More specifically, do you have anxiety around your body’s image?
At times in our life, we have anxiety about our appearance, our bodies.
Blemishes, Bed Head, and Belly Bloat?
Bad Hair Days, the zit on the end of your nose before the class or company picture, monthly bloat, or shopping for a bathing suit, bridal gown, or business suit, sends the stress meter through the top. The Body Knowledge System® gets you past those anxious moments by giving you the tools to cope with events, circumstances beyond your control. Better yet, the Body Knowledge System® teaches you how to take back the control you were born with.
Pause, Breathe, Share, then Practice your BKS® Practice…
When facing any of the above-mentioned stressors, simply talk to your body, and await her answer. Those who know and use the Body Knowledge System® often need a reminder when the anxious moments override your everyday actions. For those of you who have yet to experience the benefits of the Body Knowledge System®, help is as easy as an email away.
Tags: stop body shaming

The Law of Attraction works well for those who understand it, and as a certified Law of Attraction Coach, I understand the Law of Attraction and want to share it with you.
The Law of Attraction is a method of getting us what we want, or something better. As explained in a popular video, “The Secret”, over a decade ago, the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. It’s basic karma: express positive feelings and receive positive results in return.
There are three basic principles:
- Identify what you want
- Eliminate what you don’t want
- Open yourself to receiving your desire or something better.
The problem with the basic formula is it overlooks a necessary element: action. For the Law of Attraction to be effective, the practitioner must take action. Without the energy action produces, there is no re-action (a primary law of thermodynamics). So without action, there is nothing for the Law of Attraction to use to return the desired results.
If you’re reading this, you are interested in acquiring Body Confidence for yourself. If you are already familiar with the Law of Attraction, yet it is not delivering the results you want or expect, I have the solution for you: the Body Knowledge System®.
Beyond vision boards, meditation, and daydreams the Body Knowledge System® is the action that energizes the Law of Attraction for your Body Confidence!
Tags: Body Image, Body Knowledge Articles, stop body shaming

The easy answer to clear up any confusion about Body Confidence and what it is:
Find a baby and observe his or her behavior.
Well-being expresses itself when the baby is awake, asleep, or anywhere in between. Baby’s body and baby are in constant communication with each other. When baby’s body experiences hunger, pain, fear, anxiety, tiredness, thirst or any category of discomfort, baby’s body reacts with cries in expectation that the caretakers will supply what she needs to fulfill the need or want. After the need is satisfied, the baby returns to well-being.
And there is no pause, no space between the stimulus of discomfort and the outcry indicating it. Baby doesn’t bother with appropriate expectations or behavior; baby is oblivious to others’ expectations for her; and lastly, baby is focused on getting her needs met, the sooner the better for all those in her environment.
Ok, that behavior is tyrannical, and goes way beyond body confidence.
But it’s a start.
As an adult, body confidence takes a step back. Our body knows what she needs, and instead of relying on her caretakers, she has transitioned to depending on you, her BFF to fulfill those needs, wants, desires.
Your body was born with body confidence, and therefore so were you. As you matured you have lost contact with your body and have ceased to listen to her for guidance.
To get in touch with your birthright, the body confidence you were born with, you need to get back in touch with your body. It’s never too late to listen to your body.
Contact Coach Stephanie to learn more about it.
All babies are born with body confidence, because they communicate to their significant others all they need, want, desire to feel good about themselves.
Tags: stop body shaming

Ok, it’s not Steve Harvey, but in my recent survey, I sent out to a list of women who are not my “peeps” (yet), I was shocked to discover 100% of them had never experienced Body Confidence, and were not clear what the term means even though they were familiar with it from the media.
Aside from the fact they were not sure of the specific meaning of the term or how it would apply to them, they were “jealous” of those who had it and wanted it for themselves…just didn’t know how to get it.
Granted the check-in was designed for answers from impulse response, because those are usually truthful. If you want more info, please click the link above and see for yourself.
In the meantime, take my word for it that from the hundreds, maybe thousands of women who received the emails, their responses indicated a real need to learn more about body confidence and how to re-awaken it in themselves.
So, as the founder of the Body Knowledge System®, the sustainable solution to body issues for women of all ages, I recognize the challenge before me: to educate women about their birthright: Body Confidence!
Thanks for paying attention, and there’s more to come
Tags: stop body shaming

