
"Speak up for your body!"

More Great Advice!

I’m sure over the years you have received some great advice or given it.

Well recently I decided to have a contest to see what great advice other Wellness Professionals might be willing to share. The contest was sent out through Self Growth a leading health and wellness site.

The contest had great responses and I want to share one with you that really spoke to me. It comes from Dr. Larry Waldman (Top Phoenix Psychologist):

“It is far easier to behave your way into a new feeling than to feel your way into a new behavior.”


Here’s an excerpt from his article: ‘Must You Feel Like it to Do it’

“Clearly, many of my depressed patients are operating under the notion they must feel like exercising before they can. One of my patients recently chided me: “Dr. Waldman, you don’t seem to understand. I’m depressed. When I feel better, I’ll go to the gym.” I responded: “I’m sorry; you’ve got it backwards. When you start going to the gym, you’ll feel better.” People who wait to feel like working out before they do, don’t work out too often.

Furthermore Larry explains ‘A cornerstone of behavioral psychology is: “It is far easier to behave your way into a new feeling than feel your way into a new behavior. Some mornings I don’t particularly feel like going to the gym, but I go anyway. Five minutes on the stationary bike and I’m glad I came. Push the proper behavior and the feeling soon follows.”

What wonderful advice…don’t you think? For direct questions to Larry F. Waldman, Ph.D, feel free to email him.

It’s important to feel good about yourself and communicate with your body within psychological tools and techniques that Larry has made us aware of.

I would love to hear your thoughts.
