
"Dance is the hidden language of the Soul."

mind body

The Body Knowledge System goes beyond the basics of knowing your own body, into the essence of who you are now and who you want to be tomorrow, next week, next month, next year…

Your physical self is a scientific, data driven, measurement aspect of who you are. Objective, non-judgmental, and impersonal numbers on a screen or a page, your physical self exists in time and space apart from the whole that makes up you.

When the Body Knowledge System® refers to your body, it adds your spirit to that physical representation of you. That spirit is affected by energy, both positive and negative, so the same body described by those numbers can be attractive with the positive energy contributed by your spiritual self that lives in every cell of your physical body.

Your communication and cooperation with your body allows the spiritual self to affect the physical self in a positive manner. You have control over that spiritual self when you practice the Body Knowledge System®

Instead of the list of resolutions on 1/9/2018, resolve to discover the Body Knowledge System® in order to eliminate that tradition from your New Year’s celebration.

You have nothing to lose, but the regrets you feel this week when your resolutions lie neglected in the corner.



Coach Stephanie has a gift for you that guarantees you will not only survive the parties, dinners, eggnog, cookies, candies, you will enjoy them, too!

Simply click this link, (to the Hunger Scale on the website) download the single page of instructions. Post them where you can refer to them during your holiday events when you need some guidance around the delicious holiday food and drink you encounter at the parties you give and those you attend.

This list is the guidepost for all successful practitioners of the Body Knowledge System®. After the lines of communication are open between you and your body, you will no longer need to refer to the list to know its contents. You will simply listen to your body’s wisdom and make the right choices for both of you!

Enjoy your holidays!

Coach Stephanie!


If we all loved our bodies, there would be no need for this book or any other on weight management and avoided the drama around food all women experience at some time in their lives.

“Body Love” a new book by author, nutritionist, and health specialist to the stars tells us all we need to know in the subtitle: “Live in Balance, Weigh What You Want, and Free Yourself from Food Drama Forever.” Before writing this book, Kelly Leveque researched the science behind familiar diets in order to increase her understanding why and how they affect the body’s loss of pounds. In doing so, she discovered why they aren’t sustainable.

Frankly, it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out:

  1. Low calorie diets work, of course they work if you can ignore the hunger always associated with them.
  2. Low carbohydrate diets work as long as you can stand eating all of the things you were told in high school not to eat exclusively if you want to live past 50. ( I personally love butter, bacon, cheese, eggs—but exclusively? Forever? Not so much.)
  3. Nothing with eyes: Does that include black-eyed peas, potatoes?
  4. Nothing white, hmmm. I supposed they mean bread, pasta, potatoes, sugar. Ok, so black bread, veggie pasta, sweet potatoes, and brown sugar must be ok, right?

Ok, we get the picture. Diets do not work. Tell us something we don’t know: The Body Knowledge System® does work.

BKS works because it’s a system, not a dictation of what you can not do or eat. The system teaches you to do what Kelly Leveque recommends in her new book.

From the Amazon review: “Instead, she offers a better choice: her four-step Food Freedom program that helps you find your wellness balance between eating enough and deciding how you feel. Once you find your balance, you will lose weight, lose fat, increase lean muscle mass, and drop at least one size. You’ll also enjoy thicker, shinier hair; clear, glowing skin; a remarkable improvement in your overall well-being.”

It’s that italicized phrase that is the essence of the Body Knowledge System®

deciding how you feel” And how does that happen?

Ask your BFF, your body!

Contact Stephanie for more information.

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