
"As we recognize our body's intelligence and wisdom, we are in integrity."

Practicing your personal and professional body knowledge helps build confidence to function better during each day.

Let Marty share her evolution with her own body Knowledge
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Let’s listen to Marty:
As Stephanie’s client, I ended my estrangement with my 55-year-old body. She pointed out that at birth, our body and our mind are one unit. As we mature, our mind turns its attention outward to the environment to fulfill our body’s needs. We respond to external stimuli, and the separation increases, further distancing our body from our mind. 

I was ready to look at my relationship with my body as more than just taking up space on the planet. Rather than micromanaging my physical self, I embraced her, began to listen to her wisdom, and became comfortable with the knowledge that my BFF was there supporting us in our best interests. 

Until our move to Montana from Southern California, my exercise was aggressive tennis four times a week.  I love our ranch and the surrounding beauty, horses, dogs, and trails to hike. I spent days at the PC ghostwriting, and I had absolutely no desire to do aerobics to a video, run the trails (grizzly bears and mountain lions are out there), or do yoga without a skinny yogi ordering me into another pretzel pose.  

Most of us live daily without awareness of our unique, individual approaches to every aspect of living. As a child, my mother signed me up for years of ballet lessons, which I loathed. I am built like my father, a former professional football player and coach. Floating  about a stage in a leotard, a powder puff tutu, and painfully restrictive toe shoes is a humiliation I carried into adulthood.

If I was an Organized or Analytical Style, the ballet or a regularly scheduled gym class might work. Spontaneous styles look for pick-up basketball games on the neighborhood courts, drop-in hot yoga sessions, or at the 24-hour Jazzercise studios.

I have identified my dominant style as Inspirational as I sought an exercise that I would do! Freeform dance to rock ’n roll was my answer. Playlists to sweat to, stretch to, and smash writer’s block anytime, anywhere. The magic is always in the movement, and the music creates inspiration, fulfilling my style as I accomplished my goal of burning calories and getting in touch with my body, my BFF.

Inspirational, my dominant style, which is also evident in my career choice (writer/producer) and fortunately for my producing hat, Organizational comes in a close 2nd at work and at play. (Tennis foursomes, weekly court times, Bridge card games.) When shopping, I make a list, then forget to bring it with me…so I rely on memory and inspiration after arriving at the store.

As soon as we identify and accept the specific style that applies to eating, exercising, relationships, shopping, working, and playing, we derive more benefits, enjoy the activities more, and reinforce the closer relationship we have with our bodies. 

Knowing your style in relationships, as well as that of your significant other, parents, children, and associates, will strengthen your understanding. If you feel generous, go beyond your simple observations, and educate them in Coach Stephanie’s Style system. 

The Body Knowledge System’s value is its ease of restoring the confidence you were born with in this original, sensible, and provocative process. My only regret is not knowing about the Body Knowledge System ® in my teens or twenties, as the principles in the process are lifelong guides to my personal and professional success.

Thank you, Coach Stephanie; for me, better later than not at all!

To your freedom,

Coach Stephanie

Stephanie’s emphasis for any entrepreneur is Intention

“With your intention in mind, let your dance reflect it. If your intention is to lead with grace and assertiveness, move with a blend of poise and power. If your intention is to shatter stereotypes, let your movements be bold and transformative. As you dance, your body becomes a living embodiment of your commitment to combating disrespect.

Allow your intention to permeate your thoughts and emotions. Let it resonate within you like a mantra, infusing your dance with purpose and meaning. With each motion, remind yourself that you’re the orchestrator of this dance, the driving force behind your journey to conquer disrespect.”

Client Challenge and ‘Ha-Ha!’(Revelation)

Client: I have struggled with people pleasing my whole life. I feel like I end up absorbing so much in an effort to make everyone at work feel happy. I’m exhausted and catering to everyone is holding me back.

