
"Your body only wants the best for both of you."

Businesswoman with Arms Outstretched

Our mission is to give women of any age the perspective through my Body Knowledge System® to gain their body confidence in order to showcase their talents to the world.

START! Listening to Your Body! (how do I do that? See below)

STOP! Listening to other people tell you how you should look, how you should live, how you should be in YOUR life!

Are you curious as to how you can nurture body confidence from the inside out?

Take the Body Confidence Check-in Quiz

(Also receive my new ebook edition of “Client Stories” using the Body Knowledge System®)

Take a moment to listen to Susan’s journey:


Susan’s plea is she wished others would simply stop judging her body and start accepting herself as the smart, educated, kind woman she is. Too bad she hasn’t accepted herself, her body, as the intelligent, wise, friend we all need to support us as we go through life.

Susan has been brainwashed to believe it’s all about the numbers: on her scale, on her clothing, on her tracker. What she really seeks is the “feeling” associated with self-esteem: confidence, body confidence.

And as any practitioner of the Body Knowledge System® can tell you, that feeling is located where all feelings are, in your body.


Step One: Make friends with your body.

Actually, step one is for Susan to acknowledge and accept the body she has as her support system, the most intimate part of her being (like you would do with a REAL friend). So, it’s counter-productive for her to resent her body, to depend on changing her body in order to feel better about her self—because her body is the vital part of herself, and progress can happen when she approaches her body with positive feelings.

That is the essence of befriending your body: envelop her in warmth, smile with affection when acknowledging her, and accept her unconditionally as you would anyone else you choose to befriend.

Susan’s Progress:

Applying the Body Knowledge System® through positive coaching sessions creates critical changes in Susan, beyond weight loss to true Body Confidence!

Susan’s Perfection: The outcome for Susan to enjoy the benefits of Body Confidence from the inside out!

Is it ok to allow others to dictate how you should look?

Then that influences you and makes you doubt your shape as insignificant.

Is that worth it?

Are you curious as to how you can nurture body confidence from the inside out?
Take the Body Confidence Check-in Quiz

(Also receive my new ebook edition of “Client Stories” using the Body Knowledge System®)


To your freedom,
Coach Stephanie


Feel free to listen to the Radio conversation instead:

Amy Schumer Gives US a Hit on the Head to Wake UP!

Sometimes we get great epiphanies how how to wake to the beauty within us. Today’s show is about waking up to the “I Feel So Pretty” scenario and keeping that positive spin going. Do we change our appearance to help us gain better Body Confidence on the inside OR do we reframe our thoughts on the inside to help us walk in the world on the outside. Listen in to hear what works!

Listen To The Show Here

Using the Law of Attraction to get Body Confidence from the Inside Out!

Many of us use LOA’s powerful energy for what we desire in our lives. The implication is to attract things available in our environment, but not currently in our lives.The beauty of body confidence, the feeling of being comfortable with our appearance at any time under any circumstances, is we were born with that desirable quality.

Our challenge is to get it back and that’s where the Law of Attraction improves our lives.

At birth, our only fear was of falling, as we grew into adulthood, our personalities added other insecurities. As we matured, body confidence was socialized out of us by our parents, peers, and the media. For women, body image took center stage during our adolescence and continued affecting our overall confidence into adulthood.

In adulthood, every transition brought more body image issues.

There are three traditional LOA Steps to Creating Confidence:

  • Focus on the feeling in present time
  • Reframe negative emotions into positivity around this issue.
  • Allow Confidence to flow into you.

Those steps suggest Confidence lies outside of yourself, and it’s necessary to attract it to you. Practitioners of Law of Attraction will report mixed results with those steps, as well as other techniques traditionally used to draw non material things into their lives. Those unreliable results depend on the misconception that confidence is an external quality, one that is available somewhere “out there” and will be open to anyone who knows how to attract it.

And they are the same unenlightened people who attempt to acquire confidence with other external items: a fancy car, an attractive partner, a large house, lots of jewelry, and endless rounds of plastic surgery.

Those for whom,”More is never enough.”


