
"Did you bring your body with you?"

How to listen to your body around food choices

Food choices

Do you feel like there is a missing link between you and your body when it comes to making food choices? What you eat creates the energy to move through your daily routines and interactions with your loved ones so it’s a pretty important decision.

BUT it has come to my attention that as we listen to experts that share their knowledge of nutrients and food choices, I realized they tend to sometimes ignore what our bodies really want.

So how can we join forces with these educators and our own body?

Find out what your Body Knowledge Style (from my Body Knowledge System®) is with creating food choices.  Enhance how you create your food choices between you, your body and the Experts.

Find out if you are Organized, Analytical, Spontaneous or Inspirational. Click here to take the short quiz! And by the way, you have all four styles in you but two will be most dominant.
Understanding your styles will help you listen to your body to make the best food choices between you and her.  Plus, when you submit the quiz I will give you a free blurb from my book on how to incorporate Body Knowledge System® styles into making the right food choices.

Have fun learning more about yourself!

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