
"You are allowed to disagree with your body."

Fake Feminist?


Robbie Tripp “tripped” up Instagram over the weekend when he posted an extended comment in praise of his wife, Sarah’s curvy body. Some have criticized his praise as self-aggrandizing, others as drawing attention to himself as a hero, rather than a sincere expression of appreciation for his wife’s physical assets.

When interviewed further about the controversy his popular post created, he said his intention was pure. He wanted to show all the women who have lost their body confidence because of the media pressure that they should be other than they are.

What a positive message!

So we who practice the Body Knowledge System® support Robbie’s message and the intention behind it!

What was your reaction to Robbie’s public praise of his wife’s body?

  1. A smile, a feel-good feeling, and a comment of support formulated in your thoughts or a response?
  2. A stab of jealousy that your significant other doesn’t feel the same, or if he or she agreed, they would never say so publicly?
  3. Anger at a MAN pre-empted his wife’s message?

If your answer was #2 or #3, you might ask yourself how you feel about your own body, then contact me, Coach Stephanie to shift the negative reaction to one of enthusiastic positive!

Oh, and please don’t miss my next post about emotional media

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