I’m sure you’ve noticed (as I have), that…
The older you get, the more your body changes (sagging skin, added weight, wrinkles, etc.).
And after age 35? You start to notice it even more.
So, what are your options?
- You could ignore what really makes you sad when you look in the mirror.
- You could go for laser treatment or plastic surgery
- Or you could throw out everything delicious in your pantry
And frankly, none of those sound great to me. How about you?
So, instead here are a few reminders for you:
- ENJOY every delicious bite to the UTMOST.
- Work WITH your body to let you know when you’ve eaten enough.
- Appreciate your whole self, especially as you age
Need some guidance with these reminders? I’ve got lots of experience on this topic.
Anyone can read a few tips… the tough part is implementing them.
Let me coach you through this! Contact me before July 31st and you will receive a 45 minute Self-Acceptance as you Age’ coaching session for half price! (That’s a $75 value)
Let’s go deeper on this, and make it a practical reality in your life!
Tags: Body Image, Body Relationship, Mind Body Connection, Self Esteem

Does this sound like you?
- You have a closet filled with padded shoulders, peasant blouses, bell-bottoms and leisure suits.
- Your clothes are stained, shredded, or shriveled.
- You firmly believe that your closet has shrunken your clothes because they fit last year, last month, last decade;
- You’re still 5-10-20 pounds over (or underweight)
You may have a fear of clothes shopping!
But Your Personal Shopper is here with some FREE tips on how to SHOP WITHOUT FEAR!
Tip # 1: Ignore the size on the label!
Forget what size you “think” you wear. Every manufacturer’s product uses different criteria based on marketing considerations. These ARE NOT standard measurements. Stop suffering.
Tip# 2: Enjoy playing with a personal shopper!
At your favorite dress or department store, don’t waste time at the rack, instead ask for a personal shopper. She knows the merchandise and navigates the clothes with ease and certainty, so the clothes match your body and you walk out with a dancer’s body.
Tip # 3: Trust Your Body!
After discussing what you are looking for, your personal shopper will look at your body in order to select clothes she knows will fit your shape and enhance your appearance. Each selection will fit your form, it’s up to you to note how each outfit makes you and your body feel.

How does a personal shopper help raise your self-esteem and feel good with the body shape you have?
She ignores the numbers, sizes on the labels, weight on the scale, BMI and pairs your body with her clothes for a perfect fit!
Bonus Tip #4
Your self-esteem begins on the inside and how you feel about yourself. It becomes apparent in how you present yourself on the outside. Your posture, your clothing, your expression, and your movement all reflect your internal level of self-esteem.
Let us have a conversation to see what other challenges you are having with your body image that is creating a negativity that you want to just get rid of.
The Self Esteem/Body Image Philosophy
Self-esteem is a circle emanating from the inside and then spirals either upward or downward depending on the feedback. Sometimes it’s negative self-talk, or your mother’s critical voice in your head. When you check yourself out in the mirror and your clothes fit perfectly, that self-talk becomes positive and your mother’s voice fades away or pays you a compliment.
The next time you leave your closet and venture outside of your home to work, to shop, to pick up kids, or drop off dry cleaning, note the reactions to your appearance when you wear the clothing you selected with the help of your personal shopper. Complete strangers can smile in response to the smile you are wearing because you feel so good about you!
That feedback resets your self-esteem spiral to a higher place, and that increases your happiness and automatically you are the attractive person you were born to be!
C,mon…try it out!
Again, let’s have a conversation to see what other challenges you are having with your body image that is creating a negativity that you want to just get rid of. Release your inner beauty!!
Tags: Body Image, Body Relationship

Today I want to share three Body Image tips with you about how to take control of the way you see yourself. My mission during the next three months is to give you a new perspective about your self-esteem and your body image.
“I care too much about what other people think of me! How can I get over it?”
TIP #1
Think back to the days when you were a baby. You were free of the opinion of others… your actions were influenced primarily by your needs and wants… and you acted upon what your body needed. Wouldn’t be nice to feel that way again?
“I keep finding myself in social situations where I feel like I don’t have control… can you help?”
TIP #2
In order to help you with this challenge, I need to hear about your specific situation by April 30th! Answer these three questions and I’ll be in touch with you within 48 business hours with further assistance.

