
"Your body speaks up for you when you do not speak up for yourself."

listen to your bodyHey there,

It’s Coach Stephanie, and this week I’m here to tell you that Body Talk 101 (from Body Knowledge System ®) is NOT the same thing as Body Language.

If you’re interested in learning more about Body Language, you can choose from hundreds of books on Amazon that cover that topic.

But what we’re doing here is Body Talk 101, from my Body Knowledge System®.

Allow me to elaborate.




Body Talk refers to the direct exchange of information between you and your body.

Your body is your best friend, and conversational Body Talk® gives you a way of communicating with your body to bring about immediate, tangible, material, and positive CHANGE!

But first you must (re)establish the intimate contact with your body that you were born with….

So let’s cover the basics of how you do my BKS ® Body Talk exercise:

This week’s BKS ® Wisdom Within teaches us about Body Talk…

  • Body Talk refers to the direct exchange of information between you and your body.
  • Body Talk is sharing & listening to hopes & wishes with your best friend, your body.
  • Body Talk inspires Body Action to guarantee Body Confidence


No additional bullet today. Instead of reading about taking action, why not schedule a time that I can help you practice this Body Talk technique?






This is important because with me as your Coach, we can facilitate this conversation so that the two of you are truly clear with your intentions for both of you. It is this conversation in the moment which makes it truly profound.

The Body Talk Basics are meant to be experienced, not just read about! So click the link below to get started with your no-cost conversation with me.

Click here to get started .

Why not also join our online community?


This online community creates a safe place to regain your Self Esteem through a sustainable system of body knowledge and your body’s wisdom. It’s a lot of fun!

Here’s how to join this private, no-cost google + group:

1. Use this form to contact me and enter “Google Plus Group” in the comments.

2. Then look for my personalized invitation to join us! [Body Confidence Community with Stephanie Wood]

Talk to you soon,


Body Image

Over the next few months, I’ll be releasing a brand new article series about body image.

There are several factors that can impact how we view ourselves

Whether it’s close relationships, the media, how you see yourself in the mirror, or how much you eat and move… we are constantly bombarded with messages about how we look and who we are.

And when we’re honest….lots of those messages are pretty negative and they leave us feeling poorly about ourselves.

I am in the position to help change this!

Beginning today, you have two options when you are struggling with bad body image:

  1. Wait for the help you need, as I’ll be releasing these brand new articles over the coming months.


  1. Contact me today for the help that you need. I’ll even take $50 off your first consultation!

Here’s to you starting to love your body sooner rather than later!


mind body

When you’re hungry or tired, do you listen to your body or to your mind first?

Here are a couple of examples so you know what I mean.


Scenario #1: When to Eat

Your body says: I’m hungry!

Your mind says: You’re going out to dinner in an hour and a half! You know you’re not supposed to eat before dinner!

Your body says: But I ran errands, worked out, and cleaned up the house!  I’m not gonna make it over here!

Your mind says: Please just hold out and wait for your Supper.
Who wins?


Scenario #2: When to Rest.

Your body says: I’m tired!

Your mind says: Tired? We have a plan, remember? You told me you’d walk the dog today!

Your body says: But I’ve walked the dog six days in a row! It’s Sunday, and I want a break!

Your mind says: A break? Are you kidding me? Get that word out of your vocabulary. We’ve gotta go, go, go!
Who wins this one?

Interesting scenarios huh? So what would you do if I told you I can help you make those negotiations with your mind and body a much easier process?

Yes, you are one in the same with your mind, body and spirit but each one has a different objective.  The Body Knowledge System™ can help you.  Contact me with your challenge and we can set up a free Healthier You Consultation at your convenience.

Learn how to answer this question for yourself – when I am hungry or tired, I will listen to _________.


I believe we have a love/hate relationship with the number on our scale so I invite you to take my Body Image Survey and share your tips for changing your relationship with your scale.

