
"Your body is not the enemy."

Practicing your personal and professional body knowledge helps build confidence to function better during each day.

Let Marty share her evolution with her own body Knowledge
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Let’s listen to Marty:
As Stephanie’s client, I ended my estrangement with my 55-year-old body. She pointed out that at birth, our body and our mind are one unit. As we mature, our mind turns its attention outward to the environment to fulfill our body’s needs. We respond to external stimuli, and the separation increases, further distancing our body from our mind. 

I was ready to look at my relationship with my body as more than just taking up space on the planet. Rather than micromanaging my physical self, I embraced her, began to listen to her wisdom, and became comfortable with the knowledge that my BFF was there supporting us in our best interests. 

Until our move to Montana from Southern California, my exercise was aggressive tennis four times a week.  I love our ranch and the surrounding beauty, horses, dogs, and trails to hike. I spent days at the PC ghostwriting, and I had absolutely no desire to do aerobics to a video, run the trails (grizzly bears and mountain lions are out there), or do yoga without a skinny yogi ordering me into another pretzel pose.  

Most of us live daily without awareness of our unique, individual approaches to every aspect of living. As a child, my mother signed me up for years of ballet lessons, which I loathed. I am built like my father, a former professional football player and coach. Floating  about a stage in a leotard, a powder puff tutu, and painfully restrictive toe shoes is a humiliation I carried into adulthood.

If I was an Organized or Analytical Style, the ballet or a regularly scheduled gym class might work. Spontaneous styles look for pick-up basketball games on the neighborhood courts, drop-in hot yoga sessions, or at the 24-hour Jazzercise studios.

I have identified my dominant style as Inspirational as I sought an exercise that I would do! Freeform dance to rock ’n roll was my answer. Playlists to sweat to, stretch to, and smash writer’s block anytime, anywhere. The magic is always in the movement, and the music creates inspiration, fulfilling my style as I accomplished my goal of burning calories and getting in touch with my body, my BFF.

Inspirational, my dominant style, which is also evident in my career choice (writer/producer) and fortunately for my producing hat, Organizational comes in a close 2nd at work and at play. (Tennis foursomes, weekly court times, Bridge card games.) When shopping, I make a list, then forget to bring it with me…so I rely on memory and inspiration after arriving at the store.

As soon as we identify and accept the specific style that applies to eating, exercising, relationships, shopping, working, and playing, we derive more benefits, enjoy the activities more, and reinforce the closer relationship we have with our bodies. 

Knowing your style in relationships, as well as that of your significant other, parents, children, and associates, will strengthen your understanding. If you feel generous, go beyond your simple observations, and educate them in Coach Stephanie’s Style system. 

The Body Knowledge System’s value is its ease of restoring the confidence you were born with in this original, sensible, and provocative process. My only regret is not knowing about the Body Knowledge System ® in my teens or twenties, as the principles in the process are lifelong guides to my personal and professional success.

Thank you, Coach Stephanie; for me, better later than not at all!

To your freedom,

Coach Stephanie

Dance freely

From the experts, “Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task itself, and exists within the individual rather than relying on any external pressure.” or extrinsic motivation, i.e. awards, promotions, money, status symbols. (

Unlike the intrinsic motivation, an essential component of the Body Knowledge System®, extrinsic motivation is always about competition with others. Studies prove that extrinsic motivation provides short-term rewards without long-lasting positive effects.

Let’s look at weight management programs: The ones that work have intrinsic motivation to inspire the user to lose or gain the weight he or she desires. To avoid the Yo-yo syndrome familiar to all of us who have tried to lose or gain weight, and then maintain our success, the program must be intrinsic!

Your Body Knowledge System® begins with your relationship with your body. Renewing it, and re-establishing the open communication that began before birth, to guide you to achieving your goals. Especially the ones that go way beyond weight management.

Find out more….


What motivates you to action?

A reward, the carrot, or the threat of punishment, the stick?