Law of Attraction + Body Knowledge System= Body Confidence Made Simple.

Body Knowledge System practitioners understand the concept of “enough” and how it applies to every aspect of their lives. Ironically, those who also practice the Law of Attraction begin within their bodies to establish the trust between them for the Law of Attraction to be useful in all aspects of their lives.

The concept of “enough” when applied to confidence is particularly important when used to women in modern society. Assertiveness is often mistaken for arrogance and criticized harshly by those (men, mostly) we need to impress. And research indicates that women can react even more harshly to other women who possess the confidence they lack.

Overconfidence is a negative assessment whenever a project fails regardless of the gender of the person in charge. Overconfidence is forgivable in men, not so much when the failure belongs to women. The beauty of body knowledge is the degree of confidence expressed by either gender is always appropriate to the project.

Bring Back Your Birthright: How to Attract Body Confidence

As soon as you befriend your body through your unique body knowledge system, your body will share all the information you need to apply the law of attraction to bringing back your birthright: Body Confidence.

The only significant difference between the traditional application of the Law of Attraction is the replacement of Step Two with a body knowledge concept that you can use whenever you apply the Law of Attraction to any goal or acquisition you desire.

Here are more Body Knowledge System Steps to Apply to LOA for Creating Confidence.

Focus on the positive feeling: Where do you “feel”? Not in your head—no, you feel in your body.

When you’re experiencing confidence, you feel good, sometimes great. You straighten your spine to stand taller, your shoulders square, perhaps you widen your stance to command more space. Just like in the wild, you enlarge your impact on your environment to express your dominance. Think Wonder Woman stance!

Beyond the external expression of confidence, like other feelings, you experience them in your body. When in love, your “heart” soars, sings, and burns with passion. When afraid, your stomach tightens, your bowels loosen, and your brain may freeze. All that energy, positive or negative, begins in your body.

So does the Law of Attraction, as its power depends on the quality of the energy you express.



Let’s get your body involved, find your unique rhythm and get you dancing!


To eliminate the intrusion of negative feelings,thoughts, move your body. If you’re still “in your head” when practicing LOA, those downers are hard to get rid of for any length of time. And when they return, they can cancel out all the good energy your desire to reawaken the confidence available at your birth. Begin with your fingers, hands, arms, shoulders, and head, then turn to your toes, feet, legs and torso. If that distraction isn’t enough to return your focus, stand up and dance your dance. (See Body Knowledge System for more information)

Allow body confidence to reawaken the confidence you were born with: your birthright. Those who practice their body knowledge system rarely have issues with confidence in any situation. They have crossed that bridge in their maturing process and are prepared to self-actualize themselves using the Law of Attraction. Because they know they can rely on their body’s wisdom, support, and knowledge to always make the appropriate choices for both of them, they approach all of life’s challenges with the confidence available to them at birth.

Body Confidence Made Simple!

Feel your Body Confidence with every step and see how fast your life changes! Remember, Body knowledge is accomplished through renewed communication with your body. When that relationship is re-established, body confidence follows. Add the Law of Attraction and make all those dreams come true!?


Contact her at

Listen to Coach Stephanie and Shelagh Jones on their delightful show:

Body-Confidence LOA Style.

To Listen, go to


To your freedom,

Coach Stephanie

Young beautiful woman jumping with a scarf

A Body Confidence Coaching session with my Client Dee. Enjoy observing her challenges and her success.


A big part of the Body Knowledge System® is setting healthy intentions for your body or any part of your life. An intention is a sentence or two that affirms the kind of relationship you want to have with yourself and your body.

But setting an intention with words is only half the challenge.

By themselves, words have limited power. Take it from my client, Dee. The first time Dee read her intentions to me, she used language like, “I want to learn to be in tune with my body.’’


Can You Relate?

Can you relate to having this kind of relationship with your body? When you think about where you want to be, does it feel like you are involving your body in the process, or like you are telling a stranger what you would like them to do?

Within the Body Knowledge System® we added movement to her intention.

