
"Dance is the hidden language of the Soul."

My Story Could be Your Story

DancerYears ago, I was fresh out of college . . . and with my drama degree in hand, I decided to up and move to New York City, unsure of what was next — but knowing that I had to do it and give it a shot.
But then reality set in.  In fact, it hit me over the head.  Standing in line after line, in the cold rain, in the dark alleys, always thinking, “This time it’ll be different . . . this time I’ll get the job.”
But every time . . . the loud faceless voice came from behind the lights and yelled, “GET OFF MY STAGE! …NEXT”.

Now THAT is rejection— Is it any wonder we all fear it?


Humiliated and discouraged…decided that I’d had enough.

I wasn’t myself anymore.  I was sad, I was tired, and I was hungry.

But there was NO WAY I was giving up on my dream of dancing, performing and choreographing. Then something inside told me, “You can make your dreams come true…just try it somewhere else.”

So, I did.



Dance freelyI crossed the river to New Jersey and started fresh.  
After experiencing so much, I decided it was time to create an environment where women didn’t have to experience the same rejection that I went through.

So I created choreographed dance/exercise routines held in Churches/ Temples/ Elks Clubs and Hotel conference rooms where I could have dance studios all over New Jersey and within a few months, I was leading hundreds of women to find the dancer inside themselves.

They were able to express who they were, in a safe place, without ANY fear of rejection.
They were getting fit and being happy with no outside judgment; pure bliss for them on the dance floor of life.



I want you to experience the same freedom that every single woman in those rooms felt.  Dance FreelyIt is time to cast off the chains that have enslaved your mind and your body for far too long.  It’s time to ditch the burden that weighs heavily on you each and every day.

This is about freedom with your body.

And because my life’s mission is to help women rid themselves of the chains and burdens that enslave their minds and bodies . . .
. . . I’m putting together a small, intimate, tightly-knit group of women who are ready to make that transition — from slavery to freedom.
If not now, when?

Sign up for a conversation with me (where you learn more about this sustainable, fun system).

Body Knowledge System® is a sustainable, fun system where you learn and practice tools and techniques where you craft life’s dances in all areas of your life to happily dance on the stage of Life!  Find out more!

Come aboard! Its time!  Make an appointment with me to have a conversation to make sure this path is right for you now.
