
"Your body speaks up for you when you do not speak up for yourself."

Kesha Says…

2016 was a tough year for singing star, Kesha. In a recent interview with an online magazine, she discussed the negative effect the internet trolls and online criticism has had on her self-image. Having recently turned 30 years old, Kesha reflected on her relationship with other peoples’ opinions of her voice, her music, her body as they publicly expressed them on social media.

“There may have been so many positive ones but I always gravitate towards reading the negative ones,” Kesha said.

Does that sound familiar to you, too? I’m not an international singing star, but I have a wide personal and professional circle of social media contacts, and occasionally one of them chooses to take their personal pain out on me and my image. I may not even know the troll personally, but that doesn’t help removing the sting from the negative comment.

“I was making trolls and bullies the truth, making them my higher power,” Kesha continued. After spending a year reflecting on her life, her music, her body and herself, she discovered “strength in her vulnerabilities.” The pain Kesha’s body expressed when she focused on the online negativity, lead her to the solution. Finding peace with her self-image, she advised “Develop your own healthy relationship with the internet. Make sure you’re not hurting yourself with it.”

Your body will tell you through an emotionally painful reaction that you are allowing other people’s negativity into your space, your life. Through your body knowledge, you will sense the validity of the comments before they cause you emotional pain.

Kesha’s Three Steps for Social Media Sanity
Limit Your Exposure to Social Media
Focus on the present
Live in your real world, not cyberspace!

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