
"Allow your Body’s wisdom to take center stage in your dance of life."

If the Suit Fits (#3 Cathe Series)

Mind Body BusinessLast week and the week before, I told you about one of my favorite clients, Cathe (not her real name), volunteering to open up and share her progress (and setbacks), her ups and downs, her challenges and triumphs during our coaching calls for a few weeks.

If you missed last week, no worries . . . you should be able to jump in the middle of the story no problem at my blog.

[These events and their outcomes will resonate with you. Perhaps you can identify with them and certainly you’ll learn from them beyond the value Cathe’s received. She learned to love her body and how to showcase her new self- image to create more prosperity in her business through our time together…]

***[This week (#3) Cathe realizes how her body is playing an integral part with her business decisions and continues to use some Body Knowledge System® tools to help her move forward]

Come to the call…
For a risk free peek into my coaching process with Cathe.

SW: So where do you want more clarity today?

Cathe: (happily) I, uh, “we” accepted the offer, and we’re going on the cruise.

SW: So what did you do differently from the last time we spoke?

Cathe: (with confidence) I moved more, and paid attention while moving.

SW: And?

Dance your DanceCathe: It’s not just about moving for motion’s sake…it’s about meaningful motion with intention. My dance, practicing it, not perfecting it, you know?

SW: (with humor) So sit-ups aren’t part of your practice?

Cathe: (laughs) They belong in my fitness program, not in my practice! When my body and I dance our dance, we move meaningfully and then we can hear what each other is saying. We exchange information through graceful, free flowing motions…that’s when I know this system is working.

SW: How did this conflict lead to a better understanding?

Cathe: Well, quite frankly conflict brought me to more understanding of knowing what she wanted for me at the same time what I wanted for myself. I thought about my choices during our practice. It was neat to notice how my mind & body considered our options, the advantages and the disadvantages of going or not going, helping me make our decision.

SW: (curious) Did the answer come quickly?

Cathe: (laughs) No way! My body was pissed at me for neglecting her in the most meaningful way…not consulting with her when the issue first came up. Instead, I excluded her.

SW:  (verifying) By keeping it to yourself, in your head?

Cathe: My mind focused on what I knew to do: to eat less and move more. She sure fooled me, didn’t she?

SW: She did a great job of getting your attention by making you feel uncomfortable in your clothes.

Cathe: (knowingly) Communicating in the only way she knew how, now that we had lost touch with each other. Separating myself from her, being unaware of her, and not bothering to listen to her input came from my head… not her heart.

SW: (smiling) Her heart is your heart. Your head is her head.

Cathe: Next week, I want to explore how to gain more confidence with my cruise presentation.

Message: Your body always supports your best interests. Your body ALWAYS tells the truth.

Learn to listen to your body, befriend your body, benefits both of you!

You can experience the same thing by joining this teleclass…for a risk-free peek into my coaching process.

January 29, 2013 at 3pm Eastern – Learn that the “E” Word (Exercise) is Easy and Fun

  • Learn how to naturally incorporate exercise into your pre-existing lifestyle.

****Coming in March: Magic Recipes for your Business Passion and Inner Health****

Look for next week’s transcript with Cathe to read about her progress in our coaching calls.

Why not come to the teleclass this month or contact me directly today for a no-cost Healthier You session.


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