
"Allow your Body’s wisdom to take center stage in your dance of life."

In this video class, I show you how to discover your ideal exercise so you’re empowered to create a fitness strategy that you will look forward to everyday and consistently feel the benefits!

Here is the video of my May 21st class.

Today, I want to talk with you about the dreaded “T” word.  Have you heard it?

TrainingThe “T” word = Training.

Nobody – at least no sane person that I know – actually enjoys training.  They enjoy adventures, big events, competitions, etc.  But the process leading up to it (i.e. Training) is really hard and not a lot of fun.

But here’s the thing about training: if you want to be successful in your next adventure or competition, you have to do it.

So, if you have to do, shouldn’t you do it in a way that makes sense for you?

For years now, I’ve been helping people figure out their natural way to train and get exercise and care for their bodies.

And over the years, my clients are usually dominant in two of the following styles . . . click through to take a quick survey and see if any of them resonate with you.


Your body’s health depends on where your body spends her time, your environment. The obvious elements that affect your health are purity of water, air, and food. Toxins, chemicals, poisons, visible and invisible pollutants have compromised many otherwise healthy, fit people over time. Our efforts to achieve wellness and optimum fitness often fall short unless we look beyond our body into our environment.

The Return of Old School Health

Holistic experts emphasize considering the entire body when treating challenges and maintaining health. The objective is to live our best possible life for the longest time possible. In spite of the trend toward specialization in medicine, the institution continues to open its mind to alternative therapies, treatments, and perspectives to traditional treatment and prevention of disease. Every year the statistics improve on longevity.

With the modern concept of “holistic health” we seem to be coming full circle to the general practitioners of our grandparents’ generation. Then, the family doctor examined the patient’s whole body before narrowing his focus to a specific part. If the challenge was beyond his capability, he referred his patient to a “specialist”.  Today, often, the specialist is the first person a patient consults rather than the last when faced with a health issue or challenge.

Holistic health practitioners begin with the whole person and work within traditional medicine’s framework if appropriate for their client. Holistic health is a process rather than a single event, as most practitioners remain in their clients’ lives as long as the client receives benefit from the treatments. The relationship is not only a total knowledge of the client’s whole body and history, but goes beyond the physical into the emotional and psychological when stress brings the client in for treatment.

Why Stop There?

Body Knowledge System® begins with your body, but it, too, is a process rather than a single event.  The process occurs in a location, atmosphere, vibe, energy, or whatever the words are you choose to describe your environment. Health experts and practitioners are aware of the obvious toxins we expose our bodies to every day and night in our lives. Pollutants hide in the air, smog, dust, pollen beyond our front doors. Within our homes, off-gassing of chemicals used in new building materials, furniture, walls and floors take years to dissipate into YOUR environment. In older homes, you find dust, mold, and forgotten toxins lurking in rooms, behind the walls, beneath the flooring. Whether they are visible or not, they are there, ready to attack when our bodies let down their healthy protection.


Life continues to exist when growth and destruction maintain a balance.

Body Knowledge System® never occurs in a vacuum. The practice of Body Knowledge System® continues regardless of where you are or what elements challenge your commitment to your health. Fortunately, when you and your body are partners your health and wellness is assured regardless or your exposure to detrimental environments.

Body Knowledge System® expands your influence into your environment.

You have control of your environment as soon as you commit to taking charge of where you and your body feel the best. To know this, you communicate with each other and then observe the feelings that come with change. (For more information on how to establish this essential element to whole body health, contact Coach Stephanie Wood.) Your body has always been there for you: depending upon you to make the right choices for both of you. You are not alone in making those choices as your body’s knowledge of you contributes to what’s in your best interest today, tomorrow and into the future.

Once you become an adult, you choose where you want to live and with whom. You select colors, textures, materials, elevation, as well as location. If your resources limit your options, you can change the interior to enhance its comfort based on what you want, what feels good to you and your body. You have the choice to eliminate the obvious stressors listed above, or to simply ignore them and take a chance on the consequences. The choice is yours, always yours.

As for your professional environment, small changes can make a large difference in how you feel while on the job. Other than taking breaks in a different place, you can improve the space you work in with changes in the visuals surrounding you, or the addition of music, relaxing sounds, and pleasant fresh scents. Your improved performance will reflect the positive changes you make.

The outside often presents specific discomforts for those with allergies to certain plants, animals, or pollutants. For most of us a few minutes in nature enhances everything about our day. However, for many of us time outdoors becomes a miserable experience: runny nose, burning eyes, itching, coughing, and hoarseness. Fortunately, those symptoms may be seasonal.  Regardless, the best way to identify the source of the irritation is to communicate with your body. And the solution to your situation also lies in the knowledge contained in your body—your obligation is to access it!

Location, location, location

A familiar phrase from almost every business, including personal real estate—whether we are renters, owners or investors. Our environment affects us physically, emotionally, psychologically—and yes, spiritually. We accept the holistic approach to our health. However, it’s never too late to include our surroundings in our health and wellness plan.

Specific environments benefit us through inspiration, motivation, or relaxation. Other environments depress us even if we are unable to determine the reasons behind the negative feelings. The good news is you have some control over your environment—with Body Knowledge System®.

Please comment with your own observations below.

Self ReflectionI was doing a little self-reflection over the past week… looking at the teleclasses we’ve done together over the past several years.  And I noticed something. 




There were *three* teleclasses in particular that stood out.  These were far and away the best attended and the most effective.  And in an effort to serve YOU, I thought I’d bring one of them back this month.





Rather than just randomly pick one, I thought I’d ask you which one(s) would best serve you this month.

Click here to vote for the one that you’d like for me to do this month.

My illustrious Team will tally the results and I’ll let you know which one won next week!    Just have fun with it!

Looking forward to hearing from you in health & happiness

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