Stephanie: You’re dancing to someone else’s tune right now. Let’s get you back in sync with your body so you can find your own.

Client: I am ready to begin.

Stephanie: Let’s start with your intention. What would that sound like? Give me a short sentence please.

Client: Ugh. ‘I just hope I can learn how to stick up for myself.’

Stephanie: Let’s explore reframing your language with more definitiveness: Your turn:

Client: ‘Sticking up for myself empowers me!’ This feels and sounds better.

Stephanie: Okay, Let’s try describing how you’d show up if you had no fear! 

Client: ‘I intend to show up boldly, to know what I want, what I need and to act those things out in a kind but firm way!’ Now these words inspire me!  And Yes Stephanie! I remember what to do next…dance and move with my words! Plus moving with the words of my Intention makes my intention stronger and believable so that my mind and body remember the feeling of my Intention. 

(The Body Knowledge Dance) The Body Knowledge Entrepreneur: How to Navigate your Unique Style for Business Success.

One more step-Now it is your turn

Finding out about your style to move forward with all your business challenges.

Let’s now make a date for your customized coaching session. 

To your freedom,

Coach Stephanie

I am replying to your body confidence responses from my questionnaire (that you can take again or for those of you taking it for the 1st time cuz things change as you grow and learn)
As I hear from you, I want to include some observations from my one on one coaching sessions.


#2 To feel Body Confidence I need to…” I have no idea!”
This is the second question in the Body Confidence questionnaire and the answer most provided are a variation of “I have no idea!”

And this is the first challenge…it’s not about your head, your mind, your thought process, it’s always about your body.

Time out! Engage for 2 minutes to take this questionnaire

Body Confidence is not an idea, a mental image, a thought or even a vision, it’s about a feeling. And where do your feelings live? In your body.

So, how do you find that feeling?

If your answer to the second question referred to “knowing, or thinking” any of the mental verbs, that indicates the estrangement you have from your body.  To find your body confidence, refocus your attention to your body.

1.  First select a feeling you are comfortable with: happy, sad, mad, or glad. Those are the four categories psychologists identify with all of our human emotions. I’d put body confidence under “glad”. So, let’s start there.

‘Let’s engage with a coaching conversation (20 minutes, on me)’
Your results will take you on a new path and give you access to an uplifting body confidence coaching experience…on me or just call me now at 1-866-76-COACH/leave your cell phone number and we will connect and make a date.
Let’s hear what you have found out about yourself, then contact me (Stephanie) to get you where you want to be. I encourage you  Resume the Relationship with your body through your personal Body Knowledge System®.

2. Take a moment and locate that feeling within your body. The specific location is not important, just the realization that your body is the home to your familiar feelings of “glad.”  Try answering the second question with “I need to feel glad.”

Bring back the memory of the feeling glad and the experience that created that feeling. Hearing from an old friend, seeing a video of healthy puppies or kittens, feeling good after completing something you’ve been avoiding for too long, are just a few instances that summon up the “glad” emotion from your body.

Once you recognize that feeling, identifying it, it’s a very short step to re-discovering your body confidence, also resident in your body.

Ending the estrangement…

Those who practice their Body Knowledge System® are well on their way to recovering their birthright, the body confidence.

To your freedom,

Coach Stephanie

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“I have never felt body confidence.” is the most common answer to the first question with my body confidence check in questionnaire.


Time out! Engage for 2 minutes to take this questionnaire

Your results will take you on a new path and give you access to a uplifting body confidence coaching experience…on me  or just call me now at 1-866-76-COACH/leave your cell phone number and we will connect and make a date


Did you know that body confidence begins in our body, and we are all born with it, even men? Males’ body confidence lasts a lifetime. Not so for women, as we mature physically, we may lose our body confidence birthright.