I have noticed that the average American woman is a size 16-18 and you may have experienced the media trying to convince you otherwise. If you look around at magazines and billboards, you’d assume the average woman in America is a size 2.
For decades women sizes 16 and up have been forced to shop different styles, in a different section of the store. Maybe you’ve felt that division. Whether you’ve been less than appreciative of being labeled as “plus size” or you’ve found yourself relieved that you didn’t have to shop the plus section, you’ve experienced an unhealthy divide based on your size as a woman.
Imagine With Me…
Can you imagine if, in the grocery store, certain foods were manufactured and sold for some customers, but not for others? That would be ridiculous! Thankfully, things are changing and clothing stores are beginning to agree.
For example, “It has just been reported that Kmart will label their signs saying plus size section to the “Fabulously Sized” section. Even better, they’re now offering their regular sized clothes in an extended range, to get rid of the separate sections all together.
Kelly Cook, Kmart’s chief marketing director told newscasters, “Fashion is ageless, shapeless and weightless. We want to be inclusive and empower women to find apparel that makes them look and feel good, and be whoever they want to be.”

An inside Tip
Isn’t it interesting to notice the impact that words have on how we feel about ourselves and our bodies?
Say out-loud ‘plus size’ or visualize the sign in a store and THEN say or visualize ‘fabulously sizes’.
A big, big difference. Yes?
Words create thoughts which create beliefs that can empower you with better body confidence or bring into negative places.
By the way:
For more interesting conversations and tips to enhance your body confidence, check out some of my radio episodes. My partner in crime is Debi Talbert where we bring in my body Knowledge System ® principles sprinkled with Law of Attraction principles.
The conversations are short and sweet to get you into the habit of enjoying your body’s know-how.
You are probably ready to learn and discover more body confidence techniques.
Slowly, our world is becoming more accepting of real women and their various shapes and sizes. What about your world? Is your mind and heart a safe place for you? Learn to eliminate judgements, limitations and hurtful messages which could be are holding you back?
Bravo! To all of us taking the lead with this body confidence movement
Tags: Body Image

The term “plus” when applied to clothing sizes is a pejorative. I love that word, pejorative, because it sounds exactly what it means: defamatory, discriminatory, judgmental and altogether nasty-negative!
When manufacturers determine their product sizes, there is no standard measurement. (Please see articles on the origins of sizes in women’s clothing on this website.)
As of today, some designers consider women sizes 12 and above as “plus” sizes, others assign “plus” to above 16. Today the average size sold to American women is a 16; and it hardly qualifies those women as outside the norm, as they are the norm!
Aside from celebrated individuals, (Ashley Graham, Melissa McCartney, Amy Schumer, among others) who have confidently pushed for body acceptance, the media is getting on board by acknowledging “one size fails to fit all!” Project Runway became inclusive this season with the inclusion of larger models and designers to clothe them.
Last week, KMART announced the re-naming of plus to fabulously sized clothing, and eliminating the separation (some would say isolation) of that category from the rest of the department.
Along with Lane Bryant’s new branding celebrating “curvy” for their clothing lines, it looks like we are WINNING! Finally, through individual efforts at acceptance of the current reality of women’s healthy bodies, the social institutions have received the message and are joining the rest of us in respecting our individuality.
Advertising, social media, and commercial markets are broadening their message to accept all of us as equals.
Keep this positive momentum going: Join the Body Confidence Movement!
Call Coach Stephanie to find out how!
Tags: stop body shaming

Although she lost her lawsuit against a Silicon Valley venture capital firm in 2015, Ellen K. Pao came back strong to rid all workplaces of discrimination and sexual harassment. Hailed by Time Magazine as the “Face of Change” her message overcame negative assaults and retaliation for her courage and confidence in challenging the status quo in Silicon Valley and beyond.
As CEO of Reddit, Ms. Pao took on the negative trolling present in Social Media. Her company is on alert for personal attacks on individuals based on gender, sexual orientation, religion, or body image. The result of all of her activism is the recent publication of her personal and professional story, “Reset” My Fight for Inclusion and Lasting Change.”
What does that mean for the rest of us?
Most of us lack her education, expertise, and yes, intelligence to create her accomplishments, but ALL of us have her capacity for courage and the confidence it takes to express it personally and professionally.
All it takes is one of us to inspire all of us!
Thank you, Ellen K Pao!
Now it’s our turn.
What can you do to take your first step to Body Confidence today?
Call Coach Stephanie.
Tags: stop body shaming

