
"Your body speaks up for you when you do not speak up for yourself."

Steve Harvey, host of Family Feud: “Survey Says…Women have no idea what Body Confidence is!”


Ok, it’s not Steve Harvey, but in my recent survey, I sent out to a list of women who are not my “peeps” (yet), I was shocked to discover 100% of them had never experienced Body Confidence, and were not clear what the term means even though they were familiar with it from the media.

Aside from the fact they were not sure of the specific meaning of the term or how it would apply to them, they were “jealous” of those who had it and wanted it for themselves…just didn’t know how to get it.

Granted the check-in was designed for answers from impulse response, because those are usually truthful. If you want more info, please click the link above and see for yourself.

In the meantime, take my word for it that from the hundreds, maybe thousands of women who received the emails, their responses indicated a real need to learn more about body confidence and how to re-awaken it in themselves.

So, as the founder of the Body Knowledge System®, the sustainable solution to body issues for women of all ages, I recognize the challenge before me: to educate women about their birthright: Body Confidence!

Thanks for paying attention, and there’s more to come

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