Inside the Image
In the 21st Century we have the tools to level the body confidence playing field. It is no longer about image or appearance, it’s about our connection with the location of our body confidence: our body.Body Confidence never left our body. Our awareness of it has lessened to the point of invisibility, and if we want body confidence we need to get out of our heads and resume our relationship with our body.First

Identify the Feeling

The Body Knowledge System® is the efficient, effective way to re-connect with your body to answer the first question in the Body Confidence check in questionnaire with a specific age, date, or event. Once you identify the feeling of confidence located in your body with all of your other feelings, the next step becomes possible.

Next Experience the Feeling
There’s no need to “fake it until you make it” with your personalized body knowledge system as soon as you re-establish your relationship with your BFF, your body.

Time out! Engage for 2 minutes to take this questionnaire

Your results will take you on a new path and give you access to a uplifting body confidence coaching experience…on me  or just call me now at 1-866-76-COACH/leave your cell phone number and we will connect and make a date.

Let’s see what you have found out about yourself, then contact me (Stephanie) to get you where you want to be. Resume the Relationship with your body through your personal Body Knowledge System®.

To your freedom,

Coach Stephanie

Do your wear Flats or Heels?
by Coach Stephanie Wood, PCC

Lisa, my client, wanted to discuss her teenage daughter in our last session, “In my generation, 5’9″ was considered tall for a woman, so I entered junior high already slumping through the halls, looking down at the shorter six grade boys—Now my daughter, Zoe, measures 5’11” as she enters High School and I can’t remember the last time I saw her stand up straight! Plus, there is not one pair of heels in her closet—only the thinnest of flats!”

Since I’m 5’3″, at a young age I hoped for a few more inches so I would become a New York City Ballet dancer on the world stage. It never occurred to me that my girlfriends might resent the inches they have as much as I resented the inches I didn’t have.


Take the Body Confidence Check-in Quiz

High Heels to my rescue

When I discovered the empowerment of high heels to my 5’3” height, a new world opened up for me. I felt a new sense of perception and carried my body with more confidence. Honestly, I think we all want what we do not have therefore sacrificing body confidence. Ridiculous! Yes?

Some interesting facts about height and our body confidence

After our coaching session ended, I did a little research on the subject of body confidence and tall women and was shocked to discover: for every inch over the national average of 5’9″ considered “tall” for a woman, their body confidence fell proportionally. Perhaps that’s the reason shoe manufacturers sell more flats to tall rather than shorter women.

In a recent article by Lorra Garrick, “Self-body Shaming: When Very Tall Women Wear Flats”, she asserts that choice indicates the wearer lacks the self-confidence that accompanies the same height on a man. “What a shame. Why would any woman want to look UP to the men in a room?”

Lorra’s short cut for “Susceptible to Negative Opinions of Other People?” applies to all of us whenever our body confidence suffers an assault as a reaction to a perceived slight, a disappointment, or simply looking into the mirror and frown rather than smile at the image looking back at you.

“You belong on a Pedestal”

Zoe’s mother’s efforts to build her daughter’s confidence by encouraging her to stand up straight was good for her posture but did little to tap into her body confidence.

Coaching visualization with Zoe for Lisa

“I encourage you to have a conversation with Zoe so that she can envision herself on a pedestal like all the beautiful women over the years, whether the pedestal is as thin as a piece of paper or four inches of spiked loveliness.”

The message for all of us is:

When looking in the mirror or walking into a room, isn’t it glorious to feel the strength within your body as you decide what height you feel most comfortable in [real height does not even matter anymore]. –this is body confidence–

Enjoy taking a very brief Body Confidence 5 Questions check-in

Take the Body Confidence Check-in Quiz

To your freedom,
Coach Stephanie

Your Body Knowledge System is the key to unlocking

Your personal Body Confidence

Open the lock and release your Body Confidence forever.

Enjoying the sun


Here is what I want for you to better understand

Client story to better understand the body knowledge concept


My client, Sara, was gob-smacked at what she realized was a thinly veiled insult by her step-mother about her weight. The fact that Sara had just given birth to her fourth child found the woman’s comment extremely hurtful.