“I feel like I don’t measure up to external standards… whether my own or somebody else’s. Help!”
TIP #3
What if there were:
- No more pictures.
- No more mirrors.
- No more numbers.
These external images have nothing to do with you, the real you. As an adult you have the power to choose your own standards: consult your only reliable source, your body.
As an adult you have a choice to continue in blind obedience to external standards of value or return to your source of comfort: your body. She/he has the answers for both of you.
Smile when you look in the mirror. Smile when you step on the scale and smile when you see a photo of yourself.
Now is time to move forward with more options so that how you see yourself in the world becomes more clear and confident!
Don’t forget to answer my three questions by April 30th to receive personalized tips from me!
Tags: Body Image

I believe we have a love/hate relationship with the number on our scale so I invite you to take my Body Image Survey and share your tips for changing your relationship with your scale.
But first here are my three tips to stop your love/hate relationship with the number on your scale.
- 1. When you say: “Oh My God! I cannot bear to look at the number on the scale!”
- Tip: Don’t look! Move around and dance with your body and enjoy how she (he) feels.
- 2. When I see the number on the scale, I make a judgment that it is not to my liking!
- Tip: Acknowledge that your body may enjoy being at this specific weight but become more aware of your food portions
- 3. I feel my clothes are a ‘scale’ as well….so does that make me less of a person with what I am in the world?
- Tip: Your body is your best friend and having a relationship with her (him) will bring you closer to how you want to present yourself in the world in the clothes you feel most comfortable in.
Bonus Tip: Look in the mirror and notice how you feel in that outfit. Your body is your best friend and having a relationship with her will bring you closer to acknowledging how she looks in the mirror and how you feel…versus fixating on ‘the number’

If you have a 4th tip, I’d love to hear it and in return I’ll give you a strategic healthier you consultation for free!
But you can take control today and I can help you get there!
I invite you to take this quick Body Image Survey so that you can become clearer.
The way you see yourself is not merely an issue of physicality. It involves the total you: Body, Mind, and Spirit. The numbers on the scale are objective. They provide standards of measurement. So, why do we let ourselves feel so awful over a number?
Free yourself from what is holding you back from being happy with YOU!
Tags: Body Image, Body Relationship, Mind Body Connection

How big of an impact do these numbers have on the way you see yourself?
- The numbers on the scale
- The numbers
on the labels of your clothing
- Your BMI
- Your cholesterol
- Your blood pressure
- Your fat percentage
- The quantity of candles on your birthday cake
If these numbers are bringing you down, please read on!
From birth, we’ve been sized up by numbers. Right after you get a name, you get a height and weight.
And from then on, numbers continue to play an integral role throughout your lifetime.
Whether it’s your mom’s opinion of how you look, or your doctor telling you to lower your cholesterol (not saying you should not watch your blood test numbers), the numbers keep popping up.
But today, you can take control. And I can help you get there.
Send me your ‘number’ challenge and I will gift you a Healthier You consultation…for free!
The way you see yourself is not merely an issue of physicality. It involves the total you: Body, Mind, and Spirit. I invite you to take tis quick Body Image Survey so that you can become clearer.
Numbers are objective. Numbers provide standards of measurement.
So, why do we let ourselves feel so awful over a number?

For instance, how do you feel every morning after stepping on the scale in the bathroom?
You have an ideal number in your head, so if your scale doesn’t reflect that number, does that put you in a bad mood for the rest of your day? Why is that number important for your body image?
Wait! Let’s address that in the comments below or with a conversation over the phone.
Free yourself from what is holding you back from being happy with YOU!
Tags: Body Image, Mind Body Connection, Self Esteem

