
"The magic of motion opens the way to share emotions between you & your body."

Body Confidence Radio Show

Body Confidence made easy and fun

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More Recent Episodes

November 4, 2019 How Body Confidence Helps Your Healthy Lifestyle

Did you know you can elevate your body confidence by understanding your way of healthy living?  It all starts with learning your Body Knowledge System® conversation.  This week on the show, learn about a healthy life with your body through eating, moving, hugging, understanding, and forgiving.  Your body confidence is personal, so own it!  Listen and learn with Coach Stephanie Wood, Shelagh Jones, and Sharon Shriqui at Body Confidence at LOA-style Radio Show.

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October 14, 2019 How to Boost Your Energy for Job Transitions, Moving, Funerals, or Travel

Learn to use Law of Attraction principles to work through whatever challenges you currently face!  This one coaching technique – positive reframing – can make any event happy. And it starts with knowing your Body Knowledge Style® Your body confidence is personal, so own it!  Listen and learn with Coach Stephanie Wood, Shelagh Jones, and Sharon Shriqui at Body Confidence… an LOA-style Radio Show.

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September 16, 2019 Learn Healthy Eating Strategies-your way

Listen and learn with Coach Stephanie Wood, Shelagh Jones and Sharon Shriqui at Body Confidence- LOA style Radio Show.  Whose to say what foods are healthy and what foods are not healthy?  If a MacDonald’s hamburger has taught my intellect that it is ‘bad’ for us but my body digests the MacDonald’s hamburger with ease and joy, so be it!  Bottom line: there is no healthy eating or unhealthy eating.  What it is about is how your body responds to certain food choices; of course, it that food choice gives you unhealthy symptoms in your system then there is a need to re evaluate.  Practice Experimentation and listen to your body and head

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September 1, 2019 How to conquer financial issues to ensure positive body positivity

Join Coach Stephanie Wood with Sharon Shriqui and Shelagh Jones to discover creative choices with a body confidence coaching technique on their radio conversation.  Learn the ‘54321’method to elevate your body confidence.  Learn how to perceive your financial issues differently to create positive body passivity.  Seek ways to create better body positivity by improving your daily self-care rituals

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August 26, 2019 How to better your Body Confidence during Life Changing Events

Learn what will work for you by listening to this podcast.Join Coach Stephanie Wood with Sharon Shriqui and Shelagh Jones to discover creative choices with a body confidence coaching technique on their radio conversation.  Body Confidence happens when you take risk and learn from mistakes. Our interesting and intricate conversations confirm this.

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August 18, 2019 Food shaming is a lot like body shaming. Really?

Can Body confidence combat food shaming? How do you get over body shaming and food shaming?  Learn what will work for you by listening to this podcast.   Join Shelagh Jones with Sharon Shriqui and Coach Stephanie Wood to discover creative choices with a body confidence coaching technique on their radio conversation.  Body Confidence happens when you take risk and learn from mistakes. Our interesting and intricate conversations confirm this.

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July 19, 2019 Throughout years our Confidence Changes

Body Confidence changes as we age. True or False? But HOW does Body Image change with age? How healthy is your Body Confidence, and are you normal in your confidence level?

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July 5, 2019 Body Confidence changes as we age. True or False

Body Confidence changes as we age. True or False Description: How does Body Image change with age? How healthy is your Body Confidence as you age?

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June 28, 2019 Elevate Your Body Confidence over Arrogant Behaviour

Can you be arrogant and have low self-esteem? What is the difference between arrogance and self-confidence? Can arrogance chastise your body confidence? Listen and learn at ‘Body Confidence-LOA Style. Join Coach Stephanie Wood, Shelagh Jones Sharon Shriqui to discover creative choices with a body confidence coaching technique on their radio conversation.

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June 21, 2019 How Entrepreneurs Boost their Body Confidence!

