How to Treat Your Body as a Person,
not an Object.

All media objectifies the people in it. They create an image designed to promote their message, sell their product, and invite comparison between their ideal presentation and your less-than-perfect reality.
It’s that comparison that creates the painful feelings within you by intimidation.
I encourage you to apply this specific Body Knowledge System® technique that when you are confronted by a beautiful, fit, young, model on screen, on the page, or on the billboard, you know how to give yourself Body Confidence. It’s easy to express yourself to another person if/when you have a reaction to an image. When that person is your BFF, as your body will be after you understand and practice the Body Knowledge System®, your potentially negative reaction to the object before your eyes will automatically become a positive appreciation of her personal assets.
Objective Image vs. Living Breathing Beautiful Body
Media imagery is a two dimensional, impersonal, cold, representation of a multi-dimensional, personal, warm, real human being. There is no reason to compare a flat copy to an energetic being, as there can be no comparison!
Consider this: there is energy present when you and your body have a positive, objective reaction to the image you observe, notice.
Clearly, if the image attracted your notice, there is something positive associated with it: beauty, health, life style. That’s why you and your body “Allow” it into your consciousness.
Prior to sliding into the negativity of comparison, hit the “STOP!” button.
Check in with your body.

Taking notice of the image allows you and your body to create a positive reaction, and therefore attract what you appreciate about it, or something better, into your life.
Wouldn’t it be nice and exciting to make this body knowledge a part of your daily practices?
A Body Confidence Coaching partnership with me is something to consider
**Practicing this Body Knowledge System® creates a space for you to practice Body Confidence. Let me know.
Bonus: Listen to radio shows I have created with Debi Talbert that gives different perspectives of body confidence that are honest and filled with ways of encouraging yourself to live your healthy lifestyle with humor and sustainability.
Tags: Body Image
As pre-teens, we sought the busty look popular in Sports Illustrated’s Annual Swimsuit Issue in February every year. For some of us those C, D, DD cups came true with puberty, breast feeding, or breast augmentation. With the flesh filling out our bras, came strap pressure by on our shoulders from the extra weight filling our encompassing cups.
According to a 2016 study published by Surgical Technology International, add a cup size and you’re adding 10 pounds of pressure on your upper back and neck. Focus all that weight into two skinny strands of cloth, and the painful results on your neck, shoulders and spine speak for themselves.
Ashley Graham posted on her Instagram a bikini hack by body-positive author, Allison Kimmey who created an attractive crisscross pattern over the shoulder blades to distribute the weight more evenly. Ashley posted variations (racer back, or over the shoulder) that anyone with halter strap neck pain can try.
For the rest of us who no longer find bikinis appropriate for whatever reason, there are many more bathing suit options available to provide the service we want from a garment to wear on the beach, on a boat, or in the water this summer.
The bathing suit is not the issue, as the amount of cover provided varies between a bikini and a burka. It’s not about our appearance, it’s about our comfort; physical, social, psychological. And that is a result of the conversation you have with your body when deciding what to wear this summer or any season of the year.
The conversation you have with your body provides you the confidence you want to enjoy all the fun available this summer.
Don’t know how to talk to her? Call Coach Stephanie today!
Tags: stop body shaming

The Law of Attraction is energy. The practitioner expresses positive or negative energy in words.
As the childhood rhyme says, “Sticks and Stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” According to the Law of Attraction, that is a lovely rhyme, but is not real, or true, as negative words can hurt you emotionally. Internet trolls know this very well. Their negative commentary on your personal postings damage your feelings which is their intention in the first place.
When you apply the Body Knowledge System®’s action orientation to the Law of Attraction’s emphasis on positive energy, you discover an impenetrable defense against attacks on your person for today, tomorrow and into the future.
Positivity is the essence of the Body Knowledge System®’s practice. Every move you make, every thought you think, every word you say contributes to the positive outcome you seek
In short, the Law of Attraction’s Words PLUS the Body Knowledge System®s Action = Personal SUCCESS for you!