Instead, she called me for a refresher Body Knowledge System® coaching session.


Sara’s challenge

“What has taken me so long to re-connect?” Sara asked. “After every birth I call you as soon as I put the baby down for a long nap.


“Yes, my personal Body Knowledge System® refreshes more than my body confidence, it always lifts my baby blues and gets reminds me of the awesome body I have!”


My coaching observation with Sara’s challenge

With Sara it is about renewing the relationship between her and her body. Recognizing her body’s identity and recognizing her body’s attributes (as she would do with a friend or spouse).


Allow me to help you create your perfect and appropriate response to any put down, insult, or snarky remark.


Let’s begin, together accessing your body confidence when you practice your Body Knowledge System®!

When in (Body Confidence) Doubt, DANCE!

Where does body confidence begin?

Within your body.

Where does your dance begin?

Within your body.

Where does your doubt begin?

Within your mind.


Doubt is fear. Fear begins in your mind and is never present in your body unless your mind places it there. Rather than trying to change your mind, move your body and allow her to change your mind into one of confidence, optimism, and positivity.


Take this Questionnaire


Your dance is a pure manifestation of your body’s knowledge—about you! Your body was born with body confidence, and your body maintains that level of certitude through out your life. It’s your mind that gets influenced by negative, judgmental, critical comparisons to others that diminishes your self-assurance.

How to get your Body Confidence back when in doubt

Your body is your coaching tool to correct the imbalance between those outside influences and what you and your BFF know to be true about yourself.

How Body Confidence cures the Law of Distraction

Did you know that Distraction is the enemy of the Law Attraction?  Did you know Body Confidence from your personal body knowledge system cures the distraction that interferes with your successful practice of the law of attraction which gets in the way of what you want in life?


Every moment you spend energy on a distraction you are not approaching your vision for the future. Body Confidence from your body knowledge returns your attention to where it belongs: raising your vibration to attract all the good things life has to offer you and others who:


TIP: from Distraction to Attraction!

Want more insight in how to elevate your body confidence?

I invite you to answer these 5 questions (takes about 10 seconds)


Body Confidence is a “now” experience. We’ve made the point that we were all born with body confidence. Look at any baby who has a direct relationship with what he wants and getting it from his caretakers, often instantly! Now that’s the law of attraction in action.

All babies have body confidence and are therefore able to attract what they need without pausing to consider whether they deserve it, earned it, or are worthy of meeting their needs in a timely fashion.

As we mature, our natural body confidence fades under pressures from our environment and significant others. It’s still there but is buried beneath the often-negative energy our minds lay on our physical self. Judgments, criticism, despair are just three examples of the mind tricks played on our bodies to distract us from our worthwhile objectives.


TIP: Knowledge is Positive Power!

Want more insight in how to elevate your body confidence?

I invite you to answer these 5 questions (takes about 10 seconds)


Body Knowledge is positive power in action.

Moment to moment body knowledge allows us the confidence to focus on what we want and apply our positive energy to acquiring it. Your personal Body Knowledge System is one way of acquiring the intimate relationship with your body required to accelerate the Law of Attraction.

When your body becomes your BFF, every step of the Law of Attraction process eases you into getting what you want—sooner rather than later. Your personal body knowledge system allows you to befriend your body, to acknowledge your worthiness, and recover the body confidence that’s been hiding in the background since your infancy.

With Body Confidence you can:

  1. Own your objective. Claim your vision for the future as a real, positive possibility for your life. Why? Because you deserve it!
  2. Clarify your objective by dismissing the other options. Your body confidence confirms your choices as appropriate and achievable.
  3. That same body confidence propels you into the action required to achieve your goals or allow something better into your life.

When you practice your personal body knowledge you use your physical self to discipline your mental self to increase focus, remain in the present and raise your vibration and attract your vision. Your body knowledge is the confidence in the outcome, that you know (not expect!) will happen.

