
"Speak up for your body!"

How to Practice Your Passions [made easy]

Here is a question I would love for you to ponder:
Have you thought about how rituals can add value to your daily life?
Ritual Definition = Practicing a ritual simply means doing something over and over again. It could be a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, etc. We practice rituals to try to achieve a goal or get better at something.
For some of us, getting started with rituals can be difficult. It’s easy to find excuses that stop us from practicing (it’s too cold, I’m too tired, etc.)Or some of us have incorporated rituals into our lifestyle, and we force ourselves to do it without having fun.
(Stop here and take our Ritual Questionnaire to receive our three part series on How to Love Rituals!)




We spend our time doing the things that matter most to us. Rituals are a good way of prioritizing your life to make sure you’re making the most of what you want out of life.
If you don’t practice something, what you’re saying about that thing is that it doesn’t matter to you.
So… identify something that meets the following three criteria:
-It makes you happy
-It’s easy to put in your schedule
-It’s important to you
And let’s get you started with your ritual!




Personal Story #1:
I have a friend whose mom got a FitBit for Christmas. Her ritual is to walk 10,000 steps every day. It’s how she makes sure she’s staying active. Her son has the same desire – to stay active. But his ritual is to walk his dog every day! They’re always changing up the length and routes of the walks, but they’re still staying active.  A ritual will not look the same for everyone. And that’s okay! Figure out what works for you.
Personal Story #2
A friend of mine told me about a buddy of his who wanted to spend more time with God. He asked my friend what he should do to make sure he spends more time with God.My friend’s advice was simple:
Set a reminder on your phone to read your Bible every morning at 7am. And don’t do anything else until you’re done.
Sometimes, the key to a successful ritual is just getting started, and committing yourself to do it. Eventually, it’ll become a practice and you’ll learn to love it!
Personal Story #3:
A while back, I decided to try the Zone Diet. I thought it would be great – have food delivered to me, I would not have to cook, etc. But, when the food arrived, it was never what I wanted!  I tried to incorporate this diet as a ritual. It didn’t work for me. But rather than just “grit my teeth and bare it”, I made an adjustment to getting back into my ritual of listening to my body and giving her what she really wanted to nourish herself with on a daily basis.




I encourage you to Focus on the practice versus the outcome. Check in on the outcome every once and a while to make sure you’re on track, but other than that, just enjoy yourself!
Remember to be flexible! If something comes up, go attend to that, and find time for your ritual later in the day.

If you want practical next steps for how to incorporate this into your life, take this questionnaire now.

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