Reward theory involves the promise of something pleasant when you reach your goal. Experts tell us the reward must be as soon as or shortly after the goal is reached to be effective. That works for some of us in some situations, but not all situations.

Or it doesn’t work at all.

  • Diets
  • Exercise programs
  • On the daily work experience
  • Social engagements
  • Sleep habits

For some of us, it’s the fear generated by the threat of punishment for failure to achieve the goal that motivates us to action.

Take a moment to consider the categories above and identify if you are a carrot or a stick motivatee.

In the Body Knowledge System® there is no place for negativity, regardless of what motivates the individuals who practice it. Body Confidence can not exist with fear, and your Body Knowledge System® banishes your fear.

Because you involve your BFF in pursuing your goals the experience is always positive, supportive, and reinforces your progress through your customized practice.

And the best news is every day you practice your Body Knowledge System® there is always an immediate reward in the gratification you share with your BFF. You both feel good, and often great!

Now, that’s Body Confidence!

mind body

The Body Knowledge System goes beyond the basics of knowing your own body, into the essence of who you are now and who you want to be tomorrow, next week, next month, next year…

Your physical self is a scientific, data driven, measurement aspect of who you are. Objective, non-judgmental, and impersonal numbers on a screen or a page, your physical self exists in time and space apart from the whole that makes up you.

When the Body Knowledge System® refers to your body, it adds your spirit to that physical representation of you. That spirit is affected by energy, both positive and negative, so the same body described by those numbers can be attractive with the positive energy contributed by your spiritual self that lives in every cell of your physical body.

Your communication and cooperation with your body allows the spiritual self to affect the physical self in a positive manner. You have control over that spiritual self when you practice the Body Knowledge System®

Instead of the list of resolutions on 1/9/2018, resolve to discover the Body Knowledge System® in order to eliminate that tradition from your New Year’s celebration.

You have nothing to lose, but the regrets you feel this week when your resolutions lie neglected in the corner.



Last year

– You’ve listed your wants

– You’ve created your vision boards

– You’ve sent out positive energy daily

And, you are certain you are “allowing” it, or something better to enter your life…yet, 2017 has come and gone, and…has it happened yet.

Why not?

Ask your body, he/she has the answer.

It’s time for you to identify the hidden negativity behind your desires in order to access the power behind your positive energy to make it work for you.

– What happens if it works for you…?

– What happens if it doesn’t work for you?

– How will you feel in either case?

It’s not about fear of failure, it’s about fear of success!


Body Confidence, Your First Step!


Practitioners of the LOA know it works, they are confident it will work, and perhaps that’s why it works so well for them.There are only two basic feelings: fear and love. Fear refers to False Evidence Appearing Real and since they aren’t, sometimes negative energy surrounds them. Love is real, love is now, and love is always positive.

So, when the Law of Attraction skips a beat, the reason lies in personal fear, never love. When what you desire involves your body, your Best Friend Forever (BFF), it’s always about love.

Invitation to take short body confidence check in so you see where you are


Fear cannot exist with the presence of Body Confidence.


And returning to the intimate relationship with your body, through the Body Knowledge System®, brings back the body confidence you were born with, your birthright!

Psychologists know we are unable to hold two conflicting thoughts/feelings at the same time. So, the key to getting the most out of your practice of the Law of Attraction is to renew your relationship with your BFF, your body, through increased body knowledge.

Invitation to take short body confidence check in so you can see where you stand


“I lost the weight, but I still see FAT in the mirror!”



One of our regular listeners, and my coaching client, contacted me last week to check in after the holidays.

I sensed a hesitation in her voice, and asked, “So what’s wrong? Have you stopped your body knowledge practice, now that you’ve reached your goal?”

“No!” she exclaimed, “My body is my BFF, and we have our conversations daily.”


“My party dressed fit perfectly, in fact, it still fits and the weight I lost is still gone, and my body and I, uh, we feel great!  But…”

“But what? Is it the old saying, ‘be careful what you wish for’?”