A recent study by Michigan State University of 271,000 people of various ages found that investing in your friendships pays large dividends in your health, wellbeing, and long-term future.
Those of us who practice the Body Knowledge System® understand the benefit of one very special buddy, our body.
She knows us better than anyone else on the planet, including our spouse, mother, father, twin sister, brother or son or daughter. She’s been with us since our first breath and will be with us until our last breath. She supports us, not only physically, but emotionally and psychologically. And best of all, she’s available to us 24/7/365.
Now that’s a BFF!
So, when was the last time you acknowledged her as your BFF? If the answer is “never”, it’s not too late to create that relationship.
Actually, it’s never too late.
But why wait? When the sooner you become reacquainted, the sooner you’ll enjoy the benefits of the relationship!
Contact Coach Stephanie to take your first step to becoming the BFF to your body!
Tags: stop body shaming
Project Runway’s New Look: Real Bodies, Real Women, and Real Life

Hi, it’s Body Confidence Coach Stephanie here!
I’m in the business of helping women love their bodies. When Project Runway recently announced they’d have models size 0-22 walking their runway this season, I considered it a huge media win!
Finally, this popular show recognized that a runway full of impossibly thin models wasn’t healthy. As Heidi Klum said on this season’s first episode, a truly gifted designer must be able to dress women as they appear in the real world: a diverse range of shapes and sizes.
You as a Runway Model
Can you imagine what it would have been like to work as a runway model on previous seasons?
My guess is…you can.
Maybe your paycheck doesn’t depend on your pant size, but does your sense of self-worth? Your confidence level when you walk into a room and Your ability to feel worthy in relationships?

How I Can Help
If you identified with any of the above, The Body Knowledge System® is for you.
I use my Body Knowledge methodology to help you stop resisting you own Self Confidence and body worthiness.
One of my favorite sections of the Body Knowledge System® Playbook talks about your Body’s voice. As you have internalized the pressure to look a certain way, you’ve become estranged to your own body’s voice and begun to listen to the voice of the media, your peers and other outside pressures.
Maybe you’ve tried to improve your body image before, with little success. That’s because you haven’t truly joined forces with your body.
Try this Simple Practice
You might be able to say, “I am alive” while you’re sitting down, but when you say those same words as you move from sitting to standing, they feel more powerful, don’t they? That’s because you joined forces with your body!
The Body Knowledge System® will teach you to live your life with that same energy. You’ll no longer dictate over your body, you’ll learn to dance with her. This dance will allow you to pursue your life’s passions with joy.
What Are You Waiting For!?!
Project Runway has recognized that it’s time for models to listen to their own voices, not the voice of the industry.
Size 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22 models will have the body confidence necessary to successfully model in front of a nationally televised audience.
Now, it’s your turn. Whatever size or shape you are, why not take advantage of my simple, sustainable tools and techniques.
Practicing the Body Knowledge System® will release your inner body confidence and rock your life like it’s your very own runway.
Gift :FREE ebook now
Better yet, contact me- Coach Stephanie, to start your strut down the runway of your life!
Tags: Body Image

We discussed diet fads last time, now let’s look at exercise trends, er fads.
The 60 second promise sure looks good in the Tweet, but if it were THAT easy, I’d do it, too. What the article on HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) goes on to say is 60 seconds refers to a single interval in a total of twenty 60 second segments.
In other words, twenty minutes total of alternating between short high intensity exercises for 60 seconds, followed by a three minutes of lesser intensity exercises. And when they say “intense” they mean vigorous efforts driving your heart rate up to 80 to 95 percent of capacity.
As in alternating fasting diet programs, the AMA does not recommend daily HIIT workouts, rather do your HIITs three days a week, allowing 42 to 78 hours between them. Whether this will work for you, may depend on your Style profile that you discovered in Coach Stephanie’s popular teleclass “Resist Exercise, Want to Know Why?”
If you missed it, contact Coach Stephanie for more information
Tags: stop body shaming