
"Allow your Body’s wisdom to take center stage in your dance of life."

Strategy #1:

Use your thoughts wisely. Understand that your thoughts have power. Thoughts have a tendency to become their physical equivalent. This is one of the fundamental laws of the universe.

Another one is the law of attraction, which states that ‘like attracts like.’

Because it is consciousness that creates reality, the kind of consciousness you hold, your vibration, actually creates the kind of life you’re living.

A Formula for you to explore:

Is a thought to a feeling to a behavior to a result.

So how does this relate to moving with your body everyday?

Well, For example:

When my body hears me say: I feel fat today! well, Then that thought becomes a feeling, and both of us feel heavy so then, I am not motivated to move with my body (behavior); I become unconscious and

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the result is that I go back to my computer (result) and ignore my body and we both feel even more sluggish. Egad!

Versus this scenario:

So let’s ‘re-frame your thought’

And think of a positive word or phrase:

(Opposite of fat = may be light) I feel light…the thought becomes a feeling: I feel lighter with my body so I want to move my body and the behavior/result is that I put on some music and walk around the house or go outside with my body for a walk.

I encourage you to practice this exercise above and see how your body becomes liberated to move and Lo and Behold: you are in integrity with your body. See how she/he responds to your renewed attention. You both will skip down the yellow brick road with joy!

Your body already knows everything you need to know to get what you want in life. You were born knowing everything you need to know to make you happy. Your body still has that knowledge, and she’s ready, willing and able to share all of your body’s knowledge with you.

As soon as you

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become aware of the vast store of knowledge available when you re-establish the relationship with your body, you will feel the difference! Pay attention to the lightness in your step, to the spontaneous smile on your face, to the warmth you radiate at work and at play.

Relationship is the first Body Knowledge Principle. Most of us know what a great relationship feels like, right? Well, here is your chance to bring your body into your home with your family and friends and colleagues. Doesn’t she give you the help you need while you are doing your work/play? Well, in any good relationship, we reciprocate. So what can you do for her today?

After Body knowledge, you have a secret—one that everyone in the BodyAwe Community shares with each other—and with you, as soon as you join us in our practice of the Body Knowledge System.

How will you know?

Ask your body.

She always tells the truth.

A mini-test to determine whether your position is your passion:

Stand up in the center of your room, your space.  Take a deep breath—all the way to the bottom of your abdomen, then purse your lips and exhale slowly in an “O” until every molecule of air leaves your body.

1) Think of your job, work, profession.

2) Move with the thought.

3) Observe your movement, your dance.

Write down your impressions and how your body felt, preferably in your Body Knowledge Journal.

Place the date on the page, because you’ll want to refer back to your impressions later in your practice of the Body Knowledge System.

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