But first here are my three tips to stop your love/hate relationship with the number on your scale.

  1. 1. When you say: “Oh My God! I cannot bear to look at the number on the scale!”
  2. Tip: Don’t look! Move around and dance with your body and enjoy how she (he) feels. 
  3. 2. When I see the number on the scale, I make a judgment that it is not to my liking!
  4. Tip: Acknowledge that your body may enjoy being at this specific weight but become more aware of your food portions 
  5. 3. I feel my clothes are a ‘scale’ as well….so does that make me less of a person with what I am in the world?
  6. Tip: Your body is your best friend and having a relationship with her (him) will bring you closer to how you want to present yourself in the world in the clothes you feel most comfortable in.

Bonus Tip: Look in the mirror and notice how you feel in that outfit. Your body is your best friend and having a relationship with her will bring you closer to acknowledging how she looks in the mirror and how you feel…versus fixating on ‘the number’

Love your scale

If you have a 4th tip, I’d love to hear it and in return I’ll give you a strategic healthier you consultation for free!

But you can take control today and I can help you get there!

I invite you to take this quick Body Image Survey so that you can become clearer.

The way you see yourself is not merely an issue of physicality. It involves the total you: Body, Mind, and Spirit. The numbers on the scale are objective. They provide standards of measurement. So, why do we let ourselves feel so awful over a number?

Free yourself from what is holding you back from being happy with YOU!


How big of an impact do these numbers have on the way you see yourself?

If these numbers are bringing you down, please read on!
From birth, we’ve been sized up by numbers. Right after you get a name, you get a height and weight.

And from then on, numbers continue to play an integral role throughout your lifetime.

Whether it’s your mom’s opinion of how you look, or your doctor telling you to lower your cholesterol (not saying you should not watch your blood test numbers), the numbers keep popping up.

But today, you can take control. And I can help you get there.

Send me your ‘number’ challenge and I will gift you a Healthier You consultation…for free!

The way you see yourself is not merely an issue of physicality. It involves the total you: Body, Mind, and Spirit. I invite you to take tis quick Body Image Survey so that you can become clearer.

Numbers are objective. Numbers provide standards of measurement.
So, why do we let ourselves feel so awful over a number?

For instance, how do you feel every morning after stepping on the scale in the bathroom?

You have an ideal number in your head, so if your scale doesn’t reflect that number, does that put you in a bad mood for the rest of your day? Why is that number important for your body image?

Wait! Let’s address that in the comments below or with a conversation over the phone.

Free yourself from what is holding you back from being happy with YOU!

Body Image

When you see your reflection in a mirror, you evaluate the image looking back at you based on the feelings you have at that moment. Those feelings determine your reaction to what you see. Your reflection, your image, is a result of your feelings about your appearance, not the objective image in the mirror.

You may think your reflection is about your physique, your body when in fact that’s only part of story.  The real story comes from the rest of you, within you.

Before looking at yourself in another mirror, before stepping on another scale, before considering radical diets or exercise programs, before scheduling surgery, please consider alternatives to your negative reaction at your reflection.

The next time you look in a mirror, I want you to see yourself in a completely wonderful way.

So, where do we begin?

If you’re reading this, because you’re reading this, you are ready to elevate your self-esteem, raise your body image, and share your special self with the world.  Please take this brief Body Image Survey.  It may surprise and enlighten you.


Dog's life

I got a beautiful dog a few months ago. His name is Copper and he’s pure bred Akita.  He’s a wonderful companion and I’m so glad that we decided to get him.  Copper’s got a routine.  In the morning, he wants his food . . . and he wants it first thing.  And guess what?  He gets his food, every single morning.  His body knows what he needs and I make sure that he gets it.

However – I’ve found that women don’t treat themselves as well as they take care of their animals’ needs and desires.