Why is body confidence important in business? Well, if you want customers… it means everything. Business is based on trust… and if you don’t look successful and confident, how will others view you. This show is all about how to balance your body confidence with your business success! Listen and learn at ‘Body Confidence-LOA Style. Join Coach Stephanie Wood, Shelagh Jones Sharon Shriqui to discover creative choices with a body confidence coaching technique on their radio show.

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June 14, 2019 Body Confidence Techniques that SQUASH Body Shaming!

How do you solve body image issues between you and your children or you and your spouse. Listen to Coach Stephanie Wood and Sharon Shriqui as they describe what they did right and wrong within this conversation. It truly is about the Law of Attraction and keeping your BFF (your Body) confident!

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May 10, 2019 Learning to Use Your Intuition

Body Confidence becomes attainable when you learn how to listen to your Intuition with your Law of Attraction Intentions to enliven your confidence.

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April 26, 2019 Are You in a Perfection Mode?

Listen to how we conquer our beliefs around Perfectionism. Why do you think we all need to think we are perfect. Are we unsure of ourselves? Are we Meeting New People? Are we really feeling confident about ourself and our abilities. Let’s find out what being in a Perfection Mode really means. Listen and learn at ‘Body Confidence-LOA Style’ Join Shelagh Jones with Sharon Shriqui and Coach Stephanie Wood to discover creative choices with a body confidence coaching technique on their radio conversation.

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April 19, 2019 Burn BurnOUT hits… Ouch!

This week’s show is all a common phenomenon called Burn Out. We all experience and sometimes it is so fast, that it hits us between the eyes. We start lacking the desire and enthusiam that we first had and this can make Entreprenuers and Government Employees really feel guilt. They would rather be, do and have anything other than where they are at daily. So what to do?

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April 12, 2019 Body Confidence become easier with eating choices…

Body Confidence become easier with eating choices knowing your Body Knowledge Styles® with your LOA Intentions and much more

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April 5, 2019 Body Confidence and Self-confidence becomes attainable when you add Movement [of course in your own style]

Your body is as brilliant as your mind. It reflects exactly what you are thinking about yourself. Stephanie Wood and Shelagh Jones let you in on the little known secrets of your body. Are you aware your body has the ability to share knowledge with you? Is your body as confident as you are? Your Body is Talking to you… Are you listening?

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March 28, 2019 Intention, Affirmations and MOVEMENT.

Body Confidence becomes easier when you learn how to move with your Law of Attraction Intentions and Affirmations. Body Confidence is all about using the Law of Attraction to bring that confidence to you. So the process that we are talking about is about setting our intention, affirming those intentions and energize those intentions to bring about a fabulous new you!

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March 22, 2019 Entrepreneur Confidence can be reflected through your body.

There are so many ways that your body can reveal your true thoughts about you. Sometimes, you can even overcompensate. Emotions can come out such as a rebellious attitude (which can be effective) but the best way to know what others think about your confidence is to get feedback from those around you. Be willing to listen and see if that can match your vibration in which to build confidence.

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March 15, 2019 Remember when you PLAYED with others?

Join us today as we discover the creativity of playtime. It not only sparks creativity within, it create a sense of Body Confidence that is display outward. So start remembering how you acted, how you felt and how joyful you got when you played with your friends. It will refresh your mind to think Young once again.

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March 9, 2019 Creative Environment increases your Confidence!

Have you ever began to be more creative with your work environment and noticed your body confidence was elevated? It’s an interesting discussion of what works and what doesn’t. Often just noticing that you are not as creative as usual is a good sign that your work space needs an uplift. Uplift that can easily bring on new creativity and brand new body confidence. All it takes is noticing your space and then taking charge!

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March 1, 2019 It’s All About Fitting in with Confidence

We all have to lift our emotions up to create body confidence so we can fit in. This show deals with how you can do that. Remember, the Law of Attraction is about shifting to a higher vibration which stirs up the self -esteem and body confidence to go anywhere, be anything and be able to do anything you want. All it takes on shifting you to the sweet vibration of body-confidence.

