
"Did you bring your body with you?"

Revolutionize Your Approach to Entrepreneurship with Mind-Body Harmony

Entrepreneurial Success Through Mind-Body Connection

Stephanie emphasizes the body-mind connection

What can this possibly have to do with me being an entrepreneur?

Let’s find out

One of the most exciting aspects of the Body Knowledge Dance is its focus on stress reduction and clear thinking, which is perfect for the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship you’re in. You know that stress can be a constant challenge on this journey, but through the dance’s mindful and meditative qualities, you’ll find a space for inner peace and rejuvenation. Release that physical tension as you focus on being present in the moment, calming your mind and reducing anxiety like never before.

Coaching with Stephanie
With Stephanie’s coaching, her client rediscovers her body and invites her back in

Client: Back in December, I went to the Emergency Room for chest pains. All my tests came back normal and the doctor there diagnosed me as having a panic attack. He had me follow up with a cardiologist and that doctor came to the same conclusion. None of my friends or family were surprised.

The thing is, I felt like the stress was fueling me to do my job well. It was like a high. Sure, I crash every so often, but I thought it was working. Now, for my health’s sake, I’m trying to work from a calmer and more regulated place. That’s my intention, but when I think about making it happen, I just feel lost. 

Client Challenge and ‘Ha-Ha!’(Revelation)

Stephanie: You got so accustomed to the dance of stress and anxiety, you’ve forgotten your body’s dance all together! Never fear – we will recover your steps together. How can we best create a connection between your body and your state of mind?

Client: I usually visualize my intention.

Stephanie: Wonderful. Let’s visualize that intention and bring it to life. When you’re ready, I want you to close your eyes and picture yourself embodying calm and regulation as an entrepreneur.

Client: So I say out loud : ‘I embody calm and regulation as an entrepreneur.’

Stephanie: Indeed! Now it’s time to let that visualized intention guide your body as it moves. As you move your body say your intention out loud. ( you are your own choreographer). Yes! Move your body in any shape or form you want. What is happening

Client: I already feel a little calmer, but I feel more alive too! I never knew I could have energy from calm instead of being fueled by stress. I feel hopeful for the first time in awhile!

For you to know

My clients often come to me exhausted and at the end of their rope. Our culture teaches us that we must force our bodies to conform to our version of success, but the Body Knowledge Entrepreneur learns that she doesn’t have to sacrifice her own well-being to achieve success in the business world.

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