
"Did you bring your body with you?"

[Entrepreneurs Unite] Inside a Coaching Session

Stephanie’s emphasis for any entrepreneur is Intention

“With your intention in mind, let your dance reflect it. If your intention is to lead with grace and assertiveness, move with a blend of poise and power. If your intention is to shatter stereotypes, let your movements be bold and transformative. As you dance, your body becomes a living embodiment of your commitment to combating disrespect.

Allow your intention to permeate your thoughts and emotions. Let it resonate within you like a mantra, infusing your dance with purpose and meaning. With each motion, remind yourself that you’re the orchestrator of this dance, the driving force behind your journey to conquer disrespect.”

Client Challenge and ‘Ha-Ha!’(Revelation)

Client: I have struggled with people pleasing my whole life. I feel like I end up absorbing so much in an effort to make everyone at work feel happy. I’m exhausted and catering to everyone is holding me back.

Stephanie: You’re dancing to someone else’s tune right now. Let’s get you back in sync with your body so you can find your own.

Client: I am ready to begin.

Stephanie: Let’s start with your intention. What would that sound like? Give me a short sentence please.

Client: Ugh. ‘I just hope I can learn how to stick up for myself.’

Stephanie: Let’s explore reframing your language with more definitiveness: Your turn:

Client: ‘Sticking up for myself empowers me!’ This feels and sounds better.

Stephanie: Okay, Let’s try describing how you’d show up if you had no fear! 

Client: ‘I intend to show up boldly, to know what I want, what I need and to act those things out in a kind but firm way!’ Now these words inspire me!  And Yes Stephanie! I remember what to do next…dance and move with my words! Plus moving with the words of my Intention makes my intention stronger and believable so that my mind and body remember the feeling of my Intention. 

(The Body Knowledge Dance) The Body Knowledge Entrepreneur: How to Navigate your Unique Style for Business Success.

One more step-Now it is your turn

Finding out about your style to move forward with all your business challenges.

Let’s now make a date for your customized coaching session. 

To your freedom,

Coach Stephanie

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