
"As we recognize our body's intelligence and wisdom, we are in integrity."

fear of shopping

With the rising focus on women taking back their power and promoting the acceptance of every body type in today’s culture, one of the popular techniques promoted by the leaders of the movement is to look into a full length mirror in the morning and come up with three nice things to tell yourself, your body, your BFF.

After practicing the Body Knowledge System® for a short time, it’s easy to get past the resentment you feel when looking at individual parts that used to frustrate you by their appearance. Why? Because the Body Knowledge System® is a holistic approach to your place in the world and discourages any judgment on particulars.

Yours or anyone else’s.

By trying to conform to what others’ believe to compliment, we are falling back into the “Barbie Doll” mentality of feminine beauty popular in the last century. The cultural pressure caused so much pain for all of us who attempted to live up to the impossible dream of re-shaping ourselves to a doll who, if real, would be a freak of nature, it’s past time to enter the 21st Century.

So what are your three sincere compliments today when you see yourself in the mirror this morning?

The Body Knowledge System® doesn’t restrict this technique to a full-length mirror, as you know what your body looks like, so any mirror that reflects you will do. For instance, even on a bad hair day, the color becomes you. Plus, your smile always inspires a positive response. And last, but not least, that indication of you as a happy, positive person always gets your day off to a good, no great start!

That’s body confidence!


Before posting a selfie on your Instagram account, do you do so with a specific number of “likes” in your mind to satisfy your need for approval?

If not, why not?

Because for some of us, there can never be enough likes to make us happy, for others of us, we move on before considering the consequences to our body confidence if the number does not equal our expectations…and for practitioners of the body knowledge system, other people’s opinions of our appearance or skill in selfie-taking are irrelevant to how we feel about ourselves.

When that happens, you and your body can take a bow on your next selfie portrait.

Body Knowledge System® is the long-lasting body confidence builder for too many reasons to list here. However, when you learn to befriend your body and renew that friendship with your BFF daily, you are never without body confidence.

The next time you post a selfie on Facebook, or Instagram, notice if your next thought is to check the “likes” later if it is, it’s past time to renew that most precious relationship with your BFF, your body.


The simplicity of social media kind of defeats the purpose of creating meaningful relationships between us. There are only two choices for a response to a post: thumbs up or thumbs down, “likes”?

When there’s a posting about a tragedy regardless of the beauty of the writing, the sincere feelings conveyed, when you click “like” what is the meaning behind that? Exactly…?

Are you “liking” the actual tragic event and its aftermath?

Probably not.

What’s there to “like” about it?

Without commentary specifically pointing out what you support in the message, your “like” is a waste of time, and downright insulting to the poster as well as the victims of the event.

That is an extreme example of what’s amiss about the whole social media emphasis on quantity over quality. Advertisers base their rates on the quantity of “likes” without any consideration for the quality, if any, behind the product.

People are NOT products.

“Like” is too general a word to have any specific quality attached to it, so our reaction depends on the quantity of the “compliment.” Even when it may not be a compliment after all.

So why does social media encourage us to consider the number of “likes” a plus, a boost to our ego, a validation of the post, when the intention behind the “likes” may have nothing positive associated with the click.

Body Confidence is always about quality, never about quantity.


When you post a picture, an article, or a comment how do you feel when you receive “likes”?

How do you feel when there are no “likes”?

Or the thumbs down outnumber the thumbs up?

And what possible difference does it make in either case?

Five minutes later are you a different person?


What if you never see them?

Or if no one tells you about them?

Five minutes later are you a different person?

Ignorance is bliss, particularly when you posted simply to express yourself with no expectations of a response.

With body confidence, those of you who participate in social media do so to share your life with your family, friends, and interested acquaintances, or like-minded others on social media. If that’s your intention, their responses are irrelevant, as they should be.

Body confidence guides you to post positive images, articles, and links that are meaningful to you. It’s definitely not about others’ responses to your postings.

It’s only about what is important to you and your BFF, your body.


Q: What’s the difference between a pit bull and a woman in menopause?

