
"Allow your Body’s wisdom to take center stage in your dance of life."

FEEL BEAUTIFUL FAST! From Body Pity to Body Proud!

fear of shopping

Get over your body anxiety.  Discover your body confidence.

Take Action

To deal with the anxiety you feel about your body, you spend some time with her.

1) Find a Mirror

Look at yourself. Think of your body as a friend, and not an enemy.

Then SMILE at Your Body, because she’s smiling at YOU!

2) Talk with your Body

Be honest about your worries and concerns with her.

Maybe you feel, “Yuck, my baby weight is still there…”

Maybe you’ll start picking on her, “Thighs, elephant knees, where did my lap go?”

Maybe you see a few things you like. “Well, I still have my waist…”

Be honest about these words and emotions.

3) Learn to Listen to your Body

What does your body need from you?

“Next time, take the stairs.”

“I could use more water…”

Remember NO BODY is perfect!


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