
"Your body speaks up for you when you do not speak up for yourself."

Stop it!

Have you noticed how much “body shaming” is happening in our culture lately?

Body shame

It is not OK to Body Shame!

Social Media promotes Body Bullying!

To stop Body Shaming…Begin with your body!

While the rise of social media has had damaging effects, it has also empowered many women (and men!) to stand up against the bullies.

Alone, we are a single voice of protest.

Together, we are a chorus of positive energy pushing back against the attempted tyranny of the body bullies!

Positive Energy

So, what are the next steps?

As the founder of the Body Knowledge System®, I’m here to help restore our integrity as we move from body shame to body awe*!  My website guides women who want to progress from Body Shame to Body Awe through the successful application of my body knowledge system.

*Body Awe means respect filled with wonder when considering our body.

“AWESOME”  Current culture uses “awesome” to describe the very best of the best.  Notice the “we” in that word.

And even more practically . . . what are the practices you can incorporate into your everyday life to make this a reality?

Learn how Body Shaming can be erased forever with the Body Knowledge System® with Coach Stephanie Wood, PCC.

Contact me for a FREE CONSULTATION!

Body Shame → Body Acceptance → Body Confidence →

Body Awe!

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