A: Lipstick


Jokes around women’s behavior during menopause are funny, because they’re so true! Ok, we can laugh at the punchline, even though menopause is far worse psychologically than a punch in the gut.

The reasons for that are mostly cultural: our obsession with youth, thinness, and photoshopped female role models.

To ease the transition, call on your BFF.

Your body, your BFF is always available to restore your sense of humor as well as the confidence you feel in the woman you have become.

How often have you said or thought, “If I knew then what I know now, I’d…” fill in the dots of what you ‘should’ have done, said, or thought.

With the onset of menopause, congratulations are in order:

* You have survived!

* You have arrived! And as soon as you get in touch with your body you’ll admit

*You have thrived!

If you’re not feeling it, Contact Coach Stephanie to learn how to regain that Body Confidence that began at birth and will be a part of your daily life as soon as you renew your relationship with your BFF, your body.


Through your body knowledge, a custom version of the Body Knowledge System®.


hot flash

My USTA Tennis team was called the Hot Flashes! And we won our local, regional, and state competitions, only to come in 2nd or maybe it was 3d, (hahaha, memory loss is a symptom of the change of life, or so they tell me) in the Southwest!

The Body Knowledge System® belongs in Menopause, too!

Women enter the change of life at all ages due to genetics, chemotherapy, hysterectomy. The transition is either sudden as is usually the case with surgery or other medical intervention or progressive over a decade or two. The result is the same: loss of hormones creates physical discomfort in many, but not all women.

Those physical changes are real, your reactions to them are valid. Some of those reactions are psychological, some are behavioral, but ALL begin within your body.

If you haven’t re-established the open relationship you began with your body before birth, it’s not too late. (In fact, it’s NEVER TOO LATE!)

This might be the ideal time to share your feelings with the body that produces the hormones that affect those feelings!

Find out more how your body will help you through this transition: Contact Coach Stephanie today to get your body knowledge system to maintain the body confidence prior to peri-menopause…

Dance freely

From the experts, “Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task itself, and exists within the individual rather than relying on any external pressure.” or extrinsic motivation, i.e. awards, promotions, money, status symbols. (

Unlike the intrinsic motivation, an essential component of the Body Knowledge System®, extrinsic motivation is always about competition with others. Studies prove that extrinsic motivation provides short-term rewards without long-lasting positive effects.

Let’s look at weight management programs: The ones that work have intrinsic motivation to inspire the user to lose or gain the weight he or she desires. To avoid the Yo-yo syndrome familiar to all of us who have tried to lose or gain weight, and then maintain our success, the program must be intrinsic!

Your Body Knowledge System® begins with your relationship with your body. Renewing it, and re-establishing the open communication that began before birth, to guide you to achieving your goals. Especially the ones that go way beyond weight management.

Find out more….


Last year

– You’ve listed your wants

– You’ve created your vision boards

– You’ve sent out positive energy daily

And, you are certain you are “allowing” it, or something better to enter your life…yet, 2017 has come and gone, and…has it happened yet.

Why not?

Ask your body, he/she has the answer.

It’s time for you to identify the hidden negativity behind your desires in order to access the power behind your positive energy to make it work for you.

– What happens if it works for you…?

– What happens if it doesn’t work for you?

– How will you feel in either case?

It’s not about fear of failure, it’s about fear of success!


Body Confidence, Your First Step!


Practitioners of the LOA know it works, they are confident it will work, and perhaps that’s why it works so well for them.There are only two basic feelings: fear and love. Fear refers to False Evidence Appearing Real and since they aren’t, sometimes negative energy surrounds them. Love is real, love is now, and love is always positive.

So, when the Law of Attraction skips a beat, the reason lies in personal fear, never love. When what you desire involves your body, your Best Friend Forever (BFF), it’s always about love.

Invitation to take short body confidence check in so you see where you are


Fear cannot exist with the presence of Body Confidence.


And returning to the intimate relationship with your body, through the Body Knowledge System®, brings back the body confidence you were born with, your birthright!

Psychologists know we are unable to hold two conflicting thoughts/feelings at the same time. So, the key to getting the most out of your practice of the Law of Attraction is to renew your relationship with your BFF, your body, through increased body knowledge.

