
"Be yourself with your body; remember your body is your personal barometer."

No idea how to feel Body Confidence? Here is how

I am replying to your body confidence responses from my questionnaire (that you can take again or for those of you taking it for the 1st time cuz things change as you grow and learn)
As I hear from you, I want to include some observations from my one on one coaching sessions.


#2 To feel Body Confidence I need to…” I have no idea!”
This is the second question in the Body Confidence questionnaire and the answer most provided are a variation of “I have no idea!”

And this is the first challenge…it’s not about your head, your mind, your thought process, it’s always about your body.

Time out! Engage for 2 minutes to take this questionnaire

Body Confidence is not an idea, a mental image, a thought or even a vision, it’s about a feeling. And where do your feelings live? In your body.

So, how do you find that feeling?

If your answer to the second question referred to “knowing, or thinking” any of the mental verbs, that indicates the estrangement you have from your body.  To find your body confidence, refocus your attention to your body.

1.  First select a feeling you are comfortable with: happy, sad, mad, or glad. Those are the four categories psychologists identify with all of our human emotions. I’d put body confidence under “glad”. So, let’s start there.

‘Let’s engage with a coaching conversation (20 minutes, on me)’
Your results will take you on a new path and give you access to an uplifting body confidence coaching experience…on me or just call me now at 1-866-76-COACH/leave your cell phone number and we will connect and make a date.
Let’s hear what you have found out about yourself, then contact me (Stephanie) to get you where you want to be. I encourage you  Resume the Relationship with your body through your personal Body Knowledge System®.

2. Take a moment and locate that feeling within your body. The specific location is not important, just the realization that your body is the home to your familiar feelings of “glad.”  Try answering the second question with “I need to feel glad.”

Bring back the memory of the feeling glad and the experience that created that feeling. Hearing from an old friend, seeing a video of healthy puppies or kittens, feeling good after completing something you’ve been avoiding for too long, are just a few instances that summon up the “glad” emotion from your body.

Once you recognize that feeling, identifying it, it’s a very short step to re-discovering your body confidence, also resident in your body.

Ending the estrangement…

Those who practice their Body Knowledge System® are well on their way to recovering their birthright, the body confidence.

To your freedom,

Coach Stephanie

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