
"Allow your Body’s wisdom to take center stage in your dance of life."

New Basis for Body Confidence, Roxanne Gay’s “Hunger”


Bestselling author, Roxanne Gay’s guarantees a good read regardless of the subject matter. Her recent memoir, “Hunger” explores the modern overweight woman’s conflict between hiding behind dark, loose clothing, avoiding tight spots (airline seats, restaurant chairs), and all social events involving strangers.

From a recent review in “The Atlantic”: “Though her ability to reject society’s judgment of and contempt for overweight people, while being vulnerable enough to admit that she struggles with body positivity, inspires hopefulness nonetheless… At its best, it affords women, …the right to take up space they are entitled to, and to define what that means.” :

The author’s journey reveals common conflicts we all have with our bodies, regardless of its size or shape. The facts are well-known: hunger identifies a physical need for our survival. We cannot live without satisfying that need, so where do we draw the line between sustaining a healthy weight and the over compensation that results in fat?

Roxanne’s body knew where that line was, and perhaps if she had been more in touch with her physical self, she could have avoided crossing it. Her childhood trauma began the escape into extra calories. As a successful adult, she suffers the effects of the trauma in addition to her reaction to it: unhealthy weight gain.

The combination can be deadly, not only physically but also spiritually.

The Body Knowledge System® ends the estrangement from your body, your physical self. As soon as you resume communicating with her, listening to her rather than resenting her “betrayal”, it’s an “Aha!” experience. Your body knows what’s best for both of you, and she is ready, willing, and able to help you relieve your pain and fulfill your dreams.

Just ask her.

Contact Coach Stephanie for a Free Consultation

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