When Dee began to move with her body as she stated her intention, her words changed to, “I am in tune with my body.” The others in the group said they could hear the strength in her voice that she sounded like she was flying.

Dee was grateful for the feedback. Once she moved her body with her intention, she realized it had been there for her all along. Dee was able to move forward into a healthy relationship with her body’s wisdom, rather than continuing to feel estranged from her body.

Something Wonderful Happens

I’ve found that something wonderful happens when you fuse intention with movement. People become much clearer about what they want, and believe more strongly that it is possible.

Dee began to understand to move ( literally create movement with her intention, her words).

If Dee had continued to try and connect with her body without adding movement to her intention, she would have remained estranged from herself.

Your body is here for you, she is just waiting for you to invite it into your process of pursuing health.


Let’s get your body involved, find your unique rhythm and get you dancing!


Body Knowledge System® is much more than a program for taking care of your body through exercise and healthy eating habits. It delves deeper, extends your influence, and encompasses the totality of you in all areas of your life inclusive of your environments, health, work, events, relationships.

Let’s Get Started!

For a limited time I’m offering a special “Body Confident made Simple” Coaching Session

During this powerful, one-on-one coaching session, we’ll work together to…

=> Create a vision for building a relationship with your body that will allow you to eat well, find enjoyable ways to move your body and love the way you look.

=> Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your relationship with your body, leaving you feeling deflated and unhappy with yourself.

=> Leave this session renewed, inspired, and ready to finally learn to love your body and be the confident person you’ve always wanted to be


To join me in a “Body Confident made Simple” coaching session today, click here to contact me and take the Body confidence check in ( only 5 questions) as well.


(Please allow up to 25 minutes for this coaching session.)

Click here to join me.

’I don’t like the gym!’


Hi! Coach Stephanie here to share with you something that will give you better insight into your personal Body Confidence.

Want to get to know yourself better?

Two (2) choices:

Engage in Body confidence check in questionnaire(5  questions)

and follow up with me in a 25 minute coaching session

Read on to experience a client’s progress

P.S. This is about gaining Better Body Confidence using my Body Knowledge System ®.

You will learn the powerful technique of naming your body. Yes, She/he has an identity. As with any relationship, when you know who you are talking to, you gain better communication. With better communication you create a better relationship.  The result is Better Body Confidence.


Isn’t this what we want, to move our talents into the world?

Let’s get started with a client story.

Today, I want to share another powerful client story with you. My guess is that you’ll be able to relate to this client’s challenges. I’m going to share her story with you, and then I’ll walk you through how you can get started on the same path.

Meet Marilyn and the name she has given her body is Lightness:
Naming your Body jump starts with having a better relationship with your body to make better decisions in all areas of her life.

So, who is Lightness?

Here is a Body Knowledge System ® technique to gain better Body Confidence for you and your body.

Lightness is the name Marilyn gave her body. Our bodies have their own identities, needs, and wisdom. When Marilyn named her body, it helped her remember to be in tune with Lightness. Marilyn learned to communicate with Lightness and was able to form a healthy relationship with her body as a result.

Marilyn’s/Lightness’s situation when I met them:
Marilyn – like many women who desire to work out – had tried for years to stick with a workout regimen she didn’t enjoy. Inevitably, she would fail to keep up her workout routine and then she would feel guilty.

Marilyn wasn’t in touch with her body. She was trying to take care of herself by working out, but she realized that she was skipping her trips to the gym far more than she was going!

But with coaching, Marilyn discovered her body’s style. Lightness was a spontaneous exerciser…she didn’t like the gym!  Marilyn let go of the belief that working out had to take place in the gym and she began to let Lightness decide how she would move each day. Some days they garden, other days they dance, and other days they play soccer with a group of friends.


From “Frustrated with Routine” To “Moving in relationship with your Body”


After working within our coaching relationship, Marilyn said,”Wow! This new way of living is wonderful. Natural, easy to do, and life-affirming…and what fun!” Marilyn exuded excitement, enthusiasm, and warmth when talking to me about her new point of view.