I mean, think about it . . . how many times have you missed your own breakfast?  Animals have daily routines.  They know what their bodies need, and they act accordingly.  Somewhere along the way, we’ve stopped paying attention to our own bodies.  For example:

How many times have you been sitting at your desk, working away, while your body screams:  “Take a break! Walk around!  Use the restroom!  Get a snack!”

Again, our bodies know what we need.  But we’ve taught ourselves to ignore our bodies and thereby, create unhealthy routines.

My dog – Copper – knows what he needs.  But he needs me, his owner, to help him implement.  He can’t the open door to let himself out and he can’t drive to the store to get more food when we run out.  He needs me for that.


In the same way, you need someone who will help you learn how to listen to your body once again . . . and not just listen, but ACT on what you’re hearing.  You need a partnership with a coach.

That’s where I come in!  For 20 years, I’ve helped women learn to listen to their bodies…to give them what they need… oh, and lose weight in the process (if appropriate).

If you’re interested in partnering with me, send me an email today.  We’ll schedule a free 20 minute consultation and go from there!

Isn’t it time you learn to live a dog’s life?

Did you know that your body wants to talk to you? This is a conversation started a long time ago. Your Body Knowledge began at birth but time and technology throughout our lives have silenced those ongoing conversations.

Body Talk

Those intimate exchanges are necessary for our growth, maintain our health, and make good life choices. That kind of communication enhances our well-being every day of our life. When we allow distractions, or interference from societal demands, or look outside of ourselves for answers to challenges, we regret our actions based on the answers we receive from web searches, psychics, television “experts,” or APPS.

When we replace our gut reaction with information gathered from impersonal sources, we discover “one size” rarely fits all, particularly you or me! These digital resources are universally available through our advanced technology, but

  • Can we rely on the information?
  • Are the suppliers well informed, knowledgeable, and experienced?
  • Should you trust un-verified data?

There is one reliable resource available to each of us, all of us; and it is on demand, 24/7/365. Technology provides overwhelming amounts of information. Our

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challenge is to discover what applies to us.

Objective data rarely substitutes for knowledge gained from our best friend, our body.

Listen to Your Body

With the first breath we draw, we are at one with our bodies. The body feels and we react. Our body responds to our basic needs for security, shelter, food, and water with an immediate direct expression of our discomfort. Traditional “normal” birthing establishes a direct communication link, first between the infant and his body, and then between the infant and his primary caregiver, his mother. The mother provides for her child’s every need—often before the baby expresses hunger, thirst, or chill.

Instead of clear stimulus and response between warm sentient human beings, we insert a filter. The intrusion of technology in our relationships, particularly this primary one, alters the course of the rest of our lives…and not in a good way.

In so-called “primitive” cultures, the attachment between mother and infant lasts as long as instinct requires. Technology brought us a replacement for the natural nursing process with the invention of a nipple on a bottle. Hard glass or plastic filled with mother’s milk or formula places the infant one step away from his or her mother, regardless of who holds the child during the feeding. As the child matures and is capable of sustenance from a “propped” bottle and eventually a portable bottle, he or she becomes aware of a separation between his or her “self” and the sentient body containing the “self”.

Traditions develop from successful practices within a culture. When our bodies experienced hunger, approximately every 3-4 hours, we ate enough food to satisfy our body’s need to maintain our health. Our sleep cycles evolved from the sunrise and sunset. Without artificial light and with the hard work to ensure our survival, our bodies dictated the amount of sleep we needed every day. There is no word for “insomnia” in primitive cultures, as sleep disturbances do not exist; human beings slept when tired, awoke when rested, and filled their days productively.

Listen to Your Body

The more “socialized” we become as technological advances replace traditional solutions to human activities, the effect creates challenges to the individuals taking advantage of this progress. Time saving, energy saving, and in some cases cost saving, technology enriches our lives. At the same time, it deprives the individual of the most reliable guidance system available to him or her: their body, their instinct…their body knowledge.

Isn’t time to get to know your body’s knowledge to help you navigate your body’s intelligence to make the best choices ever?