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February 15, 2019 Listening to Your Intuition Can Bring You into Living with More Body Confidence

Not listening to your intuition or your body’s voice which might be getting in the way of feeling better about your body confidence? Join Shelagh Jones with Guest Sharon Shriqui and Coach Stephanie Wood to discover creative choices with a body confidence coaching technique on their radio conversation.Body Confidence happens when you take risk and learn from mistakes.

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February 7, 2019 Be Prepared to Walk Into a Room

Sometimes you just need to prepare yourself before you walk into a party or a group gathering. This means taking the step to be aware of what you are feeling about the event. So stop, breathe and ask your body… am I ready to do this? Listen to what it says back by noticing how you are feeling. If you are not ready… Stop again, breathe and see your self glowing in a pretend mirror. Let your confidence build and then take that first step into the door with a big smile. You got this all the way. Listen to today’s show and learn what Shelagh does to overcome her fears. Great show!

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February 1, 2019 Moving your body is the perfect way to gain confidence

Body Confidence is elevated with the Movement of your body. Movement is definately allows you to communicate with your body. The easier it is to MOVE, the easier it is for you to obtain that confidence you are looking for! .Join Shelagh Jones with Sharon Shriqui and Coach Stephanie Woodto discover creative choices with a body confidence coaching technique on their radio conversation.Body Confidence happens when you take risk and learn from mistakes.

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January 25, 2019 Elevate Your Confidence with Creative Solutions!

Your body confidence is elevated with creative solutions cuz your lifestyle is always changing and evolving. Listen in with the intent that this conversation will not only boost but will enhance your Body Confidence. Join us, Shelagh Jones and Coach Stephanie Wood to discover creative choices in uplifting your body confidence with their unique coaching technique. Body Confidence happens when you take risk and learn from mistakes. Our interesting and intricate conversations confirm this.

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January 19, 2019 Do you use Numbing Techniques or Tune in Techniques?

Body Confidence elevated with Body Knowledge System and tune-in vs. numbing techniques can be practiced after you hear our conversation. Join Shelagh Jones with Guest Sharon Shriqui and Coach Stephanie Wood to discover creative choices with a body confidence coaching technique on their radio conversation. Body Confidence happens when you take risk and learn from mistakes.

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January 11, 2019 Don’t be afraid to shift your Body in New Movements…

There is nothing that says you must exercise or do things a certain way. When you include your body into the conversation, you will find new ways of moving your body that feels great, thereby manifesting your OWN Body confidence. It’s all about listening, and understanding that feels SOOO GOOD!

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December 21, 2018 What is the difference between ‘Body Image’ and ‘Body Confidence?

Here is our definition and see if you agree with us. There are a few ways to look how you project out to the world. This just might simplify your understanding! Listen in on our conversation to learn how this situation can enhance your experience with your Body Confidence. Join Shelagh Jones and Coach Stephanie Wood to discover creative choices with a body confidence coaching technique on their radio conversation. Body Confidence happens when you take risk and learn from mistakes. Our interesting and intricate conversations confirm this.

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December 14, 2018 The Surprise Factor!

Did you know that sometimes‘not knowing’ in any new situation can actually boost your body confidence to 100%? You see, as we follow the Law of Attraction, there is a reason for everything… and sometimes, walking through a new situation can have your realizing… Wow, look at what I just accomplished! Yep, its a real confidence booster. Listen in on our conversation to learn how this situation can enhance your experience with your Body Confidence.

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December 7, 2018 Why What You Wear Is Important – No matter what!

Have you experienced that revealing yourself with the clothing that makes you feel great can make a difference between low body confidence and happy body confidence? Listen in on our conversation to learn how this situation can enhance your experience with your Body Confidence. Join Shelagh Jones and Coach Stephanie Wood to discover creative choices with a body confidence coaching technique on their radio conversation. Body Confidence happens when you take risk and learn from mistakes. Our interesting and intricate conversations confirm this.

