to look a certain way, you’ve become estranged to your own body’s voice and begun to listen to the voice of the media, your peers and other outside pressures.

Maybe you’ve tried to improve your body image before, with little success. That’s because you haven’t truly joined forces with your body.


Try this Simple Practice


You might be able to say, “I am alive” while you’re sitting down, but when you say those same words as you move from sitting to standing, they feel more powerful, don’t they? That’s because you joined forces with your body!

The Body Knowledge System® will teach you to live your life with that same energy. You’ll no longer dictate over your body, you’ll learn to dance with her. This dance will allow you to pursue your life’s passions with joy.

What Are You Waiting For!?!

Project Runway has recognized that it’s time for models to listen to their own voices, not the voice of the industry.

Size 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22 models will have the body confidence necessary to successfully model in front of a nationally televised audience.

Now, it’s your turn. Whatever size or shape you are, why not take advantage of my simple, sustainable tools and techniques.

Practicing the Body Knowledge System® will release your inner body confidence and rock your life like it’s your very own runway.

 Gift :FREE ebook now

Better yet, contact me- Coach Stephanie, to start your strut down the runway of your life!


As with most radical dieting programs, the recent solution to weight loss is to simply not eat anything, ok, almost anything every other day. Now that the experts have had time to study the effectiveness of starving, or cutting out over 75% of your daily caloric intake on alternating days the results are not promising for this latest trend in self-denial.

As reported in the August, 2017 issue of Consumer Reports “Health” magazine, a University of Illinois at Chicago study looked at the eating habits of 100 overweight men and women. The alternate day fasters restricted their daily calorie intake to 25% on fasting days, however it rose to 125% on non-fast days, another third ate 75% of their usual calories every day, and the final third ate as usual.  At the end of a year, the alternate group lost 6% of their body weight, the conventional dieters lost 5.3%, about the same results. However, the alternative day dieters had a hard time following that procedure, and the bad news is the rise in their LDL or bad cholesterol numbers!

If you befriend your body, you’ll know what works for you. Try the latest promotion if you feel like it, just remember to include your body in the decision, not just the results!

To find out how, contact Coach Stephanie!


Project Runway’s new policies toward real women (see Previous Blog Post) inspired me to change my thinking about the runway as the platform for fashion icons aka human hangers for clothing tailored to impossibly thin bodies.

Those models don’t just walk on the runway, they strut down the narrow path in front of critical eyes judging the clothing they wear. Of course, if the designers’ creations do not fit perfectly, then the observations include the women wearing the presentation. Hence the human hangers rather than real life, off the rack bodies who purchase their knock offs, or mass produced and altered to fit clothing available in the retail outlets.

There is no reason each of us can’t walk the runways in our lives as if they were funways, i.e. happy paths toward our future. When we adapt an attitude of fun and optimism toward our daily activities, we convert the slump and stumble into a stride and strut.

This pays additional dividends in what comes our way, as well.

You put good vibes out, you get acceptance and approval back. It’s nature’s way of encouragement!

So give it a try!

Practice the Body Knowledge System® to release your inner body confidence and join us on the FUNWAY of life!


We who practice the Body Knowledge System® celebrate our most recent media win!

Body Confidence has made its way to Prime Time! After 18 years catering to the media pressure to shame any of us who are not runway models, this popular show has accepted the reality of women’s bodies; beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, and there are talented, creative designers willing to enhance their acceptance in today’s society.

This season of the popular Lifetime cable show acknowledges there is more to being attractive than a small clothing size on an undernourished body! The familiar faces return to host the fashion competition, but this years’ design challenge requires creating attractive clothing for a wide range of women’s sizes, from size 0 to size 22.

No longer restricted to the undersized, genetically gifted women and young adults who are ideal clothes hangers for manufacturers’ sales numbers, the competitors will design for real women’s bodies.  When taken from the runway to the funway of everyday life, the consumer realized she didn’t look the same as the woman who modeled the dress, suit, or pants.

Those size 12, 14,16,18, 20 and 22 models will have the body confidence necessary to successfully model those custom designs in front of a nationally televised audience. When walking the runway, they practice the body knowledge system with the body confidence their way, the FUNWAY!

Project Runway is now Project Funway:

Body Confidence for All!


Actually, “What You Ate” is the title of a new book by historian, Laura Shapiro.  She quotes philosopher-gourmand Brillat-Savarin in her introduction, “Tell me what you eat, and I shall tell you what you are” as the impetus of her examining the foods, preparations, and environment of 6 women of history. Writers, and activists, and one famous mistress are the subject matter of her examination of these women and how their behavior around food reflected their lives.

She continues with her intense desire to ask them about their relationship to the food they chose when shopping, consumed, prepared, and the reasons behind their choices. What purpose did it serve them to make the selections they did and what were the results of those choices? Did the outcome justify the efforts they put into the process, if not, then why not?

