
"Speak up for your body!"

Instagram = Instashame? No more!


Facetime, Skype? When inventors added a video capability to telephones it did not take the market by storm…then. In the last century, people valued their privacy before their ability to “share” more than anyone wants to know about anyone other than themselves.

The 21st Century shifted our attention to “My Space”, then “Facebook”, and You Tube. These internet access platforms have made it impossible to hide beneath oversized clothing for those “fat” days, a baseball cap to cover bad hair days, and sunglasses to hide the saddle bags beneath saggy eye days.

Our initial reaction was to rush to diet/exercise programs, weight loss fads, expensive skin products and plastic surgery as a last resort.

Well, thankfully, the pendulum returned from the extreme to settle in the reasonable middle: acceptance.

As mature, intelligent women we embrace this reaction to total exposure. It’s the only thing that makes sense in this diverse world.

Total exposure left us vulnerable to trolls who take pleasure in putting others down to prop themselves up. Perhaps we can’t control others’ actions, but we can control our reactions.

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