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December 1, 2018 What? Public Figures That Emanates a Lack of Body Confidence

Have you ever seen public figures that emanates a lack of Body Confidence without even knowing it? It could be different for woman vs a Man. Listen in on our conversation to learn how this situation can enhance your experience with your Body Confidence. Join Shelagh Jones and Coach Stephanie Wood to discover creative choices with a body confidence coaching technique on their radio conversation. 

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November 23, 2018 Yes, You CAN Elevate Your Body Confidence During Festive Activities!

No matter what is going on around you, you can still partake and even enhance your Confidence and Intuition. Stay tuned to get tips and techniques that will help you maintain your wonderful self even when dressing up or even dressing down. These are the times that you can discover your true self no matter what is going on. Just listen to your intuition which is your Body’s Confidence! Time to SHINE! 

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November 16, 2018 How important is it to HAVE Body Confidence?

Unless you are sitting on a mountain top, away from civilization, then Confidence may not be important. But in the year of 2018, working and playing in our day to day life, body confidence can really make or break your day. So listen in and gain tips and techniques that can really make you relish every day with complete body confidence!

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November 9, 2018 Is your Head Talk Challenging Your Body talk?

Is Your Body Confidence becoming challenged when your Body Intelligence and your Head Intelligence are in a battle? This is a very common issue with all of us. But there are tricks and techniques in which to train your mind and body to work together to make you feel confident in every thing you do. Listen in on our conversation to learn what to do in this situation.

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November 2, 2019 Can Shaming Derail your Your Body Confidence?

Yes, Shaming can make you feel less Body Confidence, but only if you let it! Learn the tricks to maintaining your confidence and your well being no matter what is said to you. Remember, you are bringing that vibration to you… so first you have to change your mindset and then guess what? A whole new life opens up for you. Join Shelagh Jones and Coach Stephanie Wood to discover creative choices with a body confidence coaching technique on their radio conversation. Body Confidence happens when you take risk and learn from mistakes. Our interesting and intricate conversations confirm this.

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October 27, 2019 Making Better Choices, But HOW?

This is a common problem with the average person. How to make a decision and stick with it. Here’s the secret to making that right choice… listening to your body. Some might even say that you are listening to your Body’s Intuition. But, let’s be clear… if you don’t have that Body Confidence, then you will be second guessing your decisions. Get of board with your Body’s messages and tune in to your Body Confidence!

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October 19, 2018 Its all about Health, Your Body and You

Learn how to boost your Self -Worth and Body Confidence when your Body is in distress and not feeling well. Every ache and pain is simply a hint as to what is going wrong in the body. Pay attention and listen to what your body is trying to tell you. Taking that pain pill is simply telling the body to SHUT-UP. So listen, ask questions and let your body tell you what is wrong. Join Shelagh Jones and Coach Stephanie Wood to discover creative choices with a body confidence coaching technique on their radio conversation. Body Confidence happens when you take risk and learn from mistakes. Our interesting and intricate conversations confirm this.

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October 12, 2018 Exercise can be Exciting! Here’s how to make it wonderful!

Did you know that holding on to Exercise as a ‘should’ will get in the way of boosting your Self -Worth and Body Confidence? Join Shelagh Jones and Coach Stephanie Wood as they discuss ways that will make you love your exercise experience and actually help you to want to do it on a regular basis! Once you do this on a scheduled basis… watch the confidence levels rise to new depths! Body Confidence happens when you take risk and learn from mistakes. Our interesting and intricate conversations confirm this.

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October 5, 2018 Learn How to Have A Conversation with Your Body!

This week Coach Stephanie is coaching Shelagh on how to talk directly to her body in order to gain the knowledge she needs to build confidence. Join both coaches as they laugh and have fun because gaining confidence is all about enjoying life and your body. Did you know that having a ‘real’ conversation with your body will boost your Self -Worth and Body Confidence?

