
"Your body is not the enemy."

I know the holidays are still a couple months away, but I’m going to go ahead and say it…

New Year ResolutionEnough with New Year’s Resolutions!

For most people, the holidays are a time of enjoying food, family and friends.  And after they’re over . . . they find themselves in a self-deprecating pit.

So — they do what everybody else does, and they vow to go to the gym five times a week to atone for their “sins” that they’ve committed over the past weeks and months.

Enough Already!

I remember how that used to feel.  And it’s terrible.  But I found a way to not only experience true freedom during the holidays, but every month that followed, too.

And I want that for you.

So, during the months of November, December and January, I’m doing something I’ve never done before.

Healthy HolidayI’m calling them holiday “bite-size” coaching sessions, supporting a healthier you.  I know you’re busy during the holidays, (so am I), so I’m making this super flexible for both of us.

We’ll do twice a month, half hour sessions (during a time that’s good for both of us) and I’ll give you the tips, techniques and tools that you need to be proactive this Holiday season … NOT reactive.

And by the time January rolls around . . . you’ll be joining me in saying, “Enough with resolutions!” because you won’t need to make any. Because you won’t be feeling fat and out of sorts with your Body like you may normally feel.

I want to make this a no-brainer for you.

And I know that funds get tight around the holidays.  So, I’m offering you the lowest price I’ve ever offered before.  Like ever.

Normally, 8 hours of my time would cost you $900.  Not this time.  I’ve decided to cut that by a third.

No, that’s not a typo.  It will only be $297 (my Holiday gift to you).

Here’s how to get started . . .

1.  Go here (NOT a sales page) and fill out this quick contact info form.

2.  Sit tight and you’ll be hearing from me shortly.

It’s that easy.  Only $37.13 per coaching session . . . and that’s a bite size price (total due by November 10th — after that the price goes up to $397).  Two (2) 1/2 hour coaching sessions each month at a time that is flexible for both of us plus 2 more group sessions in January.

So if you know this is right for you . . . if you know it’s exactly what you’ve needed over the Holidays for a while now, fill out this form, and we’ll be connecting in no time.

To abolishing resolutions!

Learn one tool of many that will help you to not gain weight this holiday season.

Once you watch this value packed webinar you may want to take it one step further. Come to the Virtual Retreat and learn more about healthy eating, food control, and gain a healthy lifestyle for the holidays and beyond.

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