Exercise and wellness

By accessing her Body’s Knowledge, the question, for example, “What workout should I do?” becomes “What type of movement does my body feel inspired to do today?”

What did we learn today?

Did you know that Body Knowledge System® is much more than a program for taking care of your body through exercise and healthy eating habits. It delves deeper, extends your influence, and encompasses the totality of you.

On the surface, you may want to improve your diet and exercise habits. Or you may want richer relationships, more abundance and more meaningful work. Ultimately, Body Knowledge System® is about honoring what feels good for your whole body and your whole life.

Want more?

Now it is about YOU!

For a limited time I’m offering a special “Body Confident made Simple” Coaching Session

During this powerful, one-on-one coaching session, we’ll work together to…

=> Create a vision for building a relationship with your body that will allow you to eat well, find enjoyable ways to move your body and love the way you look.

=> Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your relationship with your body, leaving you feeling deflated and unhappy with yourself.

=> Leave this session renewed, inspired, and ready to finally learn to love your body and be the confident person you’ve always wanted to be.


Here is what we do first together

Body Confidence Check In


To join me in a “Body Confident made Simple ” coaching session today,


(Please allow up to 25 minutes for this coaching session.)
To your freedom,

Coach Stephanie


Today, “dope” is definitely an adjective of praise. The meaning indicates excellence. So if you are “dope”, you have definitely arrived!

What does that mean for your body knowledge system?

Ask your BFF, your body.

Is she dope, does she think you’re dope, too?

If not, why not?

Your body was born dope. She was perfect in all ways, and she probably still is as dope as the day both of you were born.

So, if you don’t feel it—dope—then it’s time to ask her for some advice.

The easiest way to do that is through your Body Knowledge System®.

Coach Stephanie Wood created this process for you to get your “dope” on as soon as you establish open lines of communication with your BFF, your body.

She knows she’s “dope” and now she’s waiting for you to join her in the 21st Century of every woman’s right to feel good about herself, her body, and her place in the world.

That’s the real meaning of Body Confidence.


The old meaning of “dope” referred to illegal drugs from marijuana to heroin. It was not a positive word in the last century. This century’s shift from intolerance to acceptance has seen a shift in language by turning definitions upside down with our social mores.

According to the “2 Dope Girls” on the second season of HBO’s hit show, “Dope” is the state of mind expressing your contentment with who you are, where you are, and how you present yourself to the world. Now that’s  Body Confidence.

The reason this show is successful is the young women are comfortable in their own skin and that confidence comes across in their performances, as well as their interviews and appearances on promotional opportunities.

So the modern, millennial term for Body Confidence is Dope.

Regardless how you get there, or when you get there, if you want to get there, there is only one path to the outcome of Body Confidence, and that’s through the Body Knowledge System®

Your Body Knowledge System® is a short cut to Body Confidence, to being “Dope” instantly.

Contact Coach Stephanie Wood to find out more about all the good “dope” waiting for you, and your body.

Love yourself

If so, you are not alone.

Recent studies indicate the more time spent on social media, the lower your self-esteem. The increased popularity of Instagram, an app that focuses on faces, has increased the numbers of followers who hurt their own feelings when seeing others’ selfies.

The motivation for posting selfies is to gather “likes,” and if the expected number falls short, then the hurt goes deeper. Unless you practice the Body Knowledge System®.

Body Confidence, the by-product of the Body Knowledge® system, allows you to participate in Social Media for all the right reasons. If you’re having a good day or a good time, or simply want to share yourself with others, you post a picture reflecting your positive spirit.

Your posts are not motivated by an insecure sense of counting “likes” rather you’re posting to share your best self, your body confidence, your positive body knowledge spirit.

That generosity of spirit will inspire others to share with you, too.

Not “fake” confidence, but authentic confidence, a result of practicing Your Body Knowledge System®


True Body Confidence requires the power of two energies: you and your BFF, your body.

As soon as you establish the intimate relationship you were born with your body, you emit the warmth of loving energy always produced by an accepting loving relationship. In this case two light bulbs cast more light than just one, two batteries provide more power than just one, and two amplifiers create more music than just one. Therefore, it’s logical to assume that you and your BFF shine brighter, spread smiles, and sing sweeter than an acapella performance in an empty room.