This was an excerpt from the Body Knowledge System© playbook. If you would like to read more, click here.

Self ReflectionI was doing a little self-reflection over the past week… looking at the teleclasses we’ve done together over the past several years.  And I noticed something. 




There were *three* teleclasses in particular that stood out.  These were far and away the best attended and the most effective.  And in an effort to serve YOU, I thought I’d bring one of them back this month.





Rather than just randomly pick one, I thought I’d ask you which one(s) would best serve you this month.

Click here to vote for the one that you’d like for me to do this month.

My illustrious Team will tally the results and I’ll let you know which one won next week!    Just have fun with it!

Looking forward to hearing from you in health & happiness

New BeginningA couple days ago I told you about one of my favorite clients, Cathe (not her real name), volunteering to open up and share her progress (and setbacks), her ups and downs, her challenges and triumphs during our coaching calls for the 3 weeks.

Cathe is a normally shy person but professionally successful single mother who shares the same struggles as the rest of us. By opening up her process to getting the happiness she wants and deserves, she feels others will benefit by knowing they are not alone—and what better time to begin than the New Year.

These events and their outcomes will resonate with you, perhaps you can identify with them, and certainly you’ll learn from them beyond the value Cathe’s received from learning to love her body through our time together…

My clients encouraged me to share our times together…and with the permission of those clients the edited transcripts help others discover the benefits of the Body Knowledge System™. Here is the transcript from my week 1 call with Cathe.

Come to the call…
for a risk free peek into my coaching process with Cathe.

Cathe: I eat all the right things, I take the steps instead of elevators, and I move my body AND I feel gross, I FEEL FAT!!! I counted every calorie; I parked in the farthest spot in my office lot; kept accurate records of every calorie I burned at the gym; and I wrote down how full I felt after every meal—as if, lettuce, celery and fat free salad dressing can be considered a “meal”? !

Coach Stephanie: Ok, what happened last week that was different?

Cathe: How can I appear as the keynote speaker on the annual company cruise when my power suit zips up my muffin top?

Coach Stephanie: So, what is your body trying to tell you?

Cathe: (a slight whine) I am fat? My head, my calorie calculator, indicates I’m starving.

Coach Stephanie: Is this about your body, or about speaking on the company cruise?

Cathe: ( pause) In spite of everything I know about calories in, energy out, my body gains weight when I really, really need to lose a few to look my best on the speaker’s platform…Professionally this is a great opportunity, a plus…a promotion.

Coach Stephanie: And personally?

Cathe: (long

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pause) My kids. I’ll miss my daughter’s basketball playoffs…and my son’s Parents’ Weekend at the University…

Coach Stephanie: I hear you. The sadness in your voice. About not being there for your children.

Cathe: I’m the sole support for them…I need to go on that cruise!

Coach Stephanie: (laughing) If the cruise was to the Gulag would you still feel so ambivalent?

Cathe: (a pause, then a hoot) Honestly? No.

Coach Stephanie: That’s your body speaking, right?

Cathe: Yes…my body always speaks the truth.

Coach Stephanie: Of course she does.

Cathe: Oh! Its 5 minutes to the hour…what do I do?

Coach Stephanie: What does this weight gain, your body, trying to tell you about your speaking engagement, this cruise conference?

You can experience the same thing by joining one of these teleclassesfor a risk-free peek into my coaching process.

January 15, 2013 at 3pm Eastern – Learn How to Include Your Body with Your Work

  • Become someone who connects their mind to their body and really knows what the right answer feels like.

January 29, 2013 at 3pm Eastern – Learn that the “E” Word (Exercise) is Easy and Fun

  • Learn how to naturally incorporate exercise into your pre-existing lifestyle.

Look for my next email week to find out how Cathe answers my last question and read more about her progress in our coaching calls. Until then, feel free to comment or ask questions on my blog, Facebook, Twitter or by email.


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