
"Speak up for your body!"

self esteem

If you’ve ever struggled with letting the media (skinny models, fad diets, etc.) tell you how you should feel about yourself, this one’s for you.




Thank God for Eleanor Roosevelt! Every woman knows what it feels like to let someone make you feel bad about yourself.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

So whether it’s skinny models in magazines, super successful actresses on TMZ, an offensive Facebook post or email… whatever… those messages don’t have to dictate how you feel about yourself!

So…if or when other people make you feel bad about you—time to consider the source of all that feedback, and then ignore it, dismiss it, and finally avoid it.

Here’s a better way… are you ready to reclaim your birthright?




Remember when you were a kid? Back before you cared what other people thought about you?

…those were the days…

The good news is your body is still here: ready, willing and looking forward to communicating her truth with you as soon as you are willing to listen.

Are you ready for a mature relationship with your body?

When you re-establish your birthright, that intimate relationship with your body, no one and nothing has the power to make you feel inferior.




If you’re struggling with negative body image, here are your two options for moving forward:

1) Wait for the help you need, as I’ll be releasing these brand new articles over the coming months…


2) Contact me today for the help. I’ll even take $50 off your first consultation.

To you starting to love your body sooner rather than later,

P.S. Add me to your Google+ contacts since I will be using this as my new platform.

P.P.S. If you enjoyed this article, be sure to look for Article #2 coming next week!

Holiday eatingAlthough hurricane Sandy has taken its toll on the Northeast including a lack of electricity for a couple of weeks now at my current residence, I wanted to let you know that I’m still able to offer my free tele-classes to you over the coming weeks!

The holidays can be a stressful time so now more than ever, it’s important for you to pay attention and connect with what your body is telling you.


November 17 at 2:30pm – Learn how to Bring Your Body to the Party, Eat, and Be Merry

  • Get control of your eating patterns during any event.
  • Envision your body and you having joy plus control when in new environments or away from home

December 10 at 3:00pm – How to Listen to Your Body during the Holidays – Body Talk 101

  • Make exercise an enjoyable part of your day!
  • Jump off your weight loss plateau!

December 15 at 2:30pmLearn how to Bring Your Body to the Party, Eat, and Be Merry

  • Get control of your eating patterns during any event.
  • Envision your body and you having joy plus control when in new environments or away from home

December 18 at 1:00pm How to find time for Movement with your body during this Holiday Season

  • There’s a relationship between your personality style and what exercise works best for you.
  • Discover your ideal movement/exercise style so you’re empowered to create a fitness strategy that you will look forward to everyday!


Make this Holiday season different.  Let me hold your hand through Thanksgiving and Christmas, so that by the time New Year’s Eve hits, you can still fit in that black dress that you look so good in.  

So if you know this is right for you . . . if you know it’s exactly what you’ve needed over the Holidays for a while now, get started today by clicking on the session you want above!

If the dates or times of these free group teleclasses are not convenient for you, contact me directly so we can create a date and time between us so that you can still experience and practice this Holiday Material.

Little Black DressWith the black dress in mind.

I know the holidays are still a couple months away, but I’m going to go ahead and say it…

New Year ResolutionEnough with New Year’s Resolutions!

For most people, the holidays are a time of enjoying food, family and friends.  And after they’re over . . . they find themselves in a self-deprecating pit.

So — they do what everybody else does, and they vow to go to the gym five times a week to atone for their “sins” that they’ve committed over the past weeks and months.

Enough Already!

I remember how that used to feel.  And it’s terrible.  But I found a way to not only experience true freedom during the holidays, but every month that followed, too.

And I want that for you.

So, during the months of November, December and January, I’m doing something I’ve never done before.

Healthy HolidayI’m calling them holiday “bite-size” coaching sessions, supporting a healthier you.  I know you’re busy during the holidays, (so am I), so I’m making this super flexible for both of us.

We’ll do twice a month, half hour sessions (during a time that’s good for both of us) and I’ll give you the tips, techniques and tools that you need to be proactive this Holiday season … NOT reactive.

And by the time January rolls around . . . you’ll be joining me in saying, “Enough with resolutions!” because you won’t need to make any. Because you won’t be feeling fat and out of sorts with your Body like you may normally feel.

I want to make this a no-brainer for you.

And I know that funds get tight around the holidays.  So, I’m offering you the lowest price I’ve ever offered before.  Like ever.

Normally, 8 hours of my time would cost you $900.  Not this time.  I’ve decided to cut that by a third.

No, that’s not a typo.  It will only be $297 (my Holiday gift to you).

Here’s how to get started . . .

1.  Go here (NOT a sales page) and fill out this quick contact info form.

2.  Sit tight and you’ll be hearing from me shortly.

It’s that easy.  Only $37.13 per coaching session . . . and that’s a bite size price (total due by November 10th — after that the price goes up to $397).  Two (2) 1/2 hour coaching sessions each month at a time that is flexible for both of us plus 2 more group sessions in January.

So if you know this is right for you . . . if you know it’s exactly what you’ve needed over the Holidays for a while now, fill out this form, and we’ll be connecting in no time.

To abolishing resolutions!

Holiday stressIt’s true that for some folks, the Fall season is the “most wonderful time of the year”.  But for others, it’s also the “most fattening time of the year”.

My question to you: Why does it have to be one way or the other?

Maybe you’re worried about gaining the five, dreaded holiday pounds.  Maybe you’re torn between enjoying all of those holiday goodies . . .

. . . and worrying about if you’d ever recover from your indulgence.

The holidays can be wonderful, but also stressful on many levels.

However, with the right practices in place, you can:

  • Say NO to weight gain over the Holidays
  • Stop the struggle between your body and your food
  • Learn how to make this part of your lifestyle forever
  • And avoid the holiday stress!

So, I’m offering a 90 minute Lifestyle Holiday Retreat on Saturday November 10th at 2:30pm Etd to help you zero in on solving the challenges specific to this special time of year. You’ll get the information you need . . . exactly when you need it.

Sign up here!

In this class we will:

  • Address the areas around food, exercise, & family relationships that help us feel good or bad.
  • Learn three specific Body Knowledge System® skills to help you find the choices that fit you.
  • Have time for you to ask questions and get guidance on your needs.

If you’re tired of just “getting through” the holidays, then free yourself and join me for a 90 minute Teleseminar by telephone, in the comfort of your own home on November 10th 2012 starting at 2:30 pm Eastern.


When you sign up before October 26th you will also receive a no cost ‘Healthier You’ Session with me. Schedule it now. Again you must sign up before October 26th to receive this session for absolutely no cost.  It’s my holiday gift to you.

PS. Can’t stand the weight gain and want to enjoy the Holiday Season? Then read on….

Let’s begin to be best friends with our bodies…

Here is what I know to be true:-)

  • As you maintain communication with your body, you’ll discover your style by applying principles that will liberate you and away from other peoples’ standards.
  • You will shift your emphasis from outside yourself and your body back where it originated and still belongs: within yourself.
  • As you practice being more clear about your relationship with your body, you can adapt to any event.
  • You will see life benefits that extend beyond what you had considered pertaining only to the body— exercise and eating. You may see that you deeply enjoy your work when you are in an authentic, thriving partnership with your body. You may find more sacred connections in your everyday life— connections that weren’t apparent before.

Sign up today!

To your Health and Happiness,


Learn one tool of many that will help you to not gain weight this holiday season.

Once you watch this value packed webinar you may want to take it one step further. Come to the Virtual Retreat and learn more about healthy eating, food control, and gain a healthy lifestyle for the holidays and beyond.

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