When you see your reflection in a mirror, you evaluate the image looking back at you based on the feelings you have at that moment. Those feelings determine your reaction to what you see. Your reflection, your image, is a result of your feelings about your appearance, not the objective image in the mirror.
You may think your reflection is about your physique, your body when in fact that’s only part of story. The real story comes from the rest of you, within you.
Before looking at yourself in another mirror, before stepping on another scale, before considering radical diets or exercise programs, before scheduling surgery, please consider alternatives to your negative reaction at your reflection.
The next time you look in a mirror, I want you to see yourself in a completely wonderful way.
So, where do we begin?
If you’re reading this, because you’re reading this, you are ready to elevate your self-esteem, raise your body image, and share your special self with the world. Please take this brief Body Image Survey. It may surprise and enlighten you.
Tags: Body Image
A couple days ago I told you about one of my favorite clients, Cathe (not her real name), volunteering to open up and share her progress (and setbacks), her ups and downs, her challenges and triumphs during our coaching calls for the 3 weeks.
Cathe is a normally shy person but professionally successful single mother who shares the same struggles as the rest of us. By opening up her process to getting the happiness she wants and deserves, she feels others will benefit by knowing they are not alone—and what better time to begin than the New Year.
These events and their outcomes will resonate with you, perhaps you can identify with them, and certainly you’ll learn from them beyond the value Cathe’s received from learning to love her body through our time together…
My clients encouraged me to share our times together…and with the permission of those clients the edited transcripts help others discover the benefits of the Body Knowledge System™. Here is the transcript from my week 1 call with Cathe.
Come to the call…
for a risk free peek into my coaching process with Cathe.
Cathe: I eat all the right things, I take the steps instead of elevators, and I move my body AND I feel gross, I FEEL FAT!!! I counted every calorie; I parked in the farthest spot in my office lot; kept accurate records of every calorie I burned at the gym; and I wrote down how full I felt after every meal—as if, lettuce, celery and fat free salad dressing can be considered a “meal”? !
Coach Stephanie: Ok, what happened last week that was different?
Cathe: How can I appear as the keynote speaker on the annual company cruise when my power suit zips up my muffin top?
Coach Stephanie: So, what is your body trying to tell you?
Cathe: (a slight whine) I am fat? My head, my calorie calculator, indicates I’m starving.
Coach Stephanie: Is this about your body, or about speaking on the company cruise?
Cathe: ( pause) In spite of everything I know about calories in, energy out, my body gains weight when I really, really need to lose a few to look my best on the speaker’s platform…Professionally this is a great opportunity, a plus…a promotion.
Coach Stephanie: And personally?
Cathe: (long
pause) My kids. I’ll miss my daughter’s basketball playoffs…and my son’s Parents’ Weekend at the University…
Coach Stephanie: I hear you. The sadness in your voice. About not being there for your children.
Cathe: I’m the sole support for them…I need to go on that cruise!
Coach Stephanie: (laughing) If the cruise was to the Gulag would you still feel so ambivalent?
Cathe: (a pause, then a hoot) Honestly? No.
Coach Stephanie: That’s your body speaking, right?
Cathe: Yes…my body always speaks the truth.
Coach Stephanie: Of course she does.
Cathe: Oh! Its 5 minutes to the hour…what do I do?
Coach Stephanie: What does this weight gain, your body, trying to tell you about your speaking engagement, this cruise conference?
You can experience the same thing by joining one of these teleclasses…for a risk-free peek into my coaching process.
January 15, 2013 at 3pm Eastern – Learn How to Include Your Body with Your Work
- Become someone who connects their mind to their body and really knows what the right answer feels like.
January 29, 2013 at 3pm Eastern – Learn that the “E” Word (Exercise) is Easy and Fun
- Learn how to naturally incorporate exercise into your pre-existing lifestyle.
Look for my next email week to find out how Cathe answers my last question and read more about her progress in our coaching calls. Until then, feel free to comment or ask questions on my blog, Facebook, Twitter or by email.
Tags: Body Relationship, Inspiration
I know the holidays are still a couple months away, but I’m going to go ahead and say it…
Enough with New Year’s Resolutions!
For most people, the holidays are a time of enjoying food, family and friends. And after they’re over . . . they find themselves in a self-deprecating pit.
So — they do what everybody else does, and they vow to go to the gym five times a week to atone for their “sins” that they’ve committed over the past weeks and months.
Enough Already!
I remember how that used to feel. And it’s terrible. But I found a way to not only experience true freedom during the holidays, but every month that followed, too.
And I want that for you.
So, during the months of November, December and January, I’m doing something I’ve never done before.
I’m calling them holiday “bite-size” coaching sessions, supporting a healthier you. I know you’re busy during the holidays, (so am I), so I’m making this super flexible for both of us.
