Calling all . . .
Chiropractors / Nutritionists / Personal trainers / Holistic practitioners / Massage therapists / Energy workers / Healers / Naturopaths / Wellness Coaches.
This announcement is for those of you who enhance the health of others and yourself.
I’m looking for women who want to grow their business and want to keep their existing clients for life.
I’m launching a special program to help Wellness Professionals use my Body Knowledge System® with their clients and I need your smart feedback.
This survey is short (about 2 minutes) and it would be SOOO helpful to me to have your insights.
In exchange, you’ll receive a no-cost consultation with me. We’ll comb through your answers and strategize on how you can best grow your business and keep your clients.
Go here and answer a few questions now.
Talk soon,
Tags: Coach the coach
This week is going to be a little different (and if you’re a wellness professional . . . listen up).

Calling all . . .
Chiropractors / Nutritionists / Personal trainers / Holistic practitioners / Massage therapists / Energy workers / Healers / Naturopaths / Wellness Coaches.
This announcement is for those of you who enhance the health of others and yourself.
I’m looking for women who want to:
- Grow their business and
- Want to keep their existing clients for life.
I’m launching a special program to help Wellness Professionals use my Body Knowledge System® with their clients and I need your smart feedback.
This questionnaire is short (about 2 minutes) and it would be SOOO helpful to me to have your insights.
In exchange, you will receive a no-cost consultation with me! We’ll comb through your answers and strategize for how you can best grow your business and keep your clients.
Go here and answer a few questions now.
Thank you in advance!
Tags: Coach the coach