
"Your body only wants the best for both of you."

Skinny Models, TMZ and You [Body Image Series #1]

self esteem

If you’ve ever struggled with letting the media (skinny models, fad diets, etc.) tell you how you should feel about yourself, this one’s for you.




Thank God for Eleanor Roosevelt! Every woman knows what it feels like to let someone make you feel bad about yourself.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

So whether it’s skinny models in magazines, super successful actresses on TMZ, an offensive Facebook post or email… whatever… those messages don’t have to dictate how you feel about yourself!

So…if or when other people make you feel bad about you—time to consider the source of all that feedback, and then ignore it, dismiss it, and finally avoid it.

Here’s a better way… are you ready to reclaim your birthright?




Remember when you were a kid? Back before you cared what other people thought about you?

…those were the days…

The good news is your body is still here: ready, willing and looking forward to communicating her truth with you as soon as you are willing to listen.

Are you ready for a mature relationship with your body?

When you re-establish your birthright, that intimate relationship with your body, no one and nothing has the power to make you feel inferior.




If you’re struggling with negative body image, here are your two options for moving forward:

1) Wait for the help you need, as I’ll be releasing these brand new articles over the coming months…


2) Contact me today for the help. I’ll even take $50 off your first consultation.

To you starting to love your body sooner rather than later,

P.S. Add me to your Google+ contacts since I will be using this as my new platform.

P.P.S. If you enjoyed this article, be sure to look for Article #2 coming next week!

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