
"You are allowed to disagree with your body."

How does Body Confidence affect your choices?


Body Confidence applies to your choices in all areas of you life.

When your decisions come from Body Confidence the outcomes are always positive.


Because those choices are a result of you plus your BFF sensing what is the best course of action for both of you.

If your expectations of the outcome differ from the result of a specific choice, perhaps it’s the expectation that is at fault.

Perhaps it’s time to examine the reality of your expectation rather than pass judgment on the outcome.

Those of us who endorse the positive aspects of the law of attraction always add the phrase “or something better” to our expectations.

Even though the outcome may dismay you at the time, be patient, as eventually you will see and understand the benefits in store for you as receive  ‘something better’.

What part does Body Confidence play in this scenario?

Certainty, Belief, Faith, Trust, Conviction in the better outcome: that assurance is body confidence and is accomplished when you and your BFF, your body work together to achieve your vision for the future.

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