Invitation to take short body confidence check in so you can see where you stand


“I lost the weight, but I still see FAT in the mirror!”



One of our regular listeners, and my coaching client, contacted me last week to check in after the holidays.

I sensed a hesitation in her voice, and asked, “So what’s wrong? Have you stopped your body knowledge practice, now that you’ve reached your goal?”

“No!” she exclaimed, “My body is my BFF, and we have our conversations daily.”


“My party dressed fit perfectly, in fact, it still fits and the weight I lost is still gone, and my body and I, uh, we feel great!  But…”

“But what? Is it the old saying, ‘be careful what you wish for’?”

“Sort of.” She laughs without humor. “Thanks to you and the Law of Attraction, I am attractive now! People paid me compliments, men were interested in talking to me at all of the events professional and personal, and, in fact, I had the best week of my life over the holidays!”

Now the laugh was genuine, so I joined her.

This wasn’t the first time one of my clients received evidence that the outcome was exactly what they wanted, and this wasn’t the first time I’d heard this reaction, shock, humor in the disbelief when the evidence was right there in front of them.

“Why do I still see fat in my mirror?”

Seeing fat in the mirror when she had clearly accomplished her goal was a product of her fear of leaving her comfort zone, “fat”, in the first place. Although the actual results were all positive, the negative energy originating in her fear of not being able to lose the weight, the previous failures of her attempts to get back to her “fighting” weight, or the fear of perhaps losing friends or family if she did, continued to haunt her.

“Skip the mirror for a few days. Instead use the time to practice your dance, and dance your practice, in other words focus on your relationship with your body with only positive energy. Then look at yourself and your BFF in the mirror, and remember to smile when you do!”

The subject of fear of failure when practicing the Law of Attraction was the subject of our next radio show.  After it aired, she called me to thank me again, my suggestions worked!

This New Year make your resolution to open yourself to the Law of Attraction. With body confidence, there is no longer anything to fear.

What do you have to lose?

Body Confidence LOA style at the LOA Radio network

Coach Stephanie, “Body knowledge is accomplished through renewed communication with your body. When that relationship is re-established, body confidence follows. Add the Law of Attraction and make all those dreams come true!”

To your freedom,
Coach Stephanie


Regret Your New Years’ Resolutions, yet?

Studies indicate more than 80% of those who make New Years’ resolutions ignore them less than a week after making them. So you are not alone.

Regret is a negative emotion, producing negative energy and therefore stands in the way of your progress toward your goals.

It’s a little over one week, 8 days, since you made your New Years’ resolutions to:

Check One or more:

-Lose Weight

-Increase Exercise

-Sleep More

-Bitch less

-Be Mindful by the minute…

Body Knowledge System® has no room for regrets, or resolutions, as the system practices progress for all who use it.

Resolutions are simply a promise to yourself to accomplish a goal. When you’re in constant touch with your BFF, your body, both of you get there faster. So, there’s no need to make a big deal of making one or more “resolutions.” You are, in fact, living your resolutions in every thing you do, every day.

Body Knowledge practitioners renew their resolutions daily whenever they practice their dance, or dance their practice. Because their practice establishes a direct line of communication with their bodies, there is no need to make an issue of body confidence.

Body confidence is a direct result of the Body Knowledge System®. Stay tuned to Thursday’s post for more information.


As an adult, when you develop the relationship you have with the body you were born with, you will discover that body confidence is already there and has always been there since birth. Now your challenge is to rediscover it, practice it, until it becomes a habit that you will enjoy for the rest of your life.

Beyond learning the perfect timing for your planning for the rest of the year, you will get the help you need making the decisions necessary for a happier life right now, today.

The help comes from the wisdom in your body that until learning the Body Knowledge System®, you have either ignored or been unable to access. Once you begin your practice, your success will build and therefore reinforce the validity of your BFF and guidance she provides in your partnership.

What a team!

Your body confidence is already there, learn to experience it as soon as you renew the relationship with your body you enjoyed in the first year of your life.


Through the Body Knowledge System®.

It’s the New Year, so give yourself a gift to make this the best year ever!

Contact Coach Stephanie today!

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