
"As we recognize our body's intelligence and wisdom, we are in integrity."

How to survive the Holidays with your waist line intact!


Coach Stephanie has a gift for you that guarantees you will not only survive the parties, dinners, eggnog, cookies, candies, you will enjoy them, too!

Simply click this link, (to the Hunger Scale on the website) download the single page of instructions. Post them where you can refer to them during your holiday events when you need some guidance around the delicious holiday food and drink you encounter at the parties you give and those you attend.

This list is the guidepost for all successful practitioners of the Body Knowledge System®. After the lines of communication are open between you and your body, you will no longer need to refer to the list to know its contents. You will simply listen to your body’s wisdom and make the right choices for both of you!

Enjoy your holidays!

Coach Stephanie!

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