Professional Choreographer, Dancer, Fitness Trainer, Business, Wellness and Certified Law of Attraction Coach, Stephanie Wood developed the Body Knowledge System® for her classes and clients who were out of touch, and out of patience with their bodies.
Stephanie believes our bodies are a source of joy, information, and personal wisdom. Her professional life focuses on accessing every body’s wisdom. Our physical self provides valuable clues about self-care and our life choices. This was not an overnight discovery, rather the result of her professional experience as a dancer, choreographer, personal trainer, and fitness expert. Equipped with education, personal, and professional experience, research and perceptive observation, Stephanie created the Body Knowledge System® as the New Sustainable Solution to her clients’ challenges with their bodies.
Listening to her clients’ needs and body image concerns, she realized the traditional approach to diet and exercise was not as effective as a whole body, holistic approach. Her focus shifted from coach/teacher–client/ student relationship to having her clients befriend their bodies, so that the two worked and/or played together for their mutual benefit.
This perspective is especially important as we age.
Tags: stop body shaming

Enough speculation, enough living in a crouch waiting for the next nasty comment from someone you really don’t know, or if you do know them you have no reason to continue to know them; rather than un-friend them, or blocking them from access to you (probably impossible to do anyway), do nothing. Instead, focus your positive energy on yourself: what you want, how you intend to achieve it, and then take a single positive step toward that goal.
That shift in your focus from outside influence to your inner purpose will create an immediate improvement in your mood, your outlook on life.
For those of you who have accepted the Law of Attraction without experiencing immediate positive results when it concerns your degree of Body Confidence, I have a reason for this. The Law of Attraction is about energy rather than action. Certainly, you can attract what you want for yourself, or something better, by focusing on it. I believe it takes more than a mental exercise in positive energy.
It takes action!
When you add the Body Knowledge System®’s practice to the Law of Attraction you get positive results much faster than either of those methods alone.
Want proof? Contact Coach Stephanie Wood for a conversation at NO CHARGE to you.
Tags: stop body shaming

Thanks to some popular, successful celebrities, Ashley Graham, Tara Banks, Amy Schumer, Melissa McCarthy, who look more like we do than the ultra-thin, very young women we see on screen and in magazines, a new appreciation for our bodies has replaced the harsh criticism from media pressure to conform to an unrealistic ideal.
So, where did the trolls come from?
Who gave them permission to inflict their opinions on you?
As soon as you posted your face, your body, yourself visually online you exposed your vulnerability to those who take pleasure from putting others down. Mistaken, they believe the negative energy they put into bullying you will somehow convert to positive energy propping them up.
Not so. Whether you accept the Law of Attraction or not does not change the reality of negative energy having any effect on its target, rather it always reflects on the troll who created it.
Every time a troll’s target accepts the comment as true, or worse sends a nasty barb back, it increases the effect of the original nastiness on both parties.
Instead of reacting in kind, try no reaction at all.
That does not imply agreement or acceptance, rather refusal to react at all.
It’s an eastern concept to simply step aside and allow the missile to pass you by, and it works!
Eventually, no reaction will rid you of the troll and its energy.
Not so easy, you say.
No, nothing worthwhile ever is.
The outcome you want is to stop feeling bad about yourself as your real response to the troll attack. The Law of Attraction provides one solution, the Body Knowledge System® provides a long-term solution to body shaming, and all other troll attacks.
Tags: stop body shaming

Facetime, Skype? When inventors added a video capability to telephones it did not take the market by storm…then. In the last century, people valued their privacy before their ability to “share” more than anyone wants to know about anyone other than themselves.
The 21st Century shifted our attention to “My Space”, then “Facebook”, and You Tube. These internet access platforms have made it impossible to hide beneath oversized clothing for those “fat” days, a baseball cap to cover bad hair days, and sunglasses to hide the saddle bags beneath saggy eye days.
Our initial reaction was to rush to diet/exercise programs, weight loss fads, expensive skin products and plastic surgery as a last resort.
Well, thankfully, the pendulum returned from the extreme to settle in the reasonable middle: acceptance.
As mature, intelligent women we embrace this reaction to total exposure. It’s the only thing that makes sense in this diverse world.
Total exposure left us vulnerable to trolls who take pleasure in putting others down to prop themselves up. Perhaps we can’t control others’ actions, but we can control our reactions.
Building Body Confidence is not only possible, it’s easy with the Body Knowledge System®. Click Here to find out how.
Tags: stop body shaming
How’s your summer going? For many of us, summer vacation is right around the corner. And, unfortunately or fortunately some changes often comes with the territory.
You know what I’m talking about, right?