As the commercial says:”two is always better than one.”

So, what are you waiting for?

It’s never too late to befriend your body.

And Enjoy the Body  Confidence you were born with….

It’s your birthright!


Body Confidence applies to your choices in all areas of you life.

When your decisions come from Body Confidence the outcomes are always positive.


Because those choices are a result of you plus your BFF sensing what is the best course of action for both of you.

If your expectations of the outcome differ from the result of a specific choice, perhaps it’s the expectation that is at fault.

Perhaps it’s time to examine the reality of your expectation rather than pass judgment on the outcome.

Those of us who endorse the positive aspects of the law of attraction always add the phrase “or something better” to our expectations.

Even though the outcome may dismay you at the time, be patient, as eventually you will see and understand the benefits in store for you as receive  ‘something better’.

What part does Body Confidence play in this scenario?

Certainty, Belief, Faith, Trust, Conviction in the better outcome: that assurance is body confidence and is accomplished when you and your BFF, your body work together to achieve your vision for the future.


Coach Stephanie here to share a great client coaching session with Body Knowledge System ® techniques and coaching.

Interested? Read on

Today, I want to share a client story with you. I believe this story will resonate with you. I’ll be sharing details on how you can get started with the very same way of expressing yourself in the world with a method that sustains you while learning and being coached.

Meet Alissandra and Jaz
Here is a Body Knowledge System ® technique to gain better Body Confidence for yourself:

So who is Jaz?

Jaz is Alissandra’s name for her body. It helps to acknowledge that she has a body. Her body has an identity. When Jaz has her own identity then communication becomes easier for the two of them to be in relationship with each other.

Here is Alissandra/Jaz’s situation at the moment:

Alissandra – like many people in our culture – has put her work first for many, many years.

“I am in my head 24/7,” she told me. “My body is just along for the ride…period.”

Alissandra had lost touch with her body, even though she named her body ‘Jaz.’. They were estranged. But with coaching, she was ready to stop ignoring her body(Jaz), and thankfully, they began to communicate with each other.

Working within a coaching session, Alissandra discovered something deeper than physical training. When she allowed her body to do the talking, her body told her, “I enjoy moving more versus you always being with your work. Can we compromise?”

From “Overwhelmed” To “Being in relationship with your Body”

Working within our coaching relationship not only helped Alissandra/Jaz increase her body awareness she then took this expanded understanding of herself into a new and different field of work.

She was able to flip the switch from “overwhelmed” to “in relationship with her body”. By accessing her body’s

Knowledge, the question, for example, “What should I eat?” becomes “What food inspires me and my body?”


What did we learn today?


Body Knowledge System® is much more than a program for taking care of your body through exercise and healthy eating habits. It delves deeper, extends your influence, and encompasses the totality of you.

On the surface, you may want to improve your diet and exercise habits. Or you may want richer relationships, more abundance and more meaningful work. Ultimately, Body Knowledge System® is about honoring what feels good for your whole body and your whole life.


Want more?

Now it is about YOU!

For a limited time I’m offering a special “Body Confident made Simple” Coaching Session

During this powerful, one-on-one coaching session, we’ll work together to…

=> Create a vision for building a relationship with your body that will allow you to eat well, find enjoyable ways to move your body and love the way you look.

=> Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your relationship with your body, leaving you feeling deflated and unhappy with yourself.

=> Leave this session renewed, inspired, and ready to finally learn to love your body and be the confident person you’ve always wanted to be

To join me in a “Body Confident made Simple ” coaching session today, simply click the contact link below and include your name, phone number and email address.

(Please allow up to 25 minutes for this coaching session.) Contact me today and put in the Comments Section: Want body confidence coaching session now.
To your freedom,
Coach Stephanie

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The Body Awareness Assessment© is your starting point to a system that will help you feel fabulous and inspire you to make a life-long commitment to maintaining that feeling.

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