
"As we recognize our body's intelligence and wisdom, we are in integrity."


The Law of Attraction is energy. The practitioner expresses positive or negative energy in words.

As the childhood rhyme says, “Sticks and Stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” According to the Law of Attraction, that is a lovely rhyme, but is not real, or true, as negative words can hurt you emotionally. Internet trolls know this very well. Their negative commentary on your personal postings damage your feelings which is their intention in the first place.

When you apply the Body Knowledge System®’s action orientation to the Law of Attraction’s emphasis on positive energy, you discover an impenetrable defense against attacks on your person for today, tomorrow and into the future.

Positivity is the essence of the Body Knowledge System®’s practice. Every move you make, every thought you think, every word you say contributes to the positive outcome you seek

In short, the Law of Attraction’s Words PLUS the Body Knowledge System®s Action = Personal SUCCESS for you!


Professional Choreographer, Dancer, Fitness Trainer, Business,  Wellness and Certified Law of Attraction Coach, Stephanie Wood developed the Body Knowledge System® for her classes and clients who were out of touch, and out of patience with their bodies.

Stephanie believes our bodies are a source of joy, information, and personal wisdom. Her professional life focuses on accessing every body’s wisdom. Our physical self provides valuable clues about self-care and our life choices. This was not an overnight discovery, rather the result of her professional experience as a dancer, choreographer, personal trainer, and fitness expert. Equipped with education, personal, and professional experience, research and perceptive observation, Stephanie created the Body Knowledge System® as the New Sustainable Solution to her clients’ challenges with their bodies.

Listening to her clients’ needs and body image concerns, she realized the traditional approach to diet and exercise was not as effective as a whole body, holistic approach. Her focus shifted from coach/teacher–client/ student relationship to having her clients befriend their bodies, so that the two worked and/or played together for their mutual benefit.

This perspective is especially important as we age.


Enough speculation, enough living in a crouch waiting for the next nasty comment from someone you really don’t know, or if you do know them you have no reason to continue to know them; rather than un-friend them, or blocking them from access to you (probably impossible to do anyway), do nothing. Instead, focus your positive energy on yourself: what you want, how you intend to achieve it, and then take a single positive step toward that goal.

That shift in your focus from outside influence to your inner purpose will create an immediate improvement in your mood, your outlook on life.

For those of you who have accepted the Law of Attraction without experiencing immediate positive results when it concerns your degree of Body Confidence, I have a reason for this. The Law of Attraction is about energy rather than action. Certainly, you can attract what you want for yourself, or something better, by focusing on it. I believe it takes more than a mental exercise in positive energy.

It takes action!

When you add the Body Knowledge System®’s practice to the Law of Attraction you get positive results much faster than either of those methods alone.

Want proof?  Contact Coach Stephanie Wood for a conversation at NO CHARGE to you.

How’s your summer going? For many of us, summer vacation is right around the corner.  And, unfortunately or fortunately some changes often comes with the territory.

You know what I’m talking about, right?



The Vacation Dilemma


The ultimate vacation dilemma may be temptations and schedule changes that might get you off with your relationship between your body’s wants and needs and you.

Do I eat everything and then feel gross and guilty, or do I stick to the nutritional values me and my body have created.

From cold beers on the beach, to platters of fried fish and tartar sauce, to quaint little ice cream shops on the walk home from dinner, there are countless opportunities on vacation to wreak havoc between you and your body’s intentions for each other.

It might feel like there’s no way out, but there is.


The“Way Out”

I’m proposing a new approach to food while in different environments such as a vacation. One that allows you to enjoy vacation without losing control or depriving yourself of food and fun. My Body Knowledge System® Styles in my Playbook will help you get back in tune with your body rather than relying on your mind to know what she needs.Once you’ve rediscovered the close partnership with your body you can trust your body to tell you what she wants and needs in any environment where changes influence your healthy choices.


Here are some choices on how to begin:


My latest free eBook will help you take the first step towards that.

Bonus: Know your Body Knowledge System® Environmental Style by downloading this part of my playbook to get you practicing being aware of how your environment effects your eating habits and how you can match your style with your environment so that you and your body are in concert .

When you have Body Knowledge, you can eat on vacation just like you eat year round, without fear of overdoing it.

I encourage you to join me on this journey to freedom and enjoy this summer’s vacation without food-related stress!

Get started here


Stephanie Wood

According to the June Issue of Consumer Reports Health magazine, studies @ confirm what Weight Watchers already knows, to lose and/or maintain improvements we need to be held accountable to someone else for short or long term positive results.

DIY, Do It Yourself, applies to many things in our modern lives. Painting the guest bathroom, pulling the weeds in your garden, baking a special cake for your husband, re-finishing your grandmother’s rocking chair all can be done with patience, knowledge and commitment.

DIY does NOT APPLY to weight loss, or getting into physical condition, or feeling good about yourself. If it was that easy, we’d all DIY.

