
"Speak up for your body!"

[Entrepreneurs Unite!] Why not watch a 15-minute video about Branding

I invite you to listen to myself with my favorite colleague Barry Shore where I coach him around the idea of Branding. 

It is a topic I explore in my new book “The Body Knowledge Entrepreneur How to navigate your Unique Style for Business Success.”

Footnote from Stephanie: Watch and listen how I Coach Barry with a practice from my Body Knowledge Entrepreneur playbook.  Barry’s challenge today is understanding how to coach his clients better around creating their Brand. Now Barry is a seasoned Coach himself and will interject his coaching philosophies as we move through our time together. My intention is to showcase both of our coaching styles. So, enjoy and take from our coaching conversation whatever suits you. 

After Listening

I invite you to participate with my OASIS Entrepreneurial Style Assessment (takes 7 minutes, not even).

Let us talk about how this all applies to you!

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