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October 1, 2018 Elevate your Confidence!

Learn how your Physical, Thought and Relationship environments either sabotage or elevate your Body Confidence with Shelagh Jones and Coach Stephanie Wood.

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September 21, 2018 – Inhibited from showcasing your talents to the world? Learn how to Boost your Self Worth and Body Confidence with Shelagh Jones and Coach Stephanie Wood.

Discover creative choices in this situation together in this radio conversation. Body Confidence happens when you take risk and learn from mistakes. Our interesting and intricate conversations confirm this.

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September 14, 2018 – Learn how to engage with your Body Confidence when you look in the mirror and you say ’how can I GO OUT and face the world ‘looking like this!’

Enjoy the conversation between Shelagh Jones and Coach Stephanie Wood. This is how Body Confidence comes alive and practical. Discover creative choices in this situation together. Body Confidence happens when you take risk and learn from mistakes. Our interesting and intricate conversations confirm this.

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September 8, 2018 – Learn how to Combat Fat Shaming with Your Renewed Body Confidence Practice

Enjoy the conversation between Shelagh Jones and Coach Stephanie Wood.This is how Body Confidence comes alive and practical.Discover creative choices in this situation together.Body Confidence happens when you take risk and learn from mistakes. Our interesting and intricate conversations confirm this. We want to hear your comments at our individual sites, Shelagh Jones and Stephanie Wood have the Tools and Techniques to create better Body Confidence!

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August 24, 2018 – Ouch! Body Shaming Just Bit Me!

What to do when Body Shaming bites into your Body Confidence? Coach Sharon Shriqui and Coach Stephanie Wood get into the basics of how to overcome body shaming and get the Body Confidence back into your day. Sounds hard… but it can be really easy using these precise principles. This is how Body Confidence comes alive and practical. Discover creative choices in this situation together. Body Confidence happens when you take risk and learn from mistakes. Our interesting and intricate conversations confirm this.

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August 17, 2018 – Health Challenges? Deal with them easily using your Body Knowledge

Learn how Health Challenges can be met with Knowing your Unique Body Knowledge. Health Challenges don’t have to be difficult or even scary. As a matter of fact, it’s a time of learning of what your body is trying to tell you. Join us with a wonderful show full of tips and techniques that will get you in tune with your Body Knowledge System. Enjoy the conversation between Shelagh Jones and Coach Stephanie Wood. This is how Body Confidence comes alive and practical. Discover creative choices in this situation together.

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August 10, 2018 – How do you have a Personal Relationship with Your Body?

Relationship with your Body? How do you do that? We know that sometimes life gets in the way and you can tune in to find out how to maintain the specific relationship with your body to achieve the self confidence you were born to have! It begin right here on Body Confidence! Enjoy the conversation between Shelagh Jones and Coach Stephanie Wood. This is how Body Confidence comes alive and practical. Discover creative choices in this situation together.

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July 27, 2018 – How to Be Mindful of Your Eating While Traveling

How to make better food choices when traveling. Learn some strategies to create better body confidence your way.

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July 21, 2018 – Do Barbie Dolls Reflect Realistic Bodies?

On Today’s show we talk about the unrealistic perception placed on us via the beautiful Barbie Doll. We discuss and ask if this is really better for your Body Confidence? And what does that tell young girls about their future confidence. Ok, so Barbie Dolls are as popular as ever. How do we change our perception to feel good and stop hiding behind our oversized clothing. Listen in as we get real about our weight and how our confidence can make us beautiful no matter our size.

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July 14, 2018 – Your Body’s Intelligence Defines What’s Good or Bad for You.

Your worthiness comes in different forms. Listening to your body’s intelligence can help you define what is good or bad for you. Hear what Coach Sharon and Coach Stephanie Wood explore within this conversation. Let’s discover creative choices in this situation together.

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July 7, 2018 – Ignoring your Body lately?