The three (of the six) most famous women were Hitler’s mistress, Eva Braun, FDR’s spouse, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Helen Gurley Brown, revolutionary editor of Cosmopolitan.

So what does this have to do with modern women and our relationship to food and what that says about us?

Absolutely NOTHING!

Since this is an examination of diseased women from a bygone era, the subject matter begs a more modern treatment as our obsession with food and how we relate to it has increased over the years. Until that study is done officially, we have a wonderful resource available to us today: our own body.

One theme remains current: except for professional chefs, food remains the province of women. What we choose for ourselves, our families, and why.

The amount of time we spend daily on and around food: selection, preparation, service, clean up, planning for the next meal far exceeds any other preoccupation.

With that in mind, we can save time, effort, and any future recriminations when we consult our body prior to making any choice surrounding food.

Using the tools of the Body Knowledge System® we accomplish everything we need to know in a fast, efficient conversation with our body.


Contact Coach Stephanie now!



If we all loved our bodies, there would be no need for this book or any other on weight management and avoided the drama around food all women experience at some time in their lives.

“Body Love” a new book by author, nutritionist, and health specialist to the stars tells us all we need to know in the subtitle: “Live in Balance, Weigh What You Want, and Free Yourself from Food Drama Forever.” Before writing this book, Kelly Leveque researched the science behind familiar diets in order to increase her understanding why and how they affect the body’s loss of pounds. In doing so, she discovered why they aren’t sustainable.

Frankly, it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out:

  1. Low calorie diets work, of course they work if you can ignore the hunger always associated with them.
  2. Low carbohydrate diets work as long as you can stand eating all of the things you were told in high school not to eat exclusively if you want to live past 50. ( I personally love butter, bacon, cheese, eggs—but exclusively? Forever? Not so much.)
  3. Nothing with eyes: Does that include black-eyed peas, potatoes?
  4. Nothing white, hmmm. I supposed they mean bread, pasta, potatoes, sugar. Ok, so black bread, veggie pasta, sweet potatoes, and brown sugar must be ok, right?

Ok, we get the picture. Diets do not work. Tell us something we don’t know: The Body Knowledge System® does work.

BKS works because it’s a system, not a dictation of what you can not do or eat. The system teaches you to do what Kelly Leveque recommends in her new book.

From the Amazon review: “Instead, she offers a better choice: her four-step Food Freedom program that helps you find your wellness balance between eating enough and deciding how you feel. Once you find your balance, you will lose weight, lose fat, increase lean muscle mass, and drop at least one size. You’ll also enjoy thicker, shinier hair; clear, glowing skin; a remarkable improvement in your overall well-being.”

It’s that italicized phrase that is the essence of the Body Knowledge System®

deciding how you feel” And how does that happen?

Ask your BFF, your body!

Contact Stephanie for more information.

size 0

According to my research, sizes 0 and 00 are vanity sizes, period.

Great News! The current size 0 is equivalent to a size 2 in 2001, and is LARGER than a size 6 in 1970, or a size 8 in 1958!

As with most fashion, the concept of a size 0 for runway models began in Europe as did the resistance to the ridiculous concept of applying a clothing size found in the crib to growing and adult women! In her article for the Daily online, Dawn Porter writes about her quest for a size 0 in 2007. She details the thrill she felt zipping up her “skinny” jeans, size 8, on her normally size 12 body. It was an aha! Moment for her as she reflects on the foolishness of reacting to an arbitrary number on a clothing label.

Fashion favorite and designer, Posh formerly of the Spice Girls, who wears a “0” has banned models who are that small from wearing her designs on the runway, citing the rise in anorexia among that profession. Even Milan and Paris refuse to hire models whose BMIs are dangerously low.

Rejoice Body Confidence followers, validation has reached our shores!

For more information, and a fun-filled conversation, contact Coach Stephanie today!


While thumbing through by USA Today last week, I found a link to a Lane Bryant commercial announcing Skinny Jeans for their customers. Hmmm, I thought Lane Bryant catered to plus size persons, so where do “skinny jeans” fit into this picture?

So I checked out the ads on Utube and was thrilled to see women of all shapes and sizes rockin’ and rolling to some original background music that fit the celebration they experienced wearing “skinny jeans” designed especially for them!

Because Body Confidence is the new skinny, every woman can wear “skinny jeans” with pride. No longer reserved for the size “0”s, thanks to new clothing lines with designers, fabrics, and manufacturers embracing the reality of today’s modern woman.

Lane Bryant Super Stretch Skinny Jean TV Commercial, ‘New Skinny …

And since when is a size 14 a plus size?

Marilyn Monroe was a size 14 at the top of her popularity a few decades ago, and today it’s the size most American women wear, so how did “average” become “plus”?

It’s time to push back against those who try to make us ashamed of our now “plus” size bodies, with body confidence there’s just more of us to love!

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