Repeated studies have confirmed what popular, successful weight loss programs already know: accountability to someone else until new life style choices become habits is essential to long term success in all matters involving your body, your- self.

When you are ready for a positive relationship with your body, stop the insanity, stop your frustration, and contact Coach Stephanie Wood, for your accountability coach using her successful Body Knowledge System®

Your body will thank you for it.


June, the month for brides, especially for those of us “of a certain age” when weddings followed graduations as just one more rite of passage. Ideally, you diet yourself to the point of fainting when you zip up the dress several sizes smaller than you usually wear. Your hair has a posture of its own in height and form, your make up is just this side of “clown” to enhance those immortal pictures.

There’s every reason to feel as confident of your appearance as you did on the day you married the love of your life, or the next one(s)!

It’s all about your body, and how you feel about her.

And that begins with how she feels about you—

Say, What?

How my body feels about me?


I don’t get it.

You will as soon as you learn the Body Knowledge System® and there’s only one way to do that:

Contact Coach Stephanie Wood, founder of the Body Knowledge System® the sustainable solution to body confidence!


Have you been asked to be in a friend’s wedding this year?

Beyond the expense of a dress, hair, makeup, gifts, parties, and travel if it’s a “destination” wedding, is the assault on your ego if you think the only reason you are included is to make the bride look good.

Ok that sounds cynical, because it is cynical—and if that’s your first reaction to the “honor” it’s not the bride’s problem, it’s yours!

It’s about your Body Confidence, or lack of it.

Time to turn the page on your self-esteem journal, because this is the one time in your life that the worse you look is a gift to your friend whose day it really is!

Your job is to frame the bride for her special moment in the spotlight.

Of course, we know all women are competitive. You don’t see the groomsmen worrying about the fit of their rented tuxes, do you? However, the bridesmaids are not in a beauty contest, as the bride has already won the day!

This may be the ONLY DAY in your adult life when body confidence is totally irrelevant! So relax, climb into that ugly, and probably expensive bridesmaid’s dress destined for the donation bag the following week, and party on!

For the other 364 days of the year, when your body confidence journal reflects your self esteem’s ups and downs, create more ups than downs with a quick call to Coach Stephanie Wood, your body confidence champion!

Who knew that for “so many years I’d go to bed and be like, ‘Please wake up with Kate Moss’ body,” said reality star Kelly Osborne to USA Today in Tuesday’s interview for her book launch.  She continued to say, “Please wake up with all these different things that would make me accepted and fit in…and it’s so miserable.

body confidence

Photo credit: Jordan StraussInvisionAP


Those miserable feelings of not fitting in because of our appearance may be the only thing we have in common with Kelly Osborne and other celebrities who appear regularly on talk shows, podcasts, and book covers to share their body shaming stories with the rest of us.

Who knew that behind the couturier clothing, $300 haircuts, and fabulous appearances at the “in” places to be, those women we envy share moments of misery based on the false pressure to be something they aren’t: Perfect.

After many years of therapy, Kelly concludes “It’s Ok not to be perfect. Some of us already know that and without years of therapy, because who can afford all those hours spent on some high paid professional’s couch to tell us what we already know from our body’s knowledge?

We are already flawless! Excellent in every way!

How do we know? When we communicate with our bodies, she tells us so!

All we must do is listen!

How to we listen?


We get up and move! Try it now:

  • Stand up,
  • Breathe in,
  • Reach up,
  • Breathe out,
  • Step up!

There, feeling “excellent”!

If not there yet, repeat.

That’s your body knowledge in action.

For more information, contact me!

(Part One of the Spring Blog Series about the benefits of age and body image.)

body confidence

Body Confidence evolves from a positive body image, but which comes first?  From, “”Body image” is the way that someone perceives their body and assumes that others perceive them the same way.

Fortunately, as we age the second part of that statement loses its influence.

As young women we were led to believe that our body image reflected the current cultural standards for beauty as addressed in the media. To the degree our body conformed to those standards, our body image rose or fell. That may have been true during our youth when fad diets, exercise programs, and hip fashions occupied most of our attention. Changing our appearance was as easy as dying our hair, changing our makeup, or buying a new outfit and was all about our image…not our body or who we were.

Older women know it takes more than a change of clothes, or a new hair cut to better one’s body image. We also acknowledge that weight comes naturally with each passing decade, and that the 22 inch waist of our teens and twenties has relaxed with the arrival of each child, and that regardless of the number on the scale, the appearance of the pounds on our frame has shifted. Sure, surgery can take care of what the effects of exercise leave untouched; but that’s a drastic solution to a naturally occurring change.

Besides, the person within is the source of the confidence, and not our external trappings.

Those external changes had nothing to do with body confidence which as an internal transformation can occur at any age.

The best part is we have total control over our body confidence. True body confidence begins within us and emerges in a vastly improved body image…at any age. Others reactions to our improved body image serve to energize our body confidence. And the positive cycle begins again, your body confidence is a renewable resource!

Of course Body Confidence matters, and the Body Knowledge System® shows you the way!

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