How does she (your body) respond if ignored? Is it negative or Positive? Learn the next step to create the body confidence you are really looking for. Let’s discover creative choices in this situation together.

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June 29, 2018 – Swimsuits can evoke Body Confidence or just the opposite

Hear what Coach Sharon and Coach Stephanie Wood explore within this conversation. How can we become more comfortable in a bathing suit during this summer season… Does it have to do with calming down the mind chatter? Listen and see!

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June 23, 2018 – Body Knowledge System Coaching Session

Learn how Body Knowledge System Styles helps align you with your body confidence while you make choices in different situations with eating choices. Coach Stephanie coaches Shelagh Jones to give great insight as to how a session will work for you. You are going to love this show!

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June 15, 2018 – Think of Aging As Evolving instead of a number.

Time to reframe the language of “aging” to “evolving.” Body Confidence comes easier when you change your words to match your vibration. We all age, but truth is aging IS evolving into every new phase of life. Let’s discover creative choices in this situation together. Body Confidence happens when you take risk and learn from mistakes. Our interesting and intricate conversations confirm this.

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May 25, 2018 – Encouraging Girls to forgive their mistakes!

Encouraging Girls to forgive their mistakes! In this show, we will learn how to take risks to elevate your Body Confidence. Shelagh talks about schools in the UK understanding that girls should be taught acceptance of their mistakes instead of focusing on perceived perfection that often cannot be achieved. This show talks about the validity of every person and that means everyone is perfect in their own way. This is how Body Confidence is achieved. Join us for a fun show where we focus on being positive on which to build confidence with you and your body!

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May 19, 2018 – Tattoo’s Equal Body Confidence?

Does a tattoo increase your sense of your own Body Confidence? Today’s show is all about the permanent or non permanent markings that we dress up our body with. Let’s discover what the art of creative choices may indicate to us.

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May 12, 2018 – Find what is right for you NOW as you age around Clothing, Sleep, Movement

Inside this podcast you will learn LOA and Body Knowledge principles to make Body Confidence part of your Lifestyle made easy! Let’s discover creative choices in this situation together.

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May 05, 2018 – Body Shaming Put to Rest

The conversation today is how great Athletes, Performers, and Advertisers squash body shaming to include all body types. Hear what works! Inside this episode, you will learn LOA and Body Knowledge principles to make Body Confidence part of your Lifestyle made easy! Let’s discover creative choices in this situation together.

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April 27, 2018 – Amy Schumer Gives US a Hit on the Head to Wake UP!

Sometimes we get great epiphanies how how to wake to the beauty within us. Today’s show is about waking up to the “I Feel So Pretty” scenario and keeping that positive spin going. Do we change our appearance to help us gain better Body Confidence on the inside OR do we reframe our thoughts on the inside to help us walk in the world on the outside. Listen in to hear what works!

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April 20, 2018 – Don’t Let Uncomfortable Events Come Between You and Your body

How to be aware when uncomfortable events -moments in time outside of your comfort zone – get in the way between you and your body being in sync. Find out what we mean because the conversation today is meant to get you and your body in relationship when you are in a different environment. Inside this podcast you will learn LOA and Body Knowledge principles to make Body Confidence part of your Lifestyle made easy! Let’s discover creative choices in this situation together. Remember there are times when you may feel out of sync with your Body’s image and Shelagh and Stephanie are here to get you back on track.

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April 14, 2108 – Self Acceptance through Movement

Movement creates the platform to make choices to empower your Self-Acceptance The conversation today is to comprehend how to initiate movement YOUR Way. Inside today’s show,  you will learn LOA and Body Knowledge principles to make Body Confidence part of your Lifestyle made easy.

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April 7, 2018 – Create Intention and Empower it With Movement

The conversation today is combining the LOA principle of creating an intention statement with the Body Knowledge System principle of combining the LOA principle Intention statement with movement. Inside this podcast you will learn LOA and Body Knowledge principles to make Body Confidence part of your Lifestyle made easy! Let’s discover creative choices in this situation together. Enjoy listening and feel free to give feedback at our Facebook page.

