
"Did you bring your body with you?"

Megyn (Kelly) vs Meghan (McCain): Fat Shaming, Again?


Last week on the “View” a kerfuffle occurred between two conservative on-air journalists referring to the “No Excuses” movement popular among new moms who are having trouble losing their “baby” weight. Since these women are on the same side of the political spectrum, what could go wrong?


Since they agree on politics, what was left to discuss?

Bodies, fat bodies, and not on politicians, no women’s bodies!

If you are an on-air personality, you are aware that the camera can add pounds to everyone’s body. However, men can cover it with a well-tailored suit, and more to the point, their value is not determined by the size of their bodies.

On the 50th anniversary of Barbie dolls becoming our cultural icon, apparently things haven’t changed as much we’d like in terms of our gender’s value to our culture.

After an off-hand remark by Megyn Kelly approving the “no excuses” fat shaming approach to motivation, she received so much negative backlash, she clarified her remarks the next day by insisting she loathes shaming of any kind directed at any body.

Meghan McCain whose response after the original comment indicated that Ms. Kelly was dead wrong, as she knows her size has nothing to do with her job performance, or the confidence she has in herself and her body.


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