
"As we recognize our body's intelligence and wisdom, we are in integrity."

How to break FREE from Body Shaming


ATTENTION: Fat Shamers Lack Body Confidence!

What purpose does Fat Shaming have for those pointing judgmental fingers at other women who do not fit the skinny body shape championed on the runway, on film and in the media?

Those with true Body Confidence do not put others down in order to feel better about themselves. They realize that the fashion industry prefers living clothes hangars to best show off the designer’s creations.

For those of you with true Body Confidence from your body knowledge appreciate the gifts your body provide for yourself to achieve your goals, express your love and gratitude, and feel good in your own skin.

Here is how you get to know your body confidence( no judgement)


Your Body Knowledge inspires Body Confidence as you practice your unique dance and dance their practice.

What does this mean? And how do we do it in a practical way?


The assurance of your own self worth does not need to look elsewhere for support and knowing you have me as your Body Confidence Coach creates the environment to move forward.Again Want to learn how to do this Body Confidence?

Read further RE:short and sweet


For the survivors of Fat Shaming, Eleanor Roosevelt said it best:
‘No one can shame you without your permission’

Anyone who embraces their body as their BFF, all impulses to judge anyone else for any reason dissolves as their Body Confidence increases.


Here is you Body Knowledge System® Coaching from Stephanie:

When you perceive someone is attempting to shame you or your body, take a moment, step back, and consider others’ opinions belong to them and have nothing to do with your life, your reality.

This realization opens the door to your Body Confidence. Your body knowledge is the positive energy exchanged between you and your BFF, your body. That energy attracts good things into your life, because you are putting out good energy to your world.  Express your Body Confidence from your unique body knowledge.

Yes, you read the above, Let’s go through the steps together to practice your body knowledge when necessary…

You have a unique body knowledge. Yes?

So isn’t time to put your body knowledge into play and Take the Body confidence check in( only 5 simple questions)


Let’s do this together☺

To your freedom,

Coach Stephanie

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