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Mar 23, 2018 – Different Coaching Styles Make a Great Team! 

Join our conversation today about exploring how Body confidence can be enhanced with experiencing the coaching styles of Shelagh Jones and Stephanie Wood. There are similarities and differences that are interesting to hear about. Inside this podcast you will learn LOA and Body Knowledge principles to make Body Confidence part of your Lifestyle made easy! Let’s discover creative choices in this situation together. Enjoy listening and feel free to give feedback at our Facebook page.

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March 9, 2018 – Does environmental changes affect your body Confidence?

The conversation today is exploring what happens when you move to a different physical location (environmental changes) and how you can enhance your Body Confidence by including your body with new creative options in this new environment. Inside this podcast you will learn LOA and Body Knowledge principles to make Body Confidence part of your Lifestyle made easy!

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February 17, 2018 – Enjoy Your Judgement and Then Turn It Around

Coach Stephanie talks about her secret of having a judgement today… and then works it out that… hey, it’s ok to judge for it’s the realization of it that helps you get straight! Great Show! Coaches Debi Talbert and Stephanie Wood have the Tools and Techniques to create better Body Confidence! Join us at the LOA Radio Network for Body Confidence Law of Attraction Style with Law of Attraction Principles weaved into the Body Knowledge System.

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February 2, 2018 – Change is INEVITABLE,Learn how to manage it.

The radio conversation today is exploring how to embrace CHANGE in different areas of your life. Inside this podcast you will learn LOA and Body Knowledge principles to make Body Confidence Changes part of your Lifestyle in a easy way doing it your way! Listen, learn and compare to choose your own path with what resonates from this conversation.

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January 26,2018 – Self Care Reward System!

Coach Stephanie Wood and Coach Debi Talbert talk about Debbie’s approach to a full focus planner that allows her to place her attention on what she wants… such as removing limiting beliefs or reaching her goals But it appears that Debbi is not gaining the reward aspect of it and Coach Stephanie asks pertinent questions that helps her find her rewards. Great Show!

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January 20,2018 – Here’s What to Do When Traveling for Your Body!

The conversation today is about what to do when you and your body are in different places and different time zones and with different people. Inside this podcast you will learn LOA and Body Knowledge principles to make Body Confidence part of your Lifestyle made easy! We have all been in environments that have made us feel uncomfortable or are different. Listen and learn. Coaches Debi Talbert and Stephanie Wood have the Tools and Techniques to create better Body Confidence.

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January 12, 2018 – Body Confidence – Doing It Your Way

The conversation today is about ‘Body confidence is up to you, doing it your way’ on this particular LOA Radio Podcast. So why not learn the Law of Attraction and Body Knowledge principles to make Body Confidence part of your Lifestyle made easy! Coaches Debi Talbert and Stephanie Wood have the Tools and Techniques to create better Body Confidence! Join us at the Law of Attraction Radio Network for Body Confidence Law of Attraction Style with Law of Attraction Principles weaved into the Body Knowledge System. Remember there are times when you may feel out of sync with your Body’s image and Debi and Stephanie are here to get you back on track. Identify with their stories to be inspired to move forward.

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January 5, 2018 – Speaking up’ for Yourself

Speaking up for yourself with your Body will enhance your Body Confidence shared in conversation on this particular LOA Radio Podcast.  So why not learn LOA and Body Knowledge principles to make Body Confidence part of your Lifestyle made easy! Coaches Debi Talbert and Stephanie Wood have the Tools and Techniques to create better Body Confidence. Join us at the LOA Radio Network for Body Confidence Law of Attraction Style with Law of Attraction Principles weaved into the Body Knowledge System.Remember there are times when you may feel out of sync with your Body’s image. Debi and Stephanie are here to get you back on track. Identify with their stories to be inspired to move forward.

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