We’ll do twice a month, half hour sessions (during a time that’s good for both of us) and I’ll give you the tips, techniques and tools that you need to be proactive this Holiday season … NOT reactive.
And by the time January rolls around . . . you’ll be joining me in saying, “Enough with resolutions!” because you won’t need to make any. Because you won’t be feeling fat and out of sorts with your Body like you may normally feel.
I want to make this a no-brainer for you.
And I know that funds get tight around the holidays. So, I’m offering you the lowest price I’ve ever offered before. Like ever.
Normally, 8 hours of my time would cost you $900. Not this time. I’ve decided to cut that by a third.
No, that’s not a typo. It will only be $297 (my Holiday gift to you).
Here’s how to get started . . .
1. Go here (NOT a sales page) and fill out this quick contact info form.
2. Sit tight and you’ll be hearing from me shortly.
It’s that easy. Only $37.13 per coaching session . . . and that’s a bite size price (total due by November 10th — after that the price goes up to $397). Two (2) 1/2 hour coaching sessions each month at a time that is flexible for both of us plus 2 more group sessions in January.
So if you know this is right for you . . . if you know it’s exactly what you’ve needed over the Holidays for a while now, fill out this form, and we’ll be connecting in no time.
To abolishing resolutions!
Tags: Body Image, Eating Healthy
Years ago, I was fresh out of college . . . and with my drama degree in hand, I decided to up and move to New York City, unsure of what was next — but knowing that I had to do it and give it a shot.
But then reality set in. In fact, it hit me over the head. Standing in line after line, in the cold rain, in the dark alleys, always thinking, “This time it’ll be different . . . this time I’ll get the job.”
But every time . . . the loud faceless voice came from behind the lights and yelled, “GET OFF MY STAGE! …NEXT”.
Now THAT is rejection— Is it any wonder we all fear it?
Humiliated and discouraged…decided that I’d had enough.
I wasn’t myself anymore. I was sad, I was tired, and I was hungry.
But there was NO WAY I was giving up on my dream of dancing, performing and choreographing. Then something inside told me, “You can make your dreams come true…just try it somewhere else.”
So, I did.
I crossed the river to New Jersey and started fresh.
After experiencing so much, I decided it was time to create an environment where women didn’t have to experience the same rejection that I went through.
So I created choreographed dance/exercise routines held in Churches/ Temples/ Elks Clubs and Hotel conference rooms where I could have dance studios all over New Jersey and within a few months, I was leading hundreds of women to find the dancer inside themselves.
They were able to express who they were, in a safe place, without ANY fear of rejection.
They were getting fit and being happy with no outside judgment; pure bliss for them on the dance floor of life.
I want you to experience the same freedom that every single woman in those rooms felt.
It is time to cast off the chains that have enslaved your mind and your body for far too long. It’s time to ditch the burden that weighs heavily on you each and every day.
This is about freedom with your body.
And because my life’s mission is to help women rid themselves of the chains and burdens that enslave their minds and bodies . . .
. . . I’m putting together a small, intimate, tightly-knit group of women who are ready to make that transition — from slavery to freedom.
If not now, when?
Sign up for a conversation with me (where you learn more about this sustainable, fun system).
Body Knowledge System® is a sustainable, fun system where you learn and practice tools and techniques where you craft life’s dances in all areas of your life to happily dance on the stage of Life! Find out more!
Come aboard! Its time! Make an appointment with me to have a conversation to make sure this path is right for you now.
Tags: Body Relationship, Dancing
Here is a sample of more conversations I have been having with those who are experiencing the Healthy Lifestyle Resource Kit
Q. What’s the difference between my “body brain” and my “brain brain”?
A. When my client referred to her “body brain” on the audio, she referred to her body’s intelligence— the essence of my system. When we respect our body’s innate intelligence; learn to access and share it; learn to communicate back and forth, we will co-create a body knowledge system that works for you.
-Dana S, Parker Ranch, CO
Q. What do you mean by “separation”, “estrangement” between me and my body? I can’t go anywhere without her…
A. Nor can I, however, I am ALWAYS CONSCIOUS of her presence where ever, whenever we are, and whatever we are doing while we’re doing it. Her support, her friendship, her input creates the life we both love!
-Leslie L, Frisco, TX
Q. When you talk about personal Styles, do you mean behavior?
A. Yes, and choices, activities, decisions you make based on so many factors genetically and environmentally influenced. Some of us are RE-ACTORS who try the latest fad diet, exercise craze, shoe style foisted upon us by the media. Others are PRO-ACTORS, the pioneers, the seekers who keep trying any and everything until they find something that works—for a while. The Styles express your natural selection, intrinsic solutions, in other words, WHAT WORKS FOR YOU!
-Mildred Q, Philadelphia, PA
My system teaches you how to identify your style in every area of your life, and then how to incorporate it into your life. One Style does NOT FIT ALL, and may not apply to every area in your life…find out which style fits each activity with Your Body Knowledge System.
Go here and get it now!
Tags: Body Relationship, Eating Healthy, Life Balance, Mind Body Connection