
"Speak up for your body!"

No weight gain during the holidays. Yes it’s possible!

Holiday stressIt’s true that for some folks, the Fall season is the “most wonderful time of the year”.  But for others, it’s also the “most fattening time of the year”.

My question to you: Why does it have to be one way or the other?

Maybe you’re worried about gaining the five, dreaded holiday pounds.  Maybe you’re torn between enjoying all of those holiday goodies . . .

. . . and worrying about if you’d ever recover from your indulgence.

The holidays can be wonderful, but also stressful on many levels.

However, with the right practices in place, you can:

  • Say NO to weight gain over the Holidays
  • Stop the struggle between your body and your food
  • Learn how to make this part of your lifestyle forever
  • And avoid the holiday stress!

So, I’m offering a 90 minute Lifestyle Holiday Retreat on Saturday November 10th at 2:30pm Etd to help you zero in on solving the challenges specific to this special time of year. You’ll get the information you need . . . exactly when you need it.

Sign up here!

In this class we will:

  • Address the areas around food, exercise, & family relationships that help us feel good or bad.
  • Learn three specific Body Knowledge System® skills to help you find the choices that fit you.
  • Have time for you to ask questions and get guidance on your needs.

If you’re tired of just “getting through” the holidays, then free yourself and join me for a 90 minute Teleseminar by telephone, in the comfort of your own home on November 10th 2012 starting at 2:30 pm Eastern.


When you sign up before October 26th you will also receive a no cost ‘Healthier You’ Session with me. Schedule it now. Again you must sign up before October 26th to receive this session for absolutely no cost.  It’s my holiday gift to you.

PS. Can’t stand the weight gain and want to enjoy the Holiday Season? Then read on….

Let’s begin to be best friends with our bodies…

Here is what I know to be true:-)

  • As you maintain communication with your body, you’ll discover your style by applying principles that will liberate you and away from other peoples’ standards.
  • You will shift your emphasis from outside yourself and your body back where it originated and still belongs: within yourself.
  • As you practice being more clear about your relationship with your body, you can adapt to any event.
  • You will see life benefits that extend beyond what you had considered pertaining only to the body— exercise and eating. You may see that you deeply enjoy your work when you are in an authentic, thriving partnership with your body. You may find more sacred connections in your everyday life— connections that weren’t apparent before.

Sign up today!

To your Health and Happiness,


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