Knowing is in the present, not the future or the past.
Knowing is Body Confidence,
Body Confidence is knowing.


Body Confidence is the Law of Attraction in Action!

Want more insight in how to elevate your body confidence?

I invite you to answer these 5 questions (takes about 10 seconds)


Distraction is the enemy of Attraction.

Distractions pull you toward the future or anchor you in the past. For the Law of Attraction to be truly effective it must occur in real time, in the now! Body Confidence is always in the present. Applying your body knowledge to banish the distractions that weaken the power of the Law of Attraction process benefits you in so many ways beyond getting what you want in life.

It benefits all of us as we raise our vibration, others raise theirs, too and we are all better off when we get what we want. We live in an age of plenty. If we get what we want, it doesn’t mean depriving anyone else of anything.

There is always enough.

Coach Stephanie

Knowing your Body Knowledge Style ® makes eating choices simple

Body image

My client Betsy said, when starting the Weight Watchers Program:

“Who has time for points; detailed record keeping and daily at home weigh-ins?”

When Betsy called me for coaching with how to eat with her body so both of them were happier, she felt ashamed of herself for flunking out of Weight Watchers without meeting her goals.

As her coach, here is the new learning Betsy will benefit from:

“My clients who fall into the Analytical Style have success with the Weight Watcher’s attention to detail,” I replied. “However, the majority of us need to know our individual style in order to determine what will work for us.”

As your Coach, I want you to be aware of as many tools and techniques to have the body confidence you deserve to move into this world with grace and finesse.

Body Confidence Eating Style Questionnaire

I know you will be open: here is the next step:

Did you know that the Body Knowledge System ® can create an environment for you around how you eat in a sustainable way?

Learn how you can navigate Weight Watchers Program (or any other ‘lose quick’ weight program)  With our Body Knowledge System® Style Orientation to make better eating choices.

Our System acknowledges what our body needs and wants versus what a program pushes us to adhere to;


My inspiration to you is to acknowledge your style

Body Confidence Eating Style Questionnaire

(it takes 10 seconds or less)


In doing so, any Nutrition Program you decide to participate in will give you the empowerment to do it YOUR WAY knowing your Personal Body Knowledge System® Style.

Ready to play? Click here

Coach Stephanie

Businesswoman with Arms Outstretched

Are you an Entrepreneur who feels inhibited to go out into the world with your talents? Here is the conversation to have with yourself to find out how to move forward.

Entrepreneurs come in all shapes and sizes. The one thing they all have in common is confidence, Body Confidence!

Body Confidence means more than confidence in your product, or your process or your ability to succeed in your niche market. Certainly, you have confidence in your special offering to the world to take it to the marketplace with an expectation of success.

Body Confidence always comes before the belief of personal worth.

Body Confidence comes before the expectation of acceptance in the marketplace.

Body Confidence is the first step on your journey to success!

As your Coach (Stephanie Wood)

I encourage you to make a mental list of all the modern successful entrepreneurs who inspire you. ( hit reply and share).Their names are household words, because they possess the body confidence to back up their belief in their process, product or service. They rarely hire others to be the “face” of their business, because they so closely identify with their creation that their image sells their efforts because of their body confidence.

When you are ready to be a successful entrepreneur, how Body Confident are you?


Find out where you stand, before you invest the time, energy, and money in developing your brand-new business.


If body confidence is a challenge,Here is a practical solution.

Your body knowledge awaits you. As soon as you access your body’s knowledge and apply it to your dreams for the future, your body confidence flows.

I invite you to a coaching conversation around how your body knowledge can help you with your business and with your body’s confidence to move into the industry you desire to be apart of in the way that makes you feel comfortable.



So enjoy taking my Body Confidence questionnaire and I will follow up with you.

To your freedom,

Coach Stephanie

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