The Vacation Dilemma
The ultimate vacation dilemma may be temptations and schedule changes that might get you off with your relationship between your body’s wants and needs and you.
Do I eat everything and then feel gross and guilty, or do I stick to the nutritional values me and my body have created.
From cold beers on the beach, to platters of fried fish and tartar sauce, to quaint little ice cream shops on the walk home from dinner, there are countless opportunities on vacation to wreak havoc between you and your body’s intentions for each other.
It might feel like there’s no way out, but there is.

The“Way Out”
I’m proposing a new approach to food while in different environments such as a vacation. One that allows you to enjoy vacation without losing control or depriving yourself of food and fun. My Body Knowledge System® Styles in my Playbook will help you get back in tune with your body rather than relying on your mind to know what she needs.Once you’ve rediscovered the close partnership with your body you can trust your body to tell you what she wants and needs in any environment where changes influence your healthy choices.
Here are some choices on how to begin:
My latest free eBook will help you take the first step towards that.
Bonus: Know your Body Knowledge System® Environmental Style by downloading this part of my playbook to get you practicing being aware of how your environment effects your eating habits and how you can match your style with your environment so that you and your body are in concert .
When you have Body Knowledge, you can eat on vacation just like you eat year round, without fear of overdoing it.
I encourage you to join me on this journey to freedom and enjoy this summer’s vacation without food-related stress!
Get started here
Tags: Body Image, Body Knowledge Articles

Other than celebrating years of hard work, persistent dedication to a worthy goal, and an 8×11 framed degree for your wall, women get to cover all those perceived body flaws with the flowing robes rented from the “gown” shop.
Graduation from High School, College, Grad School are major rites of passage that do not require extreme dieting and exercising prior to the event, thanks to the requirement of a rented flowing robe to attend the event.
Then, what?
The robe comes off and the next day of your life begins!
Do you anticipate the opportunities your new degree provides?
Do you look forward to the accomplishments you are now qualified to do?
Do you step into your first new job interview with a smile on your face and strength in your handshake?
If your answer to any of these queries is anything but a resounding YES! Then it’s time to rediscover your body confidence.
One simple email or phone call to Coach Stephanie Wood will solve any body confidence concerns!
Tags: Body Image, stop body shaming

“A New Model: What Confidence, Beauty, and Power Really Look Like” by Ashley Graham debuted this week with a national publicity tour and rave reviews. As the voice of the body positive movement, Ms. Graham has expanded her modeling career to include television appearances and becoming a clothing designer and entrepreneur to prove that curvy girls can do it, too!
Since there are more curvy girls and women than stereotypical runway models, publishing this book is another step forward to ending body shaming forever. As the Barnes & Noble’s review of “A New Model” says,
“A woman who proves that when it comes to beauty, size is just a number, she is the voice for the body positivity movement today and a role model for all women—no matter their individual body type, shape, or weight.”
A model since aged 13, Ms. Graham almost abandoned her career at age 18, when her mother told her, “It doesn’t matter what you think about your body, because your body is supposed to change somebody’s life.” A decade later, she affirmed her mother’s sage advice in an interview in the current issue of VOGUE magazine,
“I’ve used my body as a tool to talk about taboo subjects, such as cellulite or being insecure about lower belly fat—and also [how to] talk life into your body and have an affirmation kind of conversation with yourself. ”
You, too, are a champion for Body Confidence through your use of the Body Knowledge System ®. To find out how, contact Stephanie Wood.
Tags: stop body shaming

“You are Beautiful” is not just an empty affirmation. It’s a movement started by a Chicago artist who posted billboard signs, wall murals, and other notices all over the city. A small business with a large idea in Chicago grabbed Oprah’s attention and support with their message on walls, billboards, and now products.
I saw it on GMA’s Deals and Steals last week, and of course reading these signs in an instant reminder of Body Confidence to all who see it.
T Shirts, stickers, posters etc. available on their website. It’s a great way to start your day, and spread the message of the body knowledge system.
Your body knows you are beautiful!
Let the world know what your body knows!
Stop Body Shaming Now!
On to Body Confidence, one step at a time!
Your Body Confidence, You are Beautiful! Pass it on!
For more information: Contact Coach Stephanie,
Tags: stop body shaming