“Sort of.” She laughs without humor. “Thanks to you and the Law of Attraction, I am attractive now! People paid me compliments, men were interested in talking to me at all of the events professional and personal, and, in fact, I had the best week of my life over the holidays!”

Now the laugh was genuine, so I joined her.

This wasn’t the first time one of my clients received evidence that the outcome was exactly what they wanted, and this wasn’t the first time I’d heard this reaction, shock, humor in the disbelief when the evidence was right there in front of them.

“Why do I still see fat in my mirror?”

Seeing fat in the mirror when she had clearly accomplished her goal was a product of her fear of leaving her comfort zone, “fat”, in the first place. Although the actual results were all positive, the negative energy originating in her fear of not being able to lose the weight, the previous failures of her attempts to get back to her “fighting” weight, or the fear of perhaps losing friends or family if she did, continued to haunt her.

“Skip the mirror for a few days. Instead use the time to practice your dance, and dance your practice, in other words focus on your relationship with your body with only positive energy. Then look at yourself and your BFF in the mirror, and remember to smile when you do!”

The subject of fear of failure when practicing the Law of Attraction was the subject of our next radio show.  After it aired, she called me to thank me again, my suggestions worked!

This New Year make your resolution to open yourself to the Law of Attraction. With body confidence, there is no longer anything to fear.

What do you have to lose?

Body Confidence LOA style at the LOA Radio network

Coach Stephanie, “Body knowledge is accomplished through renewed communication with your body. When that relationship is re-established, body confidence follows. Add the Law of Attraction and make all those dreams come true!”

To your freedom,
Coach Stephanie


The week between Christmas and New Year brings body consciousness to the forefront. Parties and events pull  out the dressy, sexy outfits from your closet. Opening packages containing pants or tops in sizes that may have fit last year, are a little snug this year.

Whoa! Don’t rush to exchange them!

As we discussed in an earlier post, sizes are artificial, inconsistent, and inaccurate as to your body, particularly your body image! Instead of trying to fit your ego and your body into a piece of fabric created by someone who doesn’t know or care about you, consult your BFF, your body for an accurate assessment of your Body Confidence!

When you dance your practice, and practice your dance, your natural state of body confidence returns in a flash. The size is not the issue, maybe the color doesn’t flatter, or the cut is wrong for your figure, the label indicating size is the LAST thing to look at when trying on a gift.

Contact Coach Stephanie to learn how to dance your practice before returning those gifts!


Instant Response= Clarity of Relationship

At birth, the clarity of your relationship with your body provided instant response to your every need and most of your wants. Your survival, growing up depended upon repressing your body’s stimuli in favor of your judgment on what behavior was required to fulfill your wants and needs.

As an adult, your level of happiness depends on how aware you are of your body’s communications to you. Her wisdom, knowledge and instincts are pure, non-judgmental, and always have your best interests as her only priority.

What else do you expect from a BFF?

To prove it, pinch yourself hard.

Do you feel the pain? Immediately, right?

That’s your body’s communication to you.

And she has so much more to share, once you learn how to access her knowledge.

For a short cut: contact Coach Stephanie today

Listen to Your Body

Body Confidence Begins in Your Body!

The lesson from birth is the body knows what is best for you, and for your continued happiness you need to be aware of her knowledge.

Without your awareness, you are unable to take care of both of you.  As a child, when hunger or thirst struck, after your body alerted you to your need you went to your caregiver to provide it.

With maturity came independence.

And when your body alerted you to her needs, you took care of them yourself.


Outside influences distracted your attention from your body’s directions in the form of “shoulds” rather than “wants”.

Give Thanks to your BFF, Your Body!


Today is all about gratitude.

So, while you count your blessings, remember your BFF, your body.

She deserves your appreciation for so many reasons, so take a moment and list them, then communicate with her and await her response of appreciation for you.

For you both to feel better today: Begin with a smile

  • Move: dance, walk, sway.
  • Meditate: Still yourself for seconds, moments, to bathe in white light.
  • Breathe:
    • Inhale deeply through your nose
    • Hold it for 4 seconds
    • Blow the breath out through pursed lips

Enjoy your day in the grace of gratitude.


A + B = C

Attraction + Body Knowledge = Body Confidence!

That algebra equation is years behind all of us, but the validity of its results continues to be true today! As a Body Confidence Coach combining the principles of “Attraction” with the practice of my “Body Knowledge System®” the result has yielded Body Confidence, with a capital “C”!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Law of Attraction, and how I apply it in my Body Knowledge System® coaching practice, I have clarified these 2 methodologies below☺

The Law of Attraction is based upon contrasting your negative thinking into the energy of positive thinking. My Body Knowledge System® takes that one giant step farther with a practical way of including your body in this process.

1.  Identify what we want to attract into our lives: Body Confidence.

2.  Identify what we don’t want in our lives: Body Shame.

3.  Apply positive energy, as found in the Body Knowledge System® to achieve Body Confidence.


The Missing Piece in Law of Attraction is the Body Knowledge System®


My Body Knowledge System® enters the equation with intentional focused ACTION to achieve your goal with Practical components to help you feel that body confidence can be easily accessible all the time on your own terms.


Body Confidence Begins with Your Body!

In fact, to fully use the power available in the Law of Attraction, the first step is to communicate with your body to determine the intentions you both want to achieve. After all, she is your BFF, and she knows what’s best for both of you!

Once you agree that body confidence is a missing part in your life, and is therefore a reasonable and achievable intention; shame around your body dissolves immediately.


Enter the Body Knowledge System® and Instant Body Confidence!


At first, you may think that your body has little or nothing to do with the practice or performance of the Law of Attraction.

And where does your energy reside? In your body, of course!

All the cells, organs, synapses rely on energetic connections to perform the functions we need to live and grow in health. Within your body is the solution to creating the life you want as soon as you can harness all that energy and focus it in a positive direction.

Begin with your personal Body Knowledge to experience Body Confidence in a practical and sustainable process.

In a nutshell ( summation)

The Body Knowledge System® depends on pure positive energy from you and your body to get what you want.  The relationship you establish with your body determines the expression of all energy emitting into the universe.

The results from your Law of Attraction practice depend on the quality of the energy you are sending into the universe.  How can you expect results from a practice that totally relies on the positive energy you emit for it to work, when you ignore your body as the origin of all your energy?


Yes, we often take our bodies for granted when all parts are functioning normally. She gets us up in the morning, provides the energy to get us to work and play, and allows us to do the “heavy lifting” physically, mentally and emotionally in our daily lives.  And when we notice we’re tired from the daytime activities, she puts us to bed at night.

Let’s not overlook; she provides us the focus to practice the tools and techniques of Law of Attraction for the process to benefit us. Our bodies provide us the commitment to our intentions.

Body Confidence Begins with Your Body!

If we communicate with her effectively, we understand the patience it takes to achieve those intentions. In many ways, it is our bodies who determine the success of those goals.

How can we expect success in our practice of the Law of Attraction without an intimate knowledge of our bodies? We need to know her wants, needs, desires, and most of all, her knowledge about achieving what’s best for both of us.

It’s not as hard as it seems, in fact, it’s easy and should be the first step in anyone’s practice of the Law of Attraction to maximize, and yes, speed up the positive results of your process! If Body Confidence is your objective, your first step should be learning about the Body Knowledge System® and applying it immediately.

After developing the Body Knowledge System® to serve my coaching clients’ needs for a sustainable solution to their issues with their bodies, I realized that as soon as their intentions were clarified, they blossomed with renewed body confidence. Body issues dissipated which created a sense of accomplishment. All is good.

To your freedom,
Coach Stephanie

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