
"Speak up for your body!"

Happy New Year: Reset Your Body Clock!


We all have a body clock, but it usually refers to our age and how time affects our body’s abilities to perform certain activities in peak form.

The Body Knowledge System’s® clock refers to our internal timing on a day to day basis.

Body Knowledge System practitioners know all about timing, because they work with their bodies to determine the perfect moment to begin and to end activities. Because of the constant communication between their minds and their bodies, together they set themselves up to succeed.

We acknowledge that good timing is essential to achieving our goals. Some of us use our education and intellect to determine our activity scheduling, others rely entirely on instinct, our “gut” feelings.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to use the power behind both to decide what to do and when to do it?

When you learn to communicate with your BFF on a regular basis your confidence in acting with perfect timing is assured, as is your assurance in the successful* outcome for your efforts.

*Please note, when I say “successful” I’m referring to the outcome that is in YOUR best interests, which may or may not be the outcome you desire, or expect. Another benefit of Body Confidence as the result of BKS.

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