
"Allow your Body’s wisdom to take center stage in your dance of life."

Mind vs. body (who wins?)

mind body

When you’re hungry or tired, do you listen to your body or to your mind first?

Here are a couple of examples so you know what I mean.


Scenario #1: When to Eat

Your body says: I’m hungry!

Your mind says: You’re going out to dinner in an hour and a half! You know you’re not supposed to eat before dinner!

Your body says: But I ran errands, worked out, and cleaned up the house!  I’m not gonna make it over here!

Your mind says: Please just hold out and wait for your Supper.
Who wins?


Scenario #2: When to Rest.

Your body says: I’m tired!

Your mind says: Tired? We have a plan, remember? You told me you’d walk the dog today!

Your body says: But I’ve walked the dog six days in a row! It’s Sunday, and I want a break!

Your mind says: A break? Are you kidding me? Get that word out of your vocabulary. We’ve gotta go, go, go!
Who wins this one?

Interesting scenarios huh? So what would you do if I told you I can help you make those negotiations with your mind and body a much easier process?

Yes, you are one in the same with your mind, body and spirit but each one has a different objective.  The Body Knowledge System™ can help you.  Contact me with your challenge and we can set up a free Healthier You Consultation at your convenience.

Learn how to answer this question for yourself – when